Save chezou/d0a0fc62007af4d808752e78b31ae694 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Package info of digdag/digdag-python:3.7 and digdag-anaconda3:2019.03
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
attrs==19.1.0 | |
boto3==1.9.185 | |
botocore==1.12.185 | |
certifi==2019.6.16 | |
chardet==3.0.4 | |
Click==7.0 | |
convertdate==2.1.3 | |
cycler==0.10.0 | |
Cython==0.29.12 | |
decorator==4.4.0 | |
docutils==0.14 | |
ephem== | |
fbprophet==0.5 | |
holidays==0.9.10 | |
idna==2.8 | |
ipython-genutils==0.2.0 | |
jmespath==0.9.4 | |
joblib==0.13.2 | |
jsonschema==3.0.1 | |
jupyter-core==4.5.0 | |
kiwisolver==1.1.0 | |
lightgbm==2.2.3 | |
lunardate==0.2.0 | |
matplotlib==3.1.1 | |
msgpack==0.6.1 | |
nbformat==4.4.0 | |
numpy==1.16.4 | |
pandas==0.24.2 | |
plotly==3.10.0 | |
presto-python-client==0.7.0 | |
py4j==0.10.7 | |
pyarrow==0.14.0 | |
pyparsing==2.4.0 | |
pyrsistent==0.15.3 | |
pyspark==2.4.3 | |
pystan== | |
pytd==0.5.0 | |
python-dateutil==2.8.0 | |
pytz==2019.1 | |
requests==2.22.0 | |
retrying==1.3.3 | |
s3transfer==0.2.1 | |
scikit-learn==0.21.2 | |
scipy==1.3.0 | |
seaborn==0.9.0 | |
setuptools-git==1.2 | |
six==1.12.0 | |
td-client==0.13.0 | |
td-pyspark==20.2.0 | |
traitlets==4.3.2 | |
urllib3==1.24.3 |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
name: base | |
channels: | |
- conda-forge | |
- defaults | |
dependencies: | |
- _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf=0.1.0=py37_0 | |
- _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main | |
- alabaster=0.7.12=py37_0 | |
- anaconda=2019.03=py37_0 | |
- anaconda-client=1.7.2=py37_0 | |
- anaconda-navigator=1.9.7=py37_0 | |
- anaconda-project=0.8.2=py37_0 | |
- asn1crypto=0.24.0=py37_0 | |
- astroid=2.2.5=py37_0 | |
- astropy=3.1.2=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- atomicwrites=1.3.0=py37_1 | |
- attrs=19.1.0=py37_1 | |
- babel=2.6.0=py37_0 | |
- backcall=0.1.0=py37_0 | |
- backports=1.0=py37_1 | |
- backports.os=0.1.1=py37_0 | |
- backports.shutil_get_terminal_size=1.0.0=py37_2 | |
- beautifulsoup4=4.7.1=py37_1 | |
- binutils_impl_linux-64=2.31.1=h6176602_1 | |
- binutils_linux-64=2.31.1=h6176602_7 | |
- bitarray=0.8.3=py37h14c3975_0 | |
- bkcharts=0.2=py37_0 | |
- blas=1.0=mkl | |
- bleach=3.1.0=py37_0 | |
- blosc=1.15.0=hd408876_0 | |
- bokeh=1.0.4=py37_0 | |
- boto=2.49.0=py37_0 | |
- bottleneck=1.2.1=py37h035aef0_1 | |
- bzip2=1.0.6=h14c3975_5 | |
- ca-certificates=2019.1.23=0 | |
- cairo=1.14.12=h8948797_3 | |
