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Last active October 22, 2017 04:22
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Animal Model in INLA (R-INLA) - GLMM
# Claas Heuer, November 2015
# install the package
install.packages("INLA", repos="")
# run a test on BGLR data
y <- wheat.Y[,1]
Ainv <- solve(wheat.A)
dat <- data.frame(id=1:length(y), y = y)
# run the animal model
mod <- inla(y ~ 1 + f(id, model = "generic2", Cmatrix = Ainv), data = dat)
# extract random effects
u_list <- mod$summary.random
# the random effects also include the residuals
u <- u_list[[1]]$mean[1:length(y)]
# the strength of inla are sparse GLMMs, perfect for that purpose.
# a binomial probit model could look like this
mod_inla <- inla(y ~ 1 + fixed_covariate + fixed_factor + f(id_one, model = "iid") + f(id_two, model = "iid") + f(id_three, model = "iid"),
data = dat, family = "binomial", verbose = FALSE, = list(link = "probit"), control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE))
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