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Created October 12, 2018 11:20
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//use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
//use tokio::prelude::*;
//use futures::Stream;
//use futures::{Future};
extern crate nix;
use std::thread;
use std::fs::File;
use std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd;
use std::io::prelude::*;
// use dlopen::raw::Library;
use hi::{str_err};
pub static HI_SUCCESS: i32 = hi::HI_SUCCESS as i32;
static ALIGN_WIDTH: u32 = 64;
extern "C" { # [ link_name = "sensor_register_callback" ] pub fn sensor_register_callback() -> i32; }
extern "C" { # [ link_name = "sensor_unregister_callback" ] pub fn sensor_unregister_callback() -> i32; }
fn main() {
unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_SYS_Exit() };
unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_VB_Exit() };
let mut vb_conf = hi::VB_CONF_S {
u32MaxPoolCnt: 128,
astCommPool: [
hi::hiVB_CONF_S_hiVB_CPOOL_S {
u32BlkCnt: 0,
u32BlkSize: 0,
acMmzName: [0;16usize]
}; 16usize]
vb_conf.astCommPool[0].u32BlkSize = 3159360;
vb_conf.astCommPool[0].u32BlkCnt = 10;
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_VB_SetConf(&vb_conf) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_VB_SetConf failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let supplement_conf = hi::VB_SUPPLEMENT_CONF_S {
u32SupplementConf: 1,
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_VB_SetSupplementConf(&supplement_conf) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_VB_SetSupplementConf failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_VB_Init() };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_VB_Init failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let sys_conf = hi::MPP_SYS_CONF_S {
u32AlignWidth: ALIGN_WIDTH,
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_SYS_SetConf(&sys_conf) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_SYS_SetConf failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_SYS_Init() };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_SYS_Init failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
// ===========
// let fd = std::fs::File::open("/dev/hi_mipi");
// ioctl_none_bad!(tiocnxcl, libc::TIOCNXCL);
// let file = File::open("/dev/hi_mipi").unwrap();
// use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
// let fd = unsafe { tiocnxcl(file.as_raw_fd()) };
use nix::fcntl::OFlag;
let fd = nix::fcntl::open( "/dev/hi_mipi", OFlag::O_RDWR, nix::sys::stat::Mode::empty(), );
if fd.is_err() { panic!("warning: open hi_mipi dev failed {:?}", fd.err()); }
let fd = fd.unwrap();
//println!("=============set_mipi_attr wdr_mode: {:?}\n", vi_config.wdr_mode);
let mipi_cmos3_v3_attr = hi::combo_dev_attr_t {
input_mode: hi::input_mode_t::INPUT_MODE_CMOS_33V,
__bindgen_anon_1: hi::combo_dev_attr_t__bindgen_ty_1 {
mipi_attr: hi::mipi_dev_attr_t {
lane_id: [0i16; 8],
raw_data_type: hi::raw_data_type_e::RAW_DATA_8BIT,
let combo_dev_attr = &mipi_cmos3_v3_attr;
// #define HI_MIPI_IOC_MAGIC 'm'
// #define HI_MIPI_SET_DEV_ATTR _IOW(HI_MIPI_IOC_MAGIC, 0x01, combo_dev_attr_t)
// if (ioctl(fd, HI_MIPI_SET_DEV_ATTR, pstcomboDevAttr))
const HI_MIPI_IOC_MAGIC: u8 = b'm';
ioctl_write_ptr!(hi_mipi_set_dev_attr, HI_MIPI_IOC_MAGIC, 0x01, hi::combo_dev_attr_t);
// let res = unsafe { libc::ioctl(fd, request_code_write!(HI_MIPI_IOC_MAGIC, 0x01, std::mem::size_of::<hi::combo_dev_attr_t>()), combo_dev_attr) };
let res = unsafe { hi_mipi_set_dev_attr(fd, combo_dev_attr).unwrap() };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("set mipi attr failed");
//let _ = unsafe{ tiocnxcl(fd) };
let _ = nix::unistd::close(fd);
// ===========
// let lib_path = "";
// let lib = Library::open(lib_path).expect("Could not open library " + lib_path);
// sensor_register_callback
let res = unsafe{ sensor_register_callback() };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("sensor_register_callback failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let isp_dev = 0 as hi::ISP_DEV;
let mut lib = hi::ALG_LIB_S {
acLibName: *b"hisi_ae_lib\0 ",
s32Id: 0,
lib.s32Id = 0;
lib.acLibName = *b"hisi_ae_lib\0 ";
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_AE_Register(isp_dev, &mut lib) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_AE_Register failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