- certifi=2019.3.9=py37_0 | |
- cffi=1.12.2=py37h2e261b9_1 | |
- chardet=3.0.4=py37_1 | |
- click=7.0=py37_0 | |
- cloudpickle=0.8.0=py37_0 | |
- clyent=1.2.2=py37_1 | |
- colorama=0.4.1=py37_0 | |
- conda=4.7.5=py37_0 | |
- conda-build=3.18.5=py37_0 | |
- conda-env=2.6.0=1 | |
- conda-package-handling=1.3.10=py37_0 | |
- conda-verify=3.1.1=py37_0 | |
- contextlib2=0.5.5=py37_0 | |
- convertdate=2.1.3=py_1000 | |
- cryptography=2.6.1=py37h1ba5d50_0 | |
- curl=7.64.0=hbc83047_2 | |
- cycler=0.10.0=py37_0 | |
- cython=0.29.6=py37he6710b0_0 | |
- cytoolz= | |
- dask=1.1.4=py37_1 | |
- dask-core=1.1.4=py37_1 | |
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- decorator=4.4.0=py37_1 | |
- defusedxml=0.5.0=py37_1 | |
- distributed=1.26.0=py37_1 | |
- docutils=0.14=py37_0 | |
- entrypoints=0.3=py37_0 | |
- ephem= | |
- et_xmlfile=1.0.1=py37_0 | |
- expat=2.2.6=he6710b0_0 | |
- fastcache=1.0.2=py37h14c3975_2 | |
- fbprophet=0.5=py37he1b5a44_0 | |
- filelock=3.0.10=py37_0 | |
- flask=1.0.2=py37_1 | |
- fontconfig=2.13.0=h9420a91_0 | |
- freetype=2.9.1=h8a8886c_1 | |
- fribidi=1.0.5=h7b6447c_0 | |
- future=0.17.1=py37_0 | |
- gcc_impl_linux-64=7.3.0=habb00fd_1 | |
- gcc_linux-64=7.3.0=h553295d_7 | |
- get_terminal_size=1.0.0=haa9412d_0 | |
- gevent=1.4.0=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- glib=2.56.2=hd408876_0 | |
- glob2=0.6=py37_1 | |
- gmp=6.1.2=h6c8ec71_1 | |
- gmpy2=2.0.8=py37h10f8cd9_2 | |
- graphite2=1.3.13=h23475e2_0 | |
- greenlet=0.4.15=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- gst-plugins-base=1.14.0=hbbd80ab_1 | |
- gstreamer=1.14.0=hb453b48_1 | |
- gxx_impl_linux-64=7.3.0=hdf63c60_1 | |
- gxx_linux-64=7.3.0=h553295d_7 | |
- h5py=2.9.0=py37h7918eee_0 | |
- harfbuzz=1.8.8=hffaf4a1_0 | |
- hdf5=1.10.4=hb1b8bf9_0 | |
- heapdict=1.0.0=py37_2 | |
- holidays=0.9.10=py_0 | |
- html5lib=1.0.1=py37_0 | |
- icu=58.2=h9c2bf20_1 | |
- idna=2.8=py37_0 | |
- imageio=2.5.0=py37_0 | |
- imagesize=1.1.0=py37_0 | |
- importlib_metadata=0.8=py37_0 | |
- intel-openmp=2019.3=199 | |
- ipykernel=5.1.0=py37h39e3cac_0 | |
- ipython=7.4.0=py37h39e3cac_0 | |
- ipython_genutils=0.2.0=py37_0 | |
- ipywidgets=7.4.2=py37_0 | |
- isort=4.3.16=py37_0 | |
- itsdangerous=1.1.0=py37_0 | |
- jbig=2.1=hdba287a_0 | |
- jdcal=1.4=py37_0 | |
- jedi=0.13.3=py37_0 | |
- jeepney=0.4=py37_0 | |
- jinja2=2.10=py37_0 | |
- jpeg=9b=h024ee3a_2 | |
- jsonschema=3.0.1=py37_0 | |
- jupyter=1.0.0=py37_7 | |
- jupyter_client=5.2.4=py37_0 | |
