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rename files downloaded from internet with filename incorrectly URL-encoded
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import os
import sys
import os.path
import re
def filtered(dirpath, filename):
return filename.endswith( ('.avi','.wmv','.mp4','.mkv','.rmvb') )
def rename(filename):
fn = filename.replace('+',' ').replace('%5B','[').replace('%5D',']').replace('%28','(').replace('%29',')')
#TODO: make a general %xx to char replace?
return re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', fn) #not usable as ruby's gsub
#Use " ." cannot get 1st argument '.'
#But if changed to "C:\Python27\python .", can got the '.', doesn't know why
if len(sys.argv)<>2:
print "Usgae %s <base_dir>" % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1])
base_dir = sys.argv[1]
recursive = False
print "base_dir=[%s], recursive=[%s]" % (base_dir, str(recursive))
for dirpath, subdirnames, filenames in os.walk(base_dir, topdown=True):
os.chdir( dirpath )
#Fuck, why cannot use `cwd`(c will means change)?
if not recursive:
for filename in filenames:
if filtered(dirpath, filename):
newfilename = rename(filename)
print "rename %s to %s" % (filename, newfilename)
os.rename(filename, newfilename)
pass #TODO
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