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Created July 25, 2019 07:09
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import React from 'react';
import { IntlProvider, intlShape, injectIntl } from 'react-intl';
import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';
// You can pass your messages to the IntlProvider. Optional: remove if unneeded.
const messages = { foo: 'bar'} // en.json
const intlProps = { locale: 'en', messages };
const Child = () => null;
const IntlChild = injectIntl(Child);
const intl = mount(
<IntlProvider {...intlProps}>
<IntlChild />
export function shallowWithIntl(
{ context, ...additionalOptions } = {},
withProvider = false,
) {
const comp = React.cloneElement(node, { intl });
return withProvider
? shallow(<IntlProvider {...intlProps}>{comp}</IntlProvider>)
: shallow(comp, {
context: Object.assign({}, context, { intl }),
export function mountWithIntl(
{ context, childContextTypes, ...additionalOptions } = {},
) {
return mount(
<IntlProvider {...intlProps}>
{React.cloneElement(node, { intl })}
childContextTypes: Object.assign(
{ intl: intlShape },
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