- jupyter_console=6.0.0=py37_0 | |
- jupyter_core=4.4.0=py37_0 | |
- jupyterlab=0.35.4=py37hf63ae98_0 | |
- jupyterlab_server=0.2.0=py37_0 | |
- keyring=18.0.0=py37_0 | |
- kiwisolver=1.0.1=py37hf484d3e_0 | |
- krb5=1.16.1=h173b8e3_7 | |
- lazy-object-proxy=1.3.1=py37h14c3975_2 | |
- libarchive=3.3.3=h5d8350f_5 | |
- libcurl=7.64.0=h20c2e04_2 | |
- libedit=3.1.20181209=hc058e9b_0 | |
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- libgfortran-ng=7.3.0=hdf63c60_0 | |
- liblief=0.9.0=h7725739_2 | |
- libpng=1.6.36=hbc83047_0 | |
- libsodium=1.0.16=h1bed415_0 | |
- libssh2=1.8.0=h1ba5d50_4 | |
- libstdcxx-ng=8.2.0=hdf63c60_1 | |
- libtiff=4.0.10=h2733197_2 | |
- libtool=2.4.6=h7b6447c_5 | |
- libuuid=1.0.3=h1bed415_2 | |
- libxcb=1.13=h1bed415_1 | |
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- libxslt=1.1.33=h7d1a2b0_0 | |
- lightgbm=2.2.3=py37hf484d3e_0 | |
- llvmlite=0.28.0=py37hd408876_0 | |
- locket=0.2.0=py37_1 | |
- lunardate=0.2.0=py_0 | |
- lxml=4.3.2=py37hefd8a0e_0 | |
- lz4-c= | |
- lzo=2.10=h49e0be7_2 | |
- markupsafe=1.1.1=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- matplotlib=3.0.3=py37h5429711_0 | |
- mccabe=0.6.1=py37_1 | |
- mistune=0.8.4=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- mkl=2019.3=199 | |
- mkl-service=1.1.2=py37he904b0f_5 | |
- mkl_fft=1.0.10=py37ha843d7b_0 | |
- mkl_random=1.0.2=py37hd81dba3_0 | |
- more-itertools=6.0.0=py37_0 | |
- mpc=1.1.0=h10f8cd9_1 | |
- mpfr=4.0.1=hdf1c602_3 | |
- mpmath=1.1.0=py37_0 | |
- msgpack-python=0.6.1=py37hfd86e86_1 | |
- multipledispatch=0.6.0=py37_0 | |
- navigator-updater=0.2.1=py37_0 | |
- nbconvert=5.4.1=py37_3 | |
- nbformat=4.4.0=py37_0 | |
- ncurses=6.1=he6710b0_1 | |
- networkx=2.2=py37_1 | |
- nltk=3.4=py37_1 | |
- nose=1.3.7=py37_2 | |
- notebook=5.7.8=py37_0 | |
- numba=0.43.1=py37h962f231_0 | |
- numexpr=2.6.9=py37h9e4a6bb_0 | |
- numpy=1.16.2=py37h7e9f1db_0 | |
- numpy-base=1.16.2=py37hde5b4d6_0 | |
- numpydoc=0.8.0=py37_0 | |
- olefile=0.46=py37_0 | |
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- openssl=1.1.1b=h7b6447c_1 | |
- packaging=19.0=py37_0 | |
- pandas=0.24.2=py37he6710b0_0 | |
- pandoc= | |
- pandocfilters=1.4.2=py37_1 | |
- pango=1.42.4=h049681c_0 | |
- parso=0.3.4=py37_0 | |
- partd=0.3.10=py37_1 | |
- patchelf=0.9=he6710b0_3 | |
- path.py=11.5.0=py37_0 | |
- pathlib2=2.3.3=py37_0 | |
- patsy=0.5.1=py37_0 | |
- pcre=8.43=he6710b0_0 | |
- pep8=1.7.1=py37_0 | |
- pexpect=4.6.0=py37_0 | |
- pickleshare=0.7.5=py37_0 | |