lib.s32Id = 0;
lib.acLibName = *b"hisi_awb_lib\0 ";
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_AWB_Register(isp_dev, &mut lib) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_AWB_Register failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
lib.s32Id = 0;
lib.acLibName = *b"hisi_af_lib\0 ";
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_AF_Register(isp_dev, &mut lib) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_AF_Register failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_ISP_MemInit(isp_dev) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_ISP_MemInit failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let wdr_mode = hi::ISP_WDR_MODE_S {
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_ISP_SetWDRMode(isp_dev, &wdr_mode) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_ISP_SetWDRMode failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let pub_attr = hi::ISP_PUB_ATTR_S {
f32FrameRate: 30.0,
stWndRect: hi::RECT_S {
s32X: 200,
s32Y: 20,
u32Width: 1920,
u32Height: 1080,
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_ISP_SetPubAttr(isp_dev, &pub_attr) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_ISP_SetPubAttr failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_ISP_Init(isp_dev) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_ISP_Init failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
thread::spawn(|| {
let isp_dev = 0 as hi::ISP_DEV;
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_ISP_Run(isp_dev) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_ISP_Run failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let vi_dev = 0 as hi::VI_DEV;
let mut vi_dev_attr = hi::VI_DEV_ATTR_S::new();
vi_dev_attr.enIntfMode = hi::VI_INTF_MODE_E::VI_MODE_DIGITAL_CAMERA;
vi_dev_attr.enWorkMode = hi::VI_WORK_MODE_E::VI_WORK_MODE_1Multiplex;
vi_dev_attr.au32CompMask[0] = 0xFFF00000;
vi_dev_attr.au32CompMask[1] = 0x0;
vi_dev_attr.enScanMode = hi::VI_SCAN_MODE_E::VI_SCAN_PROGRESSIVE;
vi_dev_attr.s32AdChnId = [-1i32; 4];
vi_dev_attr.stDevRect.s32X = 0;
vi_dev_attr.stDevRect.s32Y = 0;
vi_dev_attr.stDevRect.u32Width = 1920;
vi_dev_attr.stDevRect.u32Height = 1080;
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_VI_SetDevAttr(vi_dev, &vi_dev_attr) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_VI_SetDevAttr failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut wdr_mode = hi::ISP_WDR_MODE_S {
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_ISP_GetWDRMode(isp_dev, &mut wdr_mode) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_ISP_GetWDRMode failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let wdr_addr = hi::VI_WDR_ATTR_S {
bCompress: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE,
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_VI_SetWDRAttr(vi_dev, &wdr_addr) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_VI_SetWDRAttr failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_VI_EnableDev(vi_dev) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_VI_EnableDev failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let vi_chn = 0 as hi::VI_CHN;
let mut chn_attr = hi::VI_CHN_ATTR_S::new();
chn_attr.stCapRect.s32X = 0;
chn_attr.stCapRect.s32Y = 0;
chn_attr.stCapRect.u32Width = 1920;
chn_attr.stCapRect.u32Height = 1080;
chn_attr.stDestSize.u32Width = 1920;
chn_attr.stDestSize.u32Height = 1080;
chn_attr.enCapSel = hi::VI_CAPSEL_E::VI_CAPSEL_BOTH;
chn_attr.bMirror = hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE;
chn_attr.bFlip = hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE;
chn_attr.s32SrcFrameRate = -1;
chn_attr.s32DstFrameRate = -1;
chn_attr.enCompressMode = hi::COMPRESS_MODE_E::COMPRESS_MODE_NONE;
let chn_attr = chn_attr;
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_VI_SetChnAttr(vi_chn, &chn_attr) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_VI_SetChnAttr failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VI_EnableChn(vi_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VI_EnableChn failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let vpss_grp : hi::VPSS_GRP = 0;
let mut vpss_grp_attr = hi::VPSS_GRP_ATTR_S {
u32MaxW: 1920,
u32MaxH: 1080,
bDciEn: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE,
bNrEn: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_TRUE,
