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/* font weight */
.font-weight-100 { font-weight:100 !important}
.font-weight-300 { font-weight:300 !important}
.font-weight-400 { font-weight:400 !important}
.font-weight-600 { font-weight:600 !important}
.font-weight-700 { font-weight:800 !important}
.font-weight-800 { font-weight:800 !important}
/* text property */
.text-transform-unset { text-transform:unset !important}
.text-decoration-underline { text-decoration:underline !important; }
.word-wrap { word-wrap: break-word}
.word-wrap-normal { word-wrap: normal !important}
.text-transform-none {text-transform:none !important}
.text-transform-uppercase {text-transform: uppercase !important}
/* text color */
.white-text{ color:#FFF}
.white-text a { color:#FFF}
.magenta-text{ color:#d94378}
.orange-text{ color:#ff513b}
.orange-light-text{ color:#ef824c;}
.deep-red-text{ color:#e75e50}
.red-text { color:#d50f0f}
.body-text { color:#626262}
.black-text{ color:#000}
/* ===================================
Background color
====================================== */
.bg-white{ background: #fff}
.bg-yellow{ background: #e6af2a }
.bg-deep-yellow{ background: #f7f5e7 }
.bg-golden-yellow{ background: #c3bd86 }
.bg-fast-yellow{ background: #fdd947 }
.bg-dark-gray{ background: #252525 }
.bg-mid-gray{ background: #d4d4d4 }
.bg-black{ background:#000000 }
.bg-green{ background: #70bd5b }
.bg-gray { background: #f6f6f6}
.bg-yellow-ochre { background: #997546}
.bg-deep-brown{ background: #544441}
.bg-transparent { background:transparent}
.bg-orange { background:#c24742}
.bg-deep-orange { background:#f15a22}
.bg-fast-orange { background:#ff513b}
.bg-pink { background:#c2345f}
.bg-deep-red { background:#e75e50 }
.bg-red { background:#d21616 }
.bg-deep-pink { background:#e53878}
.bg-light-pink { background:#dc378e}
.bg-fast-pink { background:#ff1a56 }
.bg-magenta { background:#d94378 }
.bg-light-yellow {background:#f8f7f5 }
.bg-dark-green{ background:#60a532}
.bg-dark-blue { background:#3273a5}
.bg-violet { background:#6c407e}
.bg-light-gray { background: #f8f7f7 }
.bg-light-gray2 { background: #f4f4f4 }
.bg-light-gray3 { background: #fcfcfc }
.bg-slider {background: rgba(27, 22, 28, 0.9)}
.parallax-gray-bg{ background: rgba(246,246,246,1)}
.bg-blck-overlay{ background: rgba(0,0,0,0.85) }
.bg-light-orange { background-color: #ef824c; }
.bg-inherit { background-color: inherit;}
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