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Last active December 24, 2015 09:29
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Using Expose library to write select statements with inner and outer joins
object Users : Table() {
val id = varchar("id", length = 10).id() // PKColumn<String, Users>
val name = varchar("name", length = 50) // Column<String, Users>
val requiredCityId = integer("required_city_id").references( // FKColumn<Int, Users>
val optionalCityId = integer("optional_city_id").references( // FKOptionColumn<Int, Users>
val all = id + name + requiredCityId + optionalCityId // Template4<Users, String, Int, Int?> Select template
val values = id + name + requiredCityId + optionalCityId // Template4<Users, String, Int, Int?> Insert template
object Cities : Table() {
val id = integer("id").id().generated() // GeneratedPKColumn<Int, Cities>
val name = varchar("name", 50) // Column<String, Cities>
val all = id + name // Template2<Cities, Int, String> Select template
val values = name // Column<String, Cities>
( + Users.requiredCityId * forEach {
val (userName, cityName) = it // String, String
println("$userName's required city is $cityName")
// SQL: SELECT, FROM Users INNER JOIN Cities ON Users.required_city_id =
( + Users.optionalCityId * forEach {
val (userName, cityName) = it // String, String?
if (cityName != null) {
println("$userName's optional city is $cityName")
} else {
println("$userName has no optional city")
// SQL: SELECT,,, FROM Users LEFT JOIN Cities ON Users.optional_city_id =
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