- pillow=5.4.1=py37h34e0f95_0 | |
- pip=19.0.3=py37_0 | |
- pixman=0.38.0=h7b6447c_0 | |
- pkginfo= | |
- pluggy=0.9.0=py37_0 | |
- ply=3.11=py37_0 | |
- prometheus_client=0.6.0=py37_0 | |
- prompt_toolkit=2.0.9=py37_0 | |
- psutil=5.6.1=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- ptyprocess=0.6.0=py37_0 | |
- py=1.8.0=py37_0 | |
- py-lief=0.9.0=py37h7725739_2 | |
- pycodestyle=2.5.0=py37_0 | |
- pycosat=0.6.3=py37h14c3975_0 | |
- pycparser=2.19=py37_0 | |
- pycrypto=2.6.1=py37h14c3975_9 | |
- pycurl= | |
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- pygments=2.3.1=py37_0 | |
- pylint=2.3.1=py37_0 | |
- pyodbc=4.0.26=py37he6710b0_0 | |
- pyopenssl=19.0.0=py37_0 | |
- pyparsing=2.3.1=py37_0 | |
- pyqt=5.9.2=py37h05f1152_2 | |
- pyrsistent=0.14.11=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- pysocks=1.6.8=py37_0 | |
- pystan= | |
- pytables=3.5.1=py37h71ec239_0 | |
- pytest=4.3.1=py37_0 | |
- pytest-arraydiff=0.3=py37h39e3cac_0 | |
- pytest-astropy=0.5.0=py37_0 | |
- pytest-doctestplus=0.3.0=py37_0 | |
- pytest-openfiles=0.3.2=py37_0 | |
- pytest-remotedata=0.3.1=py37_0 | |
- python=3.7.3=h0371630_0 | |
- python-dateutil=2.8.0=py37_0 | |
- python-libarchive-c=2.8=py37_6 | |
- pytz=2018.9=py37_0 | |
- pywavelets=1.0.2=py37hdd07704_0 | |
- pyyaml=5.1=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- pyzmq=18.0.0=py37he6710b0_0 | |
- qt=5.9.7=h5867ecd_1 | |
- qtawesome=0.5.7=py37_1 | |
- qtconsole=4.4.3=py37_0 | |
- qtpy=1.7.0=py37_1 | |
- readline=7.0=h7b6447c_5 | |
- requests=2.21.0=py37_0 | |
- rope=0.12.0=py37_0 | |
- ruamel_yaml=0.15.46=py37h14c3975_0 | |
- scikit-image=0.14.2=py37he6710b0_0 | |
- scikit-learn=0.20.3=py37hd81dba3_0 | |
- scipy=1.2.1=py37h7c811a0_0 | |
- seaborn=0.9.0=py37_0 | |
- secretstorage=3.1.1=py37_0 | |
- send2trash=1.5.0=py37_0 | |
- setuptools=40.8.0=py37_0 | |
- simplegeneric=0.8.1=py37_2 | |
- singledispatch= | |
- sip=4.19.8=py37hf484d3e_0 | |
- six=1.12.0=py37_0 | |
- snappy=1.1.7=hbae5bb6_3 | |
- snowballstemmer=1.2.1=py37_0 | |
- sortedcollections=1.1.2=py37_0 | |
- sortedcontainers=2.1.0=py37_0 | |
- soupsieve=1.8=py37_0 | |
- sphinx=1.8.5=py37_0 | |
- sphinxcontrib=1.0=py37_1 | |
- sphinxcontrib-websupport=1.1.0=py37_1 | |
- spyder=3.3.3=py37_0 | |
- spyder-kernels=0.4.2=py37_0 | |
- sqlalchemy=1.3.1=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- sqlite=3.27.2=h7b6447c_0 | |
- statsmodels=0.9.0=py37h035aef0_0 | |
- sympy=1.3=py37_0 | |
- tblib=1.3.2=py37_0 | |
