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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Hillclimbing algorithm for Travelling saleman problem
import math
import random
#Prints the solution path
def print_solution(solution,distances, cities):
print "Path : "+cities[solution[0]]+"-->"+cities[solution[1]]+"-->"+cities[solution[2]]+"-->"+cities[solution[3]]+"-->"+cities[solution[4]]+"-->"+cities[solution[5]]
print "Total Distance: "+str(solution_value(solution,distances,cities))
#Generate a random path through the cities
def random_solution():
solution = [0]
for i in range(5):
next_city = random.randint(1,5)
while next_city in solution:
next_city = random.randint(1,5)
return solution
#incremental change best solution by swapping around position of two cities
def incremental_change(original):
solution = []
for x in original:
idx1 = random.randint(1,5)
idx2 = random.randint(1,5)
while idx1 == idx2:
idx2 = random.randint(1,5)
temp = solution[idx1]
solution[idx1] = solution[idx2]
solution[idx2] = temp
return solution
#Measure the distance of a path through the cities
def solution_value(solution, distances, cities):
total = 0
for i in range(len(solution)-1):
city1 = solution[i]
city2 = solution[i+1]
if city1 > city2:
temp = city1
city1 = city2
city2 = temp
city1_name = cities[city1]
city2_name = cities[city2]
total = total + distances[city1_name][city2_name]
return total
#Names of Cities to traverse
cities = [""]*6
cities[0] = "Origin"
cities[1] = "New York"
cities[2] = "St. John's"
cities[3] = "Paris"
cities[4] = "Perth"
cities[5] = "Nottingham"
#Distances between the cities
distances = {}
distances["Origin"] = {}
distances["Origin"]["New York"] = 300
distances["Origin"]["St. John's"] = 2
distances["Origin"]["Paris"] = 310
distances["Origin"]["Perth"] = 190
distances["Origin"]["Nottingham"] = 330
distances["New York"] = {}
distances["New York"]["St. John's"] = 300
distances["New York"]["Paris"] = 560
distances["New York"]["Perth"] = 830
distances["New York"]["Nottingham"] = 500
distances["St. John's"] = {}
distances["St. John's"]["Paris"] = 350
distances["St. John's"]["Perth"] = 200
distances["St. John's"]["Nottingham"] = 320
distances["Paris"] = {}
distances["Paris"]["Perth"] = 300
distances["Paris"]["Nottingham"] = 460
distances["Perth"] = {}
distances["Perth"]["Nottingham"] = 220
iteration_without_change = 0
#Actual hillclimbing algorithm
current_solution = random_solution() #Begins by randomly generate a solution to problem ie a random path through the cities
while iteration_without_change < 10: #Repeatedly try to find a better path through the citis until you haven't found a new path in 10 tries
possible_solution = incremental_change(current_solution) #Generate a candidate path/solution to be the new shortest path
#If the new candidate path is actually shorter we make it our current path
if solution_value(possible_solution,distances, cities) < solution_value(current_solution,distances, cities):
iteration_without_change = 0
current_solution = possible_solution
iteration_without_change = iteration_without_change + 1
#Print the current solution which should at this point contain the shortest path found so far
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