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Last active November 1, 2016 17:18
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Gitflow delete merged branches
$lastCommitsFile = "C:\LastCommitsOfDeletedBranches.txt"
if((Test-Path $lastCommitsFile ) -eq $false){"" > $lastCommitsFile}
"Lets delete stuff..."
$repoLocations = @("C:\Dev\SomeRepo")
$pullTheTrigger = $false
$branchRegex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_/]+$"
function GetReposAndBranches($repoLocations, $deleteBranchesMergedInto = "origin/develop"){
$reposAndBranches = @()
foreach ($location in $repoLocations){
cd $location
Write-Host "Repo - $location"
# make sure is it up to date
git remote prune origin
git fetch
Write-Host "Fetched"
$allMergedBranches = git branch --merged $deleteBranchesMergedInto -r
$regexExcludingNonFeatureBranchesAndImportantOnes = "origin\/master|origin\/HEAD|origin\/hotfix|origin\/spike|origin\/release|origin\/develop|master|develop"
$branchesToDelete = $allMergedBranches | Where-Object {($_ -match $regexExcludingNonFeatureBranchesAndImportantOnes) -eq $false}
$count = $branchesToDelete.Length
#Write-Host "I plan to delete $count branches from $location`:"
ForEach($branchToDelete in $branchesToDelete)
$branchToDelete = $branchToDelete.Trim()
if($branchToDelete.StartsWith("* ")){
$branchToDelete = $branchToDelete.Substring(2)
if($branchToDelete -notmatch $branchRegex){
Write-Error "Branch name is bad $branchToDelete"
$props = @{}
$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props
#Write-Host "- $branchToDelete"
$reposAndBranches += $object
return $reposAndBranches
function DeleteRemoteBranches($reposAndBranchesToDelete){
if($pullTheTrigger){"The trigger IS being pulled, branches WILL be deleted... Read the branches below carefully"}else{"Simulation of deleting branches"}
$numBranches = $reposAndBranchesToDelete.Count
Write-Host "I plan to delete $numBranches branches"
# print out branches to be deleted
$locationLengths = $reposAndBranchesToDelete | Sort-Object -Property RepoPathLength -Descending
$padTo = $locationLengths[0].RepoPathLength + 5
ForEach($repoAndBranchToDelete in $reposAndBranchesToDelete)
$branchToDelete = $repoAndBranchToDelete.BranchName
$repoPath = $repoAndBranchToDelete.RepoPath.PadRight($padTo)
Write-Host "$repoPath - $branchToDelete"
$yesOrSomethingElse = Read-Host -Prompt "Press 'y' to continue or anything else to quit."
if($yesOrSomethingElse.ToLower() -ne "y")
Write-Host "Exiting..."
exit 0
ForEach($repoAndBranchToDelete in $reposAndBranchesToDelete)
$branchToDelete = $repoAndBranchToDelete.BranchName
$repoPath = $repoAndBranchToDelete.RepoPath
cd $repoPath
# Adds to spaces on the front for some reason
$branchToDelete = $branchToDelete.Trim()
if($branchToDelete -notmatch $branchRegex){
Write-Error "Branch name is bad $branchToDelete"
if($branchToDelete -eq "" -or $branchToDelete -eq $null)
exit 0
$lastCommitInfo = git log -1 $branchToDelete
"About to delete branch - $branchToDelete"
if($branchToDelete -match "origin\/")
# Need to delete remote branch
$branchToDelete = $branchToDelete.Replace("remotes/", "")
$branchToDelete = $branchToDelete.Replace("origin/", "")
$remoteBranchName = "refs/heads/" + $branchToDelete
git push origin --delete $remoteBranchName
"Pretending to delete branch $remoteBranchName"
# want to delete local branch
# don't want to force Delete
git branch -d $branchToDelete
"Pretending to delete branch $branchToDelete"
$infoToAdd = "$repoPath - $branchToDelete - $lastCommitInfo"
$infoToAdd >> $lastCommitsFile
"Info logged to file"
"pretending to log info $infoToAdd"
# Run it!
$reposAndBranchesToDelete = GetReposAndBranches $repoLocations
DeleteRemoteBranches $reposAndBranchesToDelete
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