- terminado=0.8.1=py37_1 | |
- testpath=0.4.2=py37_0 | |
- tk=8.6.8=hbc83047_0 | |
- toolz=0.9.0=py37_0 | |
- tornado=6.0.2=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- tqdm=4.31.1=py37_1 | |
- traitlets=4.3.2=py37_0 | |
- unicodecsv=0.14.1=py37_0 | |
- unixodbc=2.3.7=h14c3975_0 | |
- urllib3=1.24.1=py37_0 | |
- wcwidth=0.1.7=py37_0 | |
- webencodings=0.5.1=py37_1 | |
- werkzeug=0.14.1=py37_0 | |
- wheel=0.33.1=py37_0 | |
- widgetsnbextension=3.4.2=py37_0 | |
- wrapt=1.11.1=py37h7b6447c_0 | |
- wurlitzer=1.0.2=py37_0 | |
- xlrd=1.2.0=py37_0 | |
- xlsxwriter=1.1.5=py37_0 | |
- xlwt=1.3.0=py37_0 | |
- xz=5.2.4=h14c3975_4 | |
- yaml=0.1.7=had09818_2 | |
- zeromq=4.3.1=he6710b0_3 | |
- zict=0.1.4=py37_0 | |
- zipp=0.3.3=py37_1 | |
- zlib=1.2.11=h7b6447c_3 | |
- zstd=1.3.7=h0b5b093_0 | |
- pip: | |
- plotly==3.10.0 | |
- presto-python-client==0.7.0 | |
- py4j==0.10.7 | |
- pyarrow==0.14.0 | |
- pyspark==2.4.3 | |
- pytd==0.5.0 | |
- retrying==1.3.3 | |
- td-client==0.13.0 | |
- td-pyspark==20.2.0 | |
prefix: /opt/conda |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
name: my-env | |
channels: | |
- conda-forge | |
- defaults | |
dependencies: | |
- attrs=19.3.0=py_0 | |
- backcall=0.1.0=py_0 | |
- blas=1.0=mkl | |
- bleach=3.1.5=pyh9f0ad1d_0 | |
- boto=2.49.0=py_0 | |
- ca-certificates=2020.4.5.1=hecc5488_0 | |
- certifi=2020.4.5.1=py37hc8dfbb8_0 | |
- colorama=0.4.3=py_0 | |
- convertdate=2.1.3=py_1000 | |
- cycler=0.10.0=py_2 | |
- cython=0.29.17=py37h1834ac0_0 | |
- decorator=4.4.2=py_0 | |
- defusedxml=0.6.0=py_0 | |
- entrypoints=0.3=py37hc8dfbb8_1001 | |
- ephem= | |
- fbprophet=0.5=py37h6538335_3 | |
- freetype=2.10.1=ha9979f8_0 | |
- holidays=0.9.11=py_0 | |
- icc_rt=2019.0.0=h0cc432a_1 | |
- icu=64.2=he025d50_1 | |
- importlib-metadata=1.6.0=py37hc8dfbb8_0 | |
- importlib_metadata=1.6.0=0 | |
- intel-openmp=2020.0=166 | |
- ipykernel=5.2.1=py37h5ca1d4c_0 | |
- ipython=7.14.0=py37hc8dfbb8_0 | |
- ipython_genutils=0.2.0=py_1 | |
- ipywidgets=7.5.1=py_0 | |
- jedi=0.17.0=py37hc8dfbb8_0 | |
- jinja2=2.11.2=pyh9f0ad1d_0 | |
- joblib=0.14.1=py_0 | |
- jpeg=9c=hfa6e2cd_1001 | |
- jsonschema=3.2.0=py37hc8dfbb8_1 | |
- jupyter=1.0.0=py_2 | |
- jupyter_client=6.1.3=py_0 | |
- jupyter_console=6.1.0=py_1 | |
- jupyter_core=4.6.3=py37hc8dfbb8_1 | |
- kiwisolver=1.2.0=py37heaa310e_0 | |
- libblas=3.8.0=15_mkl | |
- libcblas=3.8.0=15_mkl | |
- libclang=9.0.1=default_hf44288c_0 | |
- liblapack=3.8.0=15_mkl | |
- libpng=1.6.37=hfe6a214_1 | |