bHistEn: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_CreateGrp(vpss_grp, &mut vpss_grp_attr) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_CreateGrp failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut nr_param = hi::VPSS_NR_PARAM_U {
stNRParam_V1: hi::VPSS_NR_PARAM_V1_S {
s32YPKStr: 0,
s32YSFStr: 0,
s32YTFStr: 0,
s32TFStrMax: 0,
s32TFStrMov: 0,
s32YSmthStr: 0,
s32YSmthRat: 0,
s32YSFStrDlt: 0,
s32YSFStrDl: 0,
s32YTFStrDlt: 0,
s32YTFStrDl: 0,
s32YSFBriRat: 0,
s32CSFStr: 0,
s32CTFstr: 0,
s32YTFMdWin: 0,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_GetNRParam(vpss_grp, &mut nr_param) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_GetNRParam failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut nr_param = hi::VPSS_NR_PARAM_U {
stNRParam_V1: hi::VPSS_NR_PARAM_V1_S {
s32YPKStr: 0,
s32YSFStr: 100,
s32YTFStr: 64,
s32TFStrMax: 12,
s32TFStrMov: 0,
s32YSmthStr: 0,
s32YSmthRat: 16,
s32YSFStrDlt: 0,
s32YSFStrDl: 0,
s32YTFStrDlt: 0,
s32YTFStrDl: 0,
s32YSFBriRat: 24,
s32CSFStr: 32,
s32CTFstr: 0,
s32YTFMdWin: 1,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_SetNRParam(vpss_grp, &mut nr_param) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_SetNRParam failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_StartGrp(vpss_grp) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_StartGrp failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut src_chn = hi::MPP_CHN_S {
enModId: hi::MOD_ID_E::HI_ID_VIU,
s32DevId: 0,
s32ChnId: 0,
let mut dest_chn = hi::MPP_CHN_S {
enModId: hi::MOD_ID_E::HI_ID_VPSS,
s32DevId: 0,
s32ChnId: 0,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_SYS_Bind(&mut src_chn, &mut dest_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_SYS_Bind failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let vpss_chn : hi::VPSS_CHN = 0;
let mut vpss_chn_attr = hi::VPSS_CHN_ATTR_S {
bBorderEn: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE,
bMirror: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE,
bFlip: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE,
s32SrcFrameRate: -1,
s32DstFrameRate: -1,
stBorder: hi::BORDER_S {
u32TopWidth: 0,
u32BottomWidth: 0,
u32LeftWidth: 0,
u32RightWidth: 0,
u32Color: 0,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_SetChnAttr(vpss_grp, vpss_chn, &mut vpss_chn_attr) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_SetChnAttr failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut vpss_chn_mode = hi::VPSS_CHN_MODE_S {
u32Width: 1920,
u32Height: 1080,
bDouble: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_SetChnMode(vpss_grp, vpss_chn, &mut vpss_chn_mode) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_SetChnMode failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_EnableChn(vpss_grp, vpss_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_EnableChn failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut isp_dcf = hi::ISP_DCF_INFO_S {
au8ImageDescription: [248,156,240,190,200,154,240,190,0,224,239,182,0,0,0,0,248,156,240,190,216,154,240,190,16,174,240,182,0,0,0,0,],
au8Make: [248,156,240,190,232,154,240,190,200,172,240,182,0,0,0,0,248,156,240,190,248,154,240,190,128,171,240,182,0,0,0,0,],
au8Model: [248,156,240,190,8,155,240,190,64,170,240,182,0,0,0,0,248,156,240,190,24,155,240,190,0,169,240,182,0,0,0,0,],
au8Software: [248,156,240,190,40,155,240,190,184,167,240,182,0,0,0,0,248,156,240,190,56,155,240,190,112,166,240,182,0,0,0,0,],
u16ISOSpeedRatings: 40184,
u32FNumber: 3203439432,
u32MaxApertureValue: 3069224232,
u32ExposureTime: 0,
u32ExposureBiasValue: 3203439864,
u8ExposureProgram: 88,
u8MeteringMode: 155,
u8LightSource: 240,
u32FocalLength: 3069223904,
u8SceneType: 0,
u8CustomRendered: 0,
u8ExposureMode: 0,
u8WhiteBalance: 0,
u8FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 248,
u8SceneCaptureType: 156,
u8GainControl: 240,
u8Contrast: 190,
u8Saturation: 104,
u8Sharpness: 155,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_ISP_GetDCFInfo(&mut isp_dcf) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_ISP_GetDCFInfo failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut isp_dcf = hi::ISP_DCF_INFO_S {
au8ImageDescription: [84,104,117,109,98,110,97,105,108,32,116,101,115,116,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
au8Make: [72,105,115,105,108,105,99,111,110,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
