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Created December 18, 2012 06:36
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from PIL import Image
class CTImage(object):
def rotate(self, degree):
self._img = self._img.rotate(degree, expand=True)
(self.width,self.height) = self._img.size
return self
def orientation(self):
exif = self._img._getexif()
if exif is None:
return 0
orientation = 0x0112
return exif[orientation]
def orientation_fix(self):
Fixes device orientation
device_pos = self.orientation
if device_pos == 3 :
return True
if device_pos == 6 :
return True
if device_pos == 8 :
return True
return False
if ctimage.orientation_fix():
instance = image.instance
instance.original_width = ctimage.width
instance.original_height = ctimage.height
instance.original_orientation = ctimage.orientation
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