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Created June 12, 2024 17:12
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skinparam actorStyle awesome
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title: Cas d'utilisation Formation Assu-CRM
actor "Formateur" as trainer #pink;line:red;text:red
note bottom of trainer : Olivier : Concepteur Pédagogique
actor "Responsable Produit Formation" as productOwner #lightgreen;line:green;text:green
note bottom of productOwner : Emmanuel : Product Owner
actor "Partie Prenante" as stakeholder #orange;line:red;text:orange
note bottom of stakeholder : Pierre-Louis : Stackholder
actor "Apprenant" as apprentice #darkgray;line:darkgray;text:darkgrey
note bottom of apprentice : Client Assu-CRM
rectangle "Organisme Formateur\n" {
usecase "Conception" as uc_conception
usecase "Session" as uc_session
usecase "Mentorat" as uc_mentorat
usecase "Coaching" as uc_coaching
usecase "APP" as uc_app
usecase "LMS" as uc_lms
rectangle "<<Produit Formation Assu-CRM>>"{
usecase "SPG" as uc_spg
usecase "SPD" as uc_spd
usecase "Fiche resources" as uc_fiche_resources
usecase "évaluations" as uc_evaluations
usecase "Support Pédagogique" as uc_support_pedagogique
usecase "Support d'Animation" as uc_support_animation
trainer --> uc_conception #blue;line:blue;text:blue : Crée
trainer --> uc_session #crimson;line:crimson;text:crimson : Anime
trainer --> uc_mentorat #brown;line:brown;text:brown : Good practicing
trainer --> uc_coaching #darkviolet;line:darkviolet;text:darkviolet : Individual Practicing
trainer --> uc_app #midnightblue;line:midnightblue;text:midnightblue : S'améliore
trainer --> uc_lms #red;line:red;text:red : Intègre
productOwner --> uc_conception #darkgreen;line:darkgreen;text:darkgreen : Demande
stakeholder --> uc_conception #black;line:black;text:black : Update
apprentice --> uc_session #maroon;line:maroon;text:maroon : Participe
apprentice --> uc_mentorat #darkslategray;line:darkslategray;text:darkslategray : Participe
apprentice --> uc_coaching #grey;line:grey;text:grey : Participe
(uc_conception) --|> (uc_spg)
(uc_conception) --|> (uc_spd)
(uc_conception) --|> (uc_fiche_resources)
(uc_conception) --|> (uc_evaluations)
(uc_conception) --|> (uc_support_pedagogique)
(uc_conception) --|> (uc_support_animation)
(uc_lms) .> (uc_support_pedagogique) #teal;line:teal;text:teal : include
(uc_lms) .> (uc_evaluations) #darkgreen;line:darkgreen;text:darkgreen : include
footer: **SPG : Scénario Pédagogique Global.**\n**SPD : Scénario Pédagogique Détaillé.**\n**APP : Analyse des Pratiques Professionnelles.**\n**LMS : Learning Management System**\n**CTO : Chief Technique Officer.**
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