au8Model: [72,105,115,105,108,105,99,111,110,32,73,80,32,67,97,109,101,114,97,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
au8Software: [118,46,49,46,49,46,48,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,],
u16ISOSpeedRatings: 500,
u32FNumber: 65551,
u32MaxApertureValue: 65537,
u32ExposureTime: 65540,
u32ExposureBiasValue: 5,
u8ExposureProgram: 1,
u8MeteringMode: 1,
u8LightSource: 1,
u32FocalLength: 6553601,
u8SceneType: 0,
u8CustomRendered: 0,
u8ExposureMode: 0,
u8WhiteBalance: 1,
u8FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 1,
u8SceneCaptureType: 1,
u8GainControl: 1,
u8Contrast: 5,
u8Saturation: 1,
u8Sharpness: 5,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_ISP_SetDCFInfo(&mut isp_dcf) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_ISP_SetDCFInfo failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let jpeg_attr = hi::VENC_ATTR_JPEG_S {
u32MaxPicWidth: 1920, /*maximum width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/
u32MaxPicHeight: 1080, /*maximum height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/
u32BufSize: (((1920+15)>>4)<<4) * (((1080+15)>>4)<<4), /*stream buffer size*/
bByFrame: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_TRUE, /*get stream mode is field mode or frame mode*/
u32PicWidth: 1920, /*width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/
u32PicHeight: 1080, /*height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/
bSupportDCF: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_FALSE, /*support dcf*/
let ve_attr = hi::VENC_ATTR_S {
__bindgen_anon_1: hi::hiVENC_ATTR_S__bindgen_ty_1 {
stAttrJpeg: jpeg_attr,
let rc_attr = hi::VENC_RC_ATTR_S {
__bindgen_anon_1: hi::hiVENC_RC_ATTR_S__bindgen_ty_1 {
stAttrH264Cbr: hi::VENC_ATTR_H264_CBR_S {
u32Gop: 0, /*the interval of ISLICE. */
u32StatTime: 0, /* the rate statistic time, the unit is senconds(s) */
u32SrcFrmRate: 0, /* the input frame rate of the sample_venc chnnel */
fr32DstFrmRate: 0, /* the target frame rate of the sample_venc chnnel */
u32BitRate: 0, /* average bitrate */
u32FluctuateLevel: 0,
pRcAttr: 0 as *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
let venc_chn : hi::VENC_CHN = 0;
let venc_chn_attr = hi::VENC_CHN_ATTR_S {
stVeAttr: ve_attr,
stRcAttr: rc_attr,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_CreateChn(venc_chn, &venc_chn_attr) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_CreateChn failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut src_chn = hi::MPP_CHN_S {
enModId: hi::MOD_ID_E::HI_ID_VPSS,
s32DevId: 0,
s32ChnId: 0,
let mut dest_chn = hi::MPP_CHN_S {
enModId: hi::MOD_ID_E::HI_ID_VENC,
s32DevId: 0,
s32ChnId: 0,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_SYS_Bind(&mut src_chn, &mut dest_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_StartRecvPic failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut recv_param = hi::VENC_RECV_PIC_PARAM_S { s32RecvPicNum: 1 };
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_StartRecvPicEx(venc_chn, &mut recv_param) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_StartRecvPic failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_GetFd(venc_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_GetFd failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut stat = hi::VENC_CHN_STAT_S {
u32LeftPics: 3203439068,
u32LeftStreamBytes: 0,
u32LeftStreamFrames: 0,
u32CurPacks: 0,
u32LeftRecvPics: 0,
u32LeftEncPics: 0,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_Query(venc_chn, &mut stat) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_Query failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let pack = hi::VENC_PACK_S {
u32PhyAddr: 0,
pu8Addr: 0 as *mut u8,
u32Len: 0,
u64PTS: 0,
bFrameEnd: hi::HI_BOOL::HI_TRUE,
DataType: hi::VENC_DATA_TYPE_U {
enH264EType: hi::H264E_NALU_TYPE_E::H264E_NALU_PSLICE,
u32Offset: 0,
u32DataNum: 0,
stPackInfo: [hi::hiVENC_PACK_INFO_S {
u32PackType: hi::hiVENC_DATA_TYPE_U {
enH264EType: hi::H264E_NALU_TYPE_E::H264E_NALU_PSLICE,
}; 8],
//let mut x: hi::VENC_PACK_S = unsafe { std::mem::uninitialized() };
let mut packs = vec![pack; stat.u32CurPacks as usize].into_boxed_slice();
// let mut data: [Vec<u32>; 1000];
// data = mem::uninitialized();
let mut stream = hi::VENC_STREAM_S {
pstPack: packs.as_mut_ptr(),
u32PackCount: 0,
u32Seq: 0,