- libsodium=1.0.17=h2fa13f4_0 | |
- lightgbm=2.2.3=py37h6538335_0 | |
- lunardate=0.2.0=py_0 | |
- m2-base=1.0.0=3 | |
- m2-bash=4.3.042=5 | |
- m2-bash-completion=2.3=2 | |
- m2-catgets=1.1=3 | |
- m2-coreutils=8.25=102 | |
- m2-dash=0.5.8=2 | |
- m2-diffutils=3.3=4 | |
- m2-file=5.25=2 | |
- m2-filesystem=2016.04=4 | |
- m2-findutils=4.6.0=2 | |
- m2-gawk=4.1.3=2 | |
- m2-gcc-libs=5.3.0=4 | |
- m2-gettext=0.19.7=4 | |
- m2-gmp=6.1.0=3 | |
- m2-grep=2.22=4 | |
- m2-gzip=1.7=2 | |
- m2-inetutils=1.9.2=2 | |
- m2-info=6.0=2 | |
- m2-less=481=2 | |
- m2-libasprintf=0.19.7=4 | |
- m2-libbz2=1.0.6=3 | |
- m2-libcatgets=1.1=3 | |
- m2-libcrypt=1.3=2 | |
- m2-libgettextpo=0.19.7=4 | |
- m2-libiconv=1.14=3 | |
- m2-libintl=0.19.7=4 | |
- m2-liblzma=5.2.2=2 | |
- m2-libpcre=8.38=2 | |
- m2-libreadline=6.3.008=8 | |
- m2-libutil-linux=2.26.2=2 | |
- m2-libxml2=2.9.2=3 | |
- m2-make=4.1=5 | |
- m2-mintty=1!2.2.3=2 | |
- m2-mpfr=3.1.4=2 | |
- m2-msys2-launcher-git= | |
- m2-msys2-runtime= | |
- m2-ncurses=6.0.20160220=2 | |
- m2-sed=4.2.2=3 | |
- m2-tar=1.28=4 | |
- m2-tftp-hpa=5.2=2 | |
- m2-time=1.7=2 | |
- m2-ttyrec=1.0.8=2 | |
- m2-tzcode=2015.e=2 | |
- m2-unzip=6.0=3 | |
- m2-util-linux=2.26.2=2 | |
- m2-which=2.21=3 | |
- m2-zip=3.0=2 | |
- m2-zlib=1.2.8=4 | |
- m2w64-binutils=2.25.1=5 | |
- m2w64-bzip2=1.0.6=6 | |
- m2w64-crt-git= | |
- m2w64-gcc=5.3.0=6 | |
- m2w64-gcc-ada=5.3.0=6 | |
- m2w64-gcc-fortran=5.3.0=6 | |
- m2w64-gcc-libgfortran=5.3.0=6 | |
- m2w64-gcc-libs=5.3.0=7 | |
- m2w64-gcc-libs-core=5.3.0=7 | |
- m2w64-gcc-objc=5.3.0=6 | |
- m2w64-gmp=6.1.0=2 | |
- m2w64-headers-git= | |
- m2w64-isl=0.16.1=2 | |
- m2w64-libiconv=1.14=6 | |
- m2w64-libmangle-git= | |
- m2w64-libwinpthread-git= | |
- m2w64-make=4.1.2351.a80a8b8=2 | |
- m2w64-mpc=1.0.3=3 | |
- m2w64-mpfr=3.1.4=4 | |
- m2w64-pkg-config=0.29.1=2 | |
- m2w64-toolchain=5.3.0=7 | |
- m2w64-toolchain_win-64=2.4.0=0 | |
- m2w64-tools-git= | |
- m2w64-windows-default-manifest=6.4=3 | |
- m2w64-winpthreads-git= | |
- m2w64-zlib=1.2.8=10 | |
- markupsafe=1.1.1=py37h8055547_1 | |
- matplotlib=3.2.1=0 | |
- matplotlib-base=3.2.1=py37h911224e_0 | |
- mistune=0.8.4=py37h8055547_1001 | |
- mkl=2020.0=166 | |
- msys2-conda-epoch=20160418=1 | |
- nbconvert=5.6.1=py37hc8dfbb8_1 | |
- nbformat=5.0.6=py_0 | |
- notebook=6.0.3=py37hc8dfbb8_0 | |
- numpy=1.18.4=py37hae9e721_0 | |
- openssl=1.1.1g=he774522_0 | |
- packaging=20.1=py_0 | |
- pandas=0.25.3=py37he350917_0 | |
- pandoc= | |
- pandocfilters=1.4.2=py_1 | |
