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Multivariate Mixed Modle using LKJ prior on correlation matrix
# Claas Heuer, July 2016
# Stan model for multivariate mixed model with two
# random effects that can be specified by
# their according design matrices
# Help for the LKJ prior from here:
pacman::p_load(rstan, BGLR, shinystan)
mvntest <- "
data {
// number of columns for fixed effects design matrix
int<lower=0> Px;
// number of columns for first random effect
int<lower=0> PzA;
// number of columns for second random effect
int<lower=0> PzB;
// number of observations (rows of Y)
int<lower=0> N;
// number of traits
int<lower=0> Ntraits;
// the design matrices
matrix[N,Px] X;
matrix[N,PzA] ZA;
matrix[N,PzB] ZB;
// the matrix of phenotypes
matrix[N,Ntraits] Y;
// the prior scale for the cauchy prior
real priorscaletau;
// vector[Ntraits] musUA;
// vector[Ntraits] musUB;
transformed data {
// expectaion vectors for random effects
vector[Ntraits] musUA;
vector[Ntraits] musUB;
for(i in 1:Ntraits) {
musUA[i] = 0;
musUB[i] = 0;
parameters {
// solutuion matrices for fixed and random effects
matrix[Px,Ntraits] beta;
matrix[PzA,Ntraits] uA;
matrix[PzB,Ntraits] uB;
// the choleskies of the correaltion matrices
cholesky_factor_corr[Ntraits] OmegaCholE;
cholesky_factor_corr[Ntraits] OmegaCholA;
cholesky_factor_corr[Ntraits] OmegaCholB;
// the standard deviations
vector<lower=0>[Ntraits] sigmaE;
vector<lower=0>[Ntraits] sigmaA;
vector<lower=0>[Ntraits] sigmaB;
model {
// sample random effects from mvn
for(i in 1:PzA) uA[i,] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(musUA, diag_pre_multiply(sigmaA, OmegaCholA));
// sample random effects from mvn
for(i in 1:PzB) uB[i,] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(musUB, diag_pre_multiply(sigmaB, OmegaCholB));
// MVN likelihood
for(i in 1:N) Y[i,] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(X[i,] * beta + ZA[i,] * uA + ZB[i,] * uB, diag_pre_multiply(sigmaE, OmegaCholE));
// cauchy prior on the standard deviations
sigmaE ~ cauchy(0, priorscaletau);
sigmaA ~ cauchy(0, priorscaletau);
sigmaB ~ cauchy(0, priorscaletau);
// LKJ prior on the correlation matrices (1 is uniform in the interval -1 to 1)
OmegaCholE ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1);
OmegaCholA ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1);
OmegaCholB ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1);
generated quantities {
// the correlation matrices
matrix[Ntraits,Ntraits] OmegaE;
matrix[Ntraits,Ntraits] OmegaA;
matrix[Ntraits,Ntraits] OmegaB;
// the covariance matrices
matrix[Ntraits,Ntraits] covE;
matrix[Ntraits,Ntraits] covA;
matrix[Ntraits,Ntraits] covB;
// Cor = LL'
OmegaE = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(OmegaCholE);
OmegaA = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(OmegaCholA);
OmegaB = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(OmegaCholB);
// from correlation- to covariance matrices
covE = quad_form_diag(OmegaE, sigmaE);
covA = quad_form_diag(OmegaA, sigmaA);
covB = quad_form_diag(OmegaB, sigmaB);
# the model
modobj = stan_model(model_name="mvntest", model_code = mvntest)
# the BGLR data
Y <- wheat.Y[,1:4, drop = FALSE]
Ntraits <- ncol(Y)
ZA <- wheat.X[,1:10]
ZB <- wheat.X[,101:110]
N = nrow(Y)
X <- array(1, dim = c(N,1))
Px = ncol(X)
PzA = ncol(ZA)
PzB = ncol(ZB)
priorscaletau <- 5
dat = list(N = N, Px = Px, PzA = PzA, PzB = PzB, Y = Y, X = X, ZA = ZA, ZB = ZB,
priorscaletau = priorscaletau, Ntraits = ncol(Y))
# run the model
# needed for running chains in parallel
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
# options(mc.cores = 4)
chains = 1
niter = 1000
burnin = 500
mod <- sampling(object = modobj, data=dat , iter = niter, warmup = burnin, thin = 1, verbose = FALSE, chains=chains)
# diagnose
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