__bindgen_anon_1: hi::hiVENC_STREAM_S__bindgen_ty_1 {
u32PicBytesNum: 0,
u32Qfactor: 0,
u32UpdateAttrCnt: 0,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_GetStream(venc_chn, &mut stream, -1) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_GetStream failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let packs = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(stream.pstPack as *const hi::hiVENC_PACK_S, stream.u32PackCount as usize) };
let mut jpg_file = File::create("/tmp/rust.jpg").unwrap();
for pack in packs {
println!("{}", pack.u32PhyAddr);
let buf = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(pack.pu8Addr.offset(pack.u32Offset as isize), (pack.u32Len - pack.u32Offset) as usize) };
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_ReleaseStream(venc_chn, &mut stream) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_ReleaseStream failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_StopRecvPic(venc_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_StopRecvPic failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut src_chn = hi::MPP_CHN_S {
enModId: hi::MOD_ID_E::HI_ID_VPSS,
s32DevId: 0,
s32ChnId: 0,
let mut dest_chn = hi::MPP_CHN_S {
enModId: hi::MOD_ID_E::HI_ID_VENC,
s32DevId: 0,
s32ChnId: 0,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_SYS_UnBind(&mut src_chn, &mut dest_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_SYS_UnBind failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_StopRecvPic(venc_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_StopRecvPic failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_DestroyChn(venc_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_DestroyChn failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VENC_DestroyChn(venc_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_DestroyChn failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_DisableChn(vpss_grp, vpss_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VENC_DestroyChn failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let mut src_chn = hi::MPP_CHN_S {
enModId: hi::MOD_ID_E::HI_ID_VIU,
s32DevId: 0,
s32ChnId: 0,
let mut dest_chn = hi::MPP_CHN_S {
enModId: hi::MOD_ID_E::HI_ID_VPSS,
s32DevId: 0,
s32ChnId: 0,
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_SYS_UnBind(&mut src_chn, &mut dest_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_SYS_UnBind failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_StopGrp(vpss_grp) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_StopGrp failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VPSS_DestroyGrp(vpss_grp) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VPSS_DestroyGrp failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VI_DisableChn(vi_chn) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VI_DisableChn failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VI_DisableDev(vi_dev) };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VI_DisableDev failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
lib.s32Id = 0;
lib.acLibName = *b"hisi_af_lib\0 ";
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_AF_UnRegister(isp_dev, &mut lib) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_AF_UnRegister failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
lib.s32Id = 0;
lib.acLibName = *b"hisi_awb_lib\0 ";
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_AWB_UnRegister(isp_dev, &mut lib) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_AWB_UnRegister failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
lib.s32Id = 0;
lib.acLibName = *b"hisi_ae_lib\0 ";
let res = unsafe { hi::HI_MPI_AE_UnRegister(isp_dev, &mut lib) };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("HI_MPI_AE_UnRegister failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
// sensor_unregister_callback
let res = unsafe{ sensor_unregister_callback() };
if HI_SUCCESS != res {
panic!("sensor_unregister_callback failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_SYS_Exit() };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_SYS_Exit failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
let res = unsafe{ hi::HI_MPI_VB_Exit() };
if res != HI_SUCCESS {
panic!("HI_MPI_VB_Exit failed with error code: {}", str_err(res));
// println!("Ok!");
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