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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Ridge Regression with Stan #Stan
# Claas Heuer, 2015
hcode =
data {
int<lower=0> Px;
int<lower=0> Pz;
int<lower=0> N;
matrix[N,Px] X;
matrix[N,Pz] Z;
real y[N];
parameters {
vector[Px] beta; // flat prior
vector[Pz] u;
// this gives the lower bound for the variance component
real<lower=0> sigma;
real<lower=0> tau;
model {
// vectorized
u ~ normal(0,tau);
y ~ normal(X * beta + Z * u, sigma);
// weakly informative cauchy priors for variance components (see stan manual)
sigma ~ cauchy(0,5);
tau ~ cauchy(0,5);
# some random data
n = 100
p = 20
y <- rnorm(n)
X <- matrix(1,n,1)
Z <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
dat = list(N=length(y),Px = ncol(X), Pz = ncol(Z), Z=Z,y=y,X=X)
# run the model
mod = stan(model_name="Ridge Regression", model_code = hcode, data=dat , iter = 10000, warmup = 5000, thin = 1, verbose = FALSE, chains=1)
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