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Created September 2, 2016 08:43
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Wrapper for standalone software "GEMMA"
# Claas Heuer, August 2016
# Wrapper for standalone software "GEMMA"
# NOTE: the binary executable "gemma" must be
# in $PATH (e.g.: sudo cp gemma /usr/bin/)
# Y is a matrix of phenotypes (each column one trait).
# Z is the matrix of marker covariates.
# G is a genomic relationship matrix, may be NULL (then GEMMA will compute it).
# tempfolder is needed to store results.
GemmaGWAS <- function(Y, Z, G = NULL, tempFolder = tempdir()) {
folder = tempFolder
dir.create(folder, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if(!dir.exists(folder)) stop("cannot write in tempFolder")
oldwd <- getwd()
if(is.vector(Y)) Y <- array(Y, dim = c(length(Y), 1))
if(nrow(Y) != nrow(Z)) stop("Y and Z must have same number of rows")
# prepare the data in the way gemma wants it
# NOTE: gemma would also accept plink files
tZ <- t(Z)
id <- seq(1,ncol(Z))
if(!is.null(colnames(Z))) id <- colnames(Z)
Gs <- rep("G",ncol(Z))
C <- rep("C",ncol(Z))
tZ <- cbind(id,Gs,C,tZ)
write.table(file="Z", tZ, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=",")
write.table(file="Y", Y, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=",")
# we can either let gemma compute G or provide our own
if(is.null(G)) {
makeg=paste("gemma -g ", folder, "/Z ", "-p ", folder, "/Y ", "-gk 2 -o G",sep="")
} else {
write.table(file = "G.sXX.txt", G, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
######### Start GWAS ############
# will hold the results, one element per phenotype
res <- list()
# gemma will throw away markers if there are monomorphic or
# close to that. Have to check manual
notinlist <- list()
## supposed to run over ceveral different phenotypes stored in
## 'Y' with colnames 'traits'
traits <- 1:ncol(Y)
if(!is.null(colnames(Y))) traits <- colnames(Y)
for(i in 1:length(traits)) {
trait <- traits[i]
y <- Y[,i]
write.table(file = "y", y, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
########## GEMMA #############
# -lmm 4 performs 4 different tests, lmm -1 for wald only
gwas<-paste("gemma -g ", folder, "/Z ", "-p ", folder, "/y ", "-k ", folder,
"/output/G.sXX.txt ", "-lmm 1 -miss 1 -maf 0 -o ", trait, "_lmm", sep="")
## Read Data
res[[i]] <- read.table(paste(folder,"/output/",trait,"_lmm.assoc.txt", sep=""),stringsAsFactors=F,header=T)
notin<-which(!(seq(1:ncol(Z)) %in% res[[i]][,2]))
# FIXME: "notinlist" is ignored
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