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Created February 14, 2024 00:55
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A script that imports Disqus posts into a format usable by Staticman
// import_disqus.mjs
// =================
// Converts Disqus XML export to a format compatible with Staticman (
// Requires Node.js and the following packages:
// npm install xml2js crypto-js strip-indent
// (c) 2024 Carlos Duarte Do Nascimento (
// Released under the MIT License (
import fs from 'fs';
import { Parser } from 'xml2js';
import path from 'path';
import stripIndent from 'strip-indent';
import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js';
var parser = new Parser();
fs.readFile('data.xml', function(err, data) {
parser.parseString(data, function (err, result) {
// Yes, Disqus calls a post a "thread" and a comment a "post" 🤦;
// let's first untangle this mess
const posts = result.disqus.thread;
const comments =;
// All we need from posts is the URL and slug, so let's build a
// dictionary to quickly retrieve them from the post ID
const postInfo = posts.reduce((obj, post) => {
const slug =[0].replace(/\/$/, "").split('/').slice(-1)[0].replace(/\.html$/, "");
obj[post['$']['dsq:id']] = {
"slug": slug,
return obj;
}, {});
// Now we can create one file for each comment
comments.forEach(comment => {
if (comment.isDeleted[0] === 'true' || comment.isSpam[0] === 'true') {
const disqus_comment_id = comment['$']['dsq:id'];
const disqus_unix_timestamp = new Date(comment.createdAt[0]).getTime() / 1000;
const post = postInfo[comment.thread[0]['$']['dsq:id']];
const username =[0].username ?[0].username[0] : "";
const yml = stripIndent(`
_id: ${disqus_comment_id}
_parent: ${post.url}
replying_to_uid: '${comment.parent ? comment.parent[0]['$']['dsq:id'] : ''}'
message: ${singleQuote(comment.message[0])}
name: ${singleQuote([0].name[0])}
email: '${username == "chesterbr" ? "3a49ee98333d753103cf708e40d36984" : CryptoJS.MD5(username+"").toString()}'
hp: ''
date: ${disqus_unix_timestamp}
`).replace(/^\s+/, '') // Nix first line
.replace(/[\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/g, ""); // 🔪 invalid Unicode characters
// Use comment ID as milisseconds in filename for uniqueness
const dirname = "comments/" + post.slug;
const filename = `entry${disqus_unix_timestamp * 1000 + disqus_comment_id % 1000}.yml`;
if (!fs.existsSync(dirname)){
fs.mkdirSync(dirname, { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(dirname, filename), yml);
function singleQuote(str) {
return `'${str.replace(/'/g, "''")}'`;
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