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Created December 12, 2018 18:05
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Averaged across persons, excluding legal fees, how much money had each person spent by time 6?
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main (main) where
import Colonnade (Headed)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Siphon (Siphon, SiphonError)
import Streaming (Stream, Of)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Siphon as Siphon
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
main :: IO ()
main = do
(prices, purchases) <- readCSVs
s <- doStuff prices purchases
putStrLn . show $ s
doStuff :: forall m. Monad m
=> Stream (Of Price) m (Maybe SiphonError)
-> Stream (Of Purchase) m (Maybe SiphonError)
-> m (Map Text Int, Double)
doStuff prices purchases = do
priceMapping <- S.foldMap_ (\(Price i p) -> Map.singleton (Text.strip i) p) prices
let mapWithPrice :: Purchase -> Maybe (Purchase, Int)
mapWithPrice purch = (\pric -> (purch, pric * unitsBought purch)) <$> Map.lookup (Text.strip $ itemBought purch) priceMapping
let pricedPurchases :: Stream (Of (Purchase, Int)) m (Maybe SiphonError)
pricedPurchases = S.mapMaybe mapWithPrice purchases
let nonLegalPurchases :: Stream (Of (Purchase, Int)) m (Maybe SiphonError)
nonLegalPurchases = S.filter (not . Text.isInfixOf "legal fees" . itemBought . fst) pricedPurchases
let purchasesBeforeDateSix :: Stream (Of (Purchase, Int)) m ()
purchasesBeforeDateSix = S.takeWhile ((<= 6) . date . fst) $ nonLegalPurchases
sumPerPerson <- S.fold_ (\acc (purch,pric) -> Map.insertWith (+) (Text.strip . person $ purch) pric acc) Map.empty id purchasesBeforeDateSix
let values = map snd . Map.toList $ sumPerPerson
let averageOverAllPersons = (fromIntegral . sum $ values) / (fromIntegral . length $ values)
pure (sumPerPerson, averageOverAllPersons)
readCSVs :: IO (Stream (Of Price) IO (Maybe SiphonError), Stream (Of Purchase) IO (Maybe SiphonError))
readCSVs = do
pricesData <- readCsv "Prices.csv"
purchaseData <- readCsv "Purchases.csv"
let prices = Siphon.decodeCsvUtf8 siphonPrice pricesData
let purchases = Siphon.decodeCsvUtf8 siphonPurchase purchaseData
pure (prices, purchases)
data Price = Price
{ item :: Text
, price :: Int
decodeInt :: ByteString -> Maybe Int
decodeInt b = do
(int, leftovers) <- BC8.readInt b
if leftovers == ""
then Just int
else Nothing
decodeText :: ByteString -> Maybe Text
decodeText = Just . TE.decodeUtf8
siphonPrice :: Siphon Headed ByteString Price
siphonPrice = Price
<$> Siphon.headed "item" decodeText
<*> Siphon.headed "price" decodeInt
-- colPrice :: Colonnade Headed Price ByteString
-- colPrice = mconcat
-- [ headed "item" (TE.encodeUtf8 . item)
-- , headed "price" (intToBC8 . price)
-- ]
data Purchase = Purchase
{ date :: Int
, person :: Text
, itemBought :: Text
, unitsBought :: Int
siphonPurchase :: Siphon Headed ByteString Purchase
siphonPurchase = Purchase
<$> Siphon.headed "date" decodeInt
<*> Siphon.headed "person" decodeText
<*> Siphon.headed "itemBought" decodeText
<*> Siphon.headed "unitsBought" decodeInt
--colPurchase :: Colonnade Headed Purchase ByteString
--colPurchase = mconcat
-- [ headed "date" (intToBC8 . date)
-- , headed "person" (TE.encodeUtf8 . person)
-- , headed "itemBought" (TE.encodeUtf8 . itemBought)
-- , headed "unitsBought" (intToBC8 . unitsBought)
-- ]
readCsv :: FilePath -> IO (Stream (Of ByteString) IO ())
readCsv csv = S.readFile csv (pure . id . BC8.pack)
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chessai commented Dec 23, 2018

Ah. Probably should use readFile from streaming-bytestring. The one in streaming does some weird stuff on newlines.

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