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Created March 4, 2019 23:12
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Island AppOps crash log
03-05 07:05:03.496 2425 9810 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
03-05 07:05:03.496 2425 9810 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
03-05 07:05:03.502 21210 21210 E asisfeng.islan: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-05 07:05:03.502 21210 21210 V Riru : location_report_enabler: forkAndSpecializePost
03-05 07:05:03.552 21210 21210 W asisfeng.islan: Can't mmap dex file /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar!classes.dex directly; please zipalign to 4 bytes. Falling back to extracting file.
03-05 07:05:03.580 21210 21210 I Users : Profiles: [UserHandle{11}]
03-05 07:05:03.593 2425 13433 D SecurityLogMonitor: Attempted to resume, but logging is not paused.
03-05 07:05:03.609 21210 21210 I API.Activity: API request:;action=com.oasisfeng.island.action.FREEZE;launchFlags=0x3800000;component=com.oasisfeng.island/.api.ApiActivity;B.always=false;end
03-05 07:05:03.610 21210 21210 W API : Never use implicit intent or explicit intent with component name for API request, use Intent.setPackage() instead.
03-05 07:05:03.623 21210 21210 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.oasisfeng.island, PID: 21210
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: The method 'java.lang.String$PackageOps.getPackageName()' was expected to be of type static but instead was found to be of type virtual (declaration of 'com.oasisfeng.island.appops.AppOpsHelper' appears in base.apk)
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.appops.AppOpsHelper.lambda$saveAppOps$0(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.appops.-$$Lambda$AppOpsHelper$DWr4Znk_28Ymvr9pwQMpl1UKU2I.test(Unknown Source:4)
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at$2$1.accept(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.appops.AppOpsHelper.saveAppOps(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.util.DevicePolicies.setApplicationHidden(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.engine.IslandManager.ensureAppHiddenState(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.api.ApiDispatcher.lambda$dispatch$0(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.api.-$$Lambda$ApiDispatcher$rc2aOkvIinvrb0wylxPLtm1bZaE.test(Unknown Source:4)
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.api.ApiDispatcher.lambda$processPackageUri$2(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.api.-$$Lambda$ApiDispatcher$Cg6dt-KfDSdfAd8p7J0zsnfy7xQ.test(Unknown Source:4)
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at$2$1.accept(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at$3$1.accept(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at$2$1.accept(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at java9.util.DelegatingSpliterator$ConsumerDelegate.accept(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.Spliterators$ArraySpliterator.forEachRemaining(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at java9.util.DelegatingSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.api.ApiDispatcher.processPackageUri(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.api.ApiDispatcher.dispatch(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.api.ApiActivity.onIntent(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at com.oasisfeng.island.api.ApiActivity.onCreate(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at$H.handleMessage(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at$
03-05 07:05:03.624 21210 21210 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-05 07:05:03.667 21210 21210 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
03-05 07:05:03.685 21210 21228 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 14710
03-05 07:05:03.685 21210 21228 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-05 07:05:03.685 21210 21228 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
03-05 07:05:03.685 21210 21228 I FA : adb shell setprop com.oasisfeng.island
03-05 07:05:03.690 21210 21228 E FA : AppMeasurementReceiver not registered/enabled
03-05 07:05:03.691 21210 21228 E FA : Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled
03-05 07:05:03.697 21210 21232 W Fabric : Could not call getAdvertisingIdInfo on
03-05 07:05:03.697 21210 21232 W Fabric : Could not call getId on$Info
03-05 07:05:03.698 21210 21232 W Fabric : Could not call getAdvertisingIdInfo on
03-05 07:05:03.698 21210 21232 W Fabric : Could not call isLimitAdTrackingEnabled on$Info
03-05 07:05:03.748 21210 21228 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used
03-05 07:05:03.760 21210 21240 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
03-05 07:05:03.762 2425 15801 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.oasisfeng.island/.api.ApiActivity
03-05 07:05:03.767 2425 2495 I ActivityManager: Showing crash dialog for package com.oasisfeng.island u11
03-05 07:05:03.781 2425 2494 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to
03-05 07:05:03.781 2425 2494 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
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