- parso=0.7.0=pyh9f0ad1d_0 | |
- pickleshare=0.7.5=py37hc8dfbb8_1001 | |
- pip=20.0.2=py37_3 | |
- posix=1.0.0=2 | |
- prometheus_client=0.7.1=py_0 | |
- prompt-toolkit=3.0.5=py_0 | |
- prompt_toolkit=3.0.5=0 | |
- pygments=2.6.1=py_0 | |
- pyparsing=2.4.7=pyh9f0ad1d_0 | |
- pyqt=5.12.3=py37h1834ac0_3 | |
- pyrsistent=0.16.0=py37h8055547_0 | |
- pystan= | |
- python=3.7.3=h8c8aaf0_1 | |
- python-dateutil=2.8.1=py_0 | |
- python_abi=3.7=1_cp37m | |
- pytz=2019.3=py_0 | |
- pywinpty=0.5.7=py37_0 | |
- pyzmq=19.0.1=py37h453f00a_0 | |
- qt=5.12.5=h7ef1ec2_0 | |
- qtconsole=4.7.3=pyh9f0ad1d_0 | |
- qtpy=1.9.0=py_0 | |
- scikit-learn=0.22.2.post1=py37h7208079_0 | |
- scipy=1.2.1=py37h29ff71c_0 | |
- send2trash=1.5.0=py_0 | |
- setuptools=46.1.3=py37_0 | |
- six=1.14.0=py_1 | |
- sqlite=3.31.1=h2a8f88b_1 | |
- terminado=0.8.3=py37hc8dfbb8_1 | |
- testpath=0.4.4=py_0 | |
- tornado=6.0.4=py37hfa6e2cd_0 | |
- traitlets=4.3.3=py37hc8dfbb8_1 | |
- vc=14.1=h0510ff6_4 | |
- vs2015_runtime=14.16.27012=hf0eaf9b_1 | |
- wcwidth=0.1.9=pyh9f0ad1d_0 | |
- webencodings=0.5.1=py_1 | |
- wheel=0.34.2=py37_0 | |
- widgetsnbextension=3.5.1=py37_0 | |
- wincertstore=0.2=py37_0 | |
- winpty=0.4.3=4 | |
- zeromq=4.3.2=h6538335_2 | |
- zipp=3.1.0=py_0 | |
- zlib=1.2.11=h62dcd97_4 | |
- pip: | |
- chardet==3.0.4 | |
- click==7.1.2 | |
- feedparser==5.2.1 | |
- idna==2.9 | |
- ipython-genutils==0.2.0 | |
- msgpack==1.0.0 | |
- plotly==3.10.0 | |
- presto-python-client==0.7.0 | |
- py4j==0.10.7 | |
- pyarrow==0.14.0 | |
- pyqt5-sip==4.19.18 | |
- pyqtchart==5.12 | |
- pyqtwebengine==5.12.1 | |
- pyspark==2.4.3 | |
- pytd==1.2.0 | |
- pywin32==227 | |
- requests==2.23.0 | |
- retrying==1.3.3 | |
- td-client==1.2.0 | |
- td-pyspark==20.2.0 | |
- urllib3==1.24.3 |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
pytd[spark] | |
td-pyspark | |
numpy | |
scipy | |
pandas | |
matplotlib | |
boto3 | |
plotly | |
seaborn | |
scikit-learn | |
lightgbm | |
pystan | |
fbprophet |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
# For digdag-python:3.7 | |
pip install -r requirements.txt -c constraints.txt | |
# For digdag-anaconda3:2019.03 with default environment, run | |
conda env update -f environment.yml | |
# If you want to avoid updating environment name, use -n option like | |
conda env create -n my-env -f environment.yml | |
# For Windows users, run | |
conda env create -n my-env -f environment_windows.yml |
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