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Created September 15, 2020 20:30
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Fizzy vs WABT and wasm3
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/blake2b/512_bytes_rounds_1_mean                     +3.0371         +3.0371            21            86            21            86
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/blake2b/512_bytes_rounds_16_mean                    +2.9860         +2.9860           328          1309           328          1309
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/ecpairing/onepoint_mean                             +1.7467         +1.7466        161430        443391        161431        443395
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/keccak256/512_bytes_rounds_1_mean                   +4.9237         +4.9237            18           105            18           105
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/keccak256/512_bytes_rounds_16_mean                  +4.9273         +4.9273           261          1549           261          1549
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/memset/256_bytes_mean                               +2.9192         +2.9192             2             7             2             7
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/memset/60000_bytes_mean                             +2.8920         +2.8920           409          1593           409          1593
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/mul256_opt0/input0_mean                             +3.5901         +3.5901             6            27             6            27
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/mul256_opt0/input1_mean                             +3.5753         +3.5753             6            27             6            27
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/ramanujan_pi/33_runs_mean                           +3.3933         +3.3933            30           132            30           132
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/sha1/512_bytes_rounds_1_mean                        +2.7532         +2.7532            25            95            25            95
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/sha1/512_bytes_rounds_16_mean                       +2.7280         +2.7280           355          1325           355          1325
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/sha256/512_bytes_rounds_1_mean                      +2.7327         +2.7326            26            96            26            96
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/sha256/512_bytes_rounds_16_mean                     +2.7579         +2.7579           352          1323           352          1323
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/taylor_pi/pi_1000000_runs_mean                      +2.6510         +2.6510         11704         42732         11704         42732
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/eli_interpreter/halt_mean                     +1.1839         +1.1839             0             0             0             0
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/eli_interpreter/exec105_mean                  +1.9685         +1.9685             2             5             2             5
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/factorial/10_mean                             +2.0139         +2.0139             0             0             0             0
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/factorial/20_mean                             +2.1066         +2.1066             0             1             0             1
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/fibonacci/24_mean                             +2.3761         +2.3761          2252          7602          2252          7602
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/host_adler32/1_mean                           +0.8211         +0.8211             0             0             0             0
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/host_adler32/100_mean                         +0.9827         +0.9827             2             3             2             3
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/host_adler32/1000_mean                        +0.9791         +0.9792            15            30            15            30
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/spinner/1_mean                                +0.9477         +0.9477             0             0             0             0
[wasm3 vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/spinner/1000_mean                             +2.8184         +2.8184             3            11             3            11
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/blake2b/512_bytes_rounds_1_mean                     -0.4398         -0.4398           154            86           154            86
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/blake2b/512_bytes_rounds_16_mean                    -0.4410         -0.4410          2342          1309          2342          1309
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/ecpairing/onepoint_mean                             -0.3839         -0.3839        719675        443391        719680        443395
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/keccak256/512_bytes_rounds_1_mean                   -0.4074         -0.4074           178           105           178           105
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/keccak256/512_bytes_rounds_16_mean                  -0.4087         -0.4087          2620          1549          2620          1549
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/memset/256_bytes_mean                               -0.3652         -0.3652            11             7            11             7
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/memset/60000_bytes_mean                             -0.3678         -0.3678          2520          1593          2520          1593
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/mul256_opt0/input0_mean                             -0.3904         -0.3904            45            27            45            27
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/mul256_opt0/input1_mean                             -0.3902         -0.3902            45            27            45            27
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/ramanujan_pi/33_runs_mean                           -0.4347         -0.4347           233           132           233           132
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/sha1/512_bytes_rounds_1_mean                        -0.4594         -0.4594           175            95           175            95
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/sha1/512_bytes_rounds_16_mean                       -0.4578         -0.4578          2444          1325          2444          1325
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/sha256/512_bytes_rounds_1_mean                      -0.4854         -0.4854           187            96           187            96
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/sha256/512_bytes_rounds_16_mean                     -0.4925         -0.4925          2606          1323          2606          1323
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/taylor_pi/pi_1000000_runs_mean                      -0.3958         -0.3958         70724         42732         70725         42732
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/eli_interpreter/halt_mean                     -0.5067         -0.5067             0             0             0             0
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/eli_interpreter/exec105_mean                 +37.6167        +37.6168             0             5             0             5
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/factorial/10_mean                             +0.2528         +0.2528             0             0             0             0
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/factorial/20_mean                             +0.4546         +0.4546             1             1             1             1
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/fibonacci/24_mean                             +0.3087         +0.3087          5809          7602          5809          7602
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/host_adler32/1_mean                           -0.9754         -0.9754             2             0             2             0
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/host_adler32/100_mean                         -0.9868         -0.9868           231             3           231             3
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/host_adler32/1000_mean                        -0.9870         -0.9870          2305            30          2305            30
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/spinner/1_mean                                -0.3159         -0.3159             0             0             0             0
[ wabt vs. fizzy]/execute/micro/spinner/1000_mean                             -0.2766         -0.2766            15            11            15            11
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