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Last active December 30, 2020 09:13
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Front-End Career Path Outline

Front-End Career Path Outline

  1. Intro to web-development and front-end dev, more specifically

    1. How the internet works
  2. How front-end fits in with the product development cycle

    1. How do FEs interact with PMs, designers, BEs?
  3. Intro to HTML/Intro to CSS

  4. Intermediate CSS

    1. CSS variables
    2. Media queries
  5. Responsive Design

    1. Flexbox/Grid
  6. Wireframing

  7. Going off platform

    1. Text editor, no git, no bash
  8. Get first website on Github pages

    1. Within web app; doesn't need git or bash
  9. JS Syntax Pt. 1 (var, control flow, funct, scope)

  10. JS Syntax Pt. 2 (arrays, loops, iterators, objects)

  11. JS for interactive websites (events, DOM)

  12. HTML Forms / Form Validation

  13. Accessibility

    1. Semantic HTML
    2. Accessibility tools
    3. Keyboard navigation
    4. Tab order
    5. Aria
  14. Contrast

  15. CSS animations

  16. working with svgs

  17. Domains, hosting,

  18. Command Line (bash) and Git

    ---------- << Intermediate >> ---------- Intro to Web Apps

  19. Intro to Web Apps

  20. JS Syntax Pt. 3 (classes, modules, browser compatibility), unit testing

  21. External APIs, JSON, promises, async-await, requests, callbacks

  22. React, Part I

  23. Build Tools: node and npm

  24. Deploying React app with Netlify

  25. React, Part II

  26. React Testing

  27. Redux

  28. Redux Testing

  29. Advanced Testing (end-to-end and integration testing)

    ---------- << Advanced >> ---------- (non-sequential)

  30. Styling your applications

    1. CSS Frameworks (Reactstrap, Material UI)
    2. Styled Components (CSS in JS)
  31. Debugging your applications (Chrome DevTools)

    1. Web Vitals
    2. Lighthouse
    3. Flamegraphs
    4. Networking
    5. Breakpoints
    6. DOM Inspection
  32. Making your application discoverable

    1. Search Engine Optimization
    2. Static vs. dynamic pages
  33. Optimizing your application

    1. Metrics
    2. Code splitting
    3. Optimize images
    4. Lazy load media content
    5. Uglify
    6. Browser Compatibility (Codecademy module)
    7. Polyfills
    8. Caching
  34. Building secure applications

    1. HTTPS
    2. XSS
    3. Cross origin resource sharing (CORS)
    4. OWASP Top Ten Web Application Security Risks | OWASP
    5. Keeping your packages up to date
      1. npm
      2. CI/CD automation
  35. Adding realtime connectivity

    1. Web Sockets
    2. Realtime databases

    ---------- << Interview Skills>> ----------

  36. Interview Skills

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