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Last active May 28, 2016 15:08
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Mini trafic lights (mainly for kids) with an Arduino
// Traffic lights
// See : (french)
const int roadA[3] = {7,8,9};// Pins mapping for A group (Green, Orange, Red)
const int roadB[3] = {10,11,12}; // Pins mapping for B group (Green, Orange, Red)
const int sequenceA[6] = {0,1,2,2,2,2};// Lights sequence for A (Green, Orange, Red, Red, Red, Red)
const int sequenceB[6] = {2,2,2,0,1,2};// Lights sequence for B (Red, Red, Red, Green, Orange, Red)
const int timing[3] = {10,2,1};// In seconds (time for Green, Orange, Red)
const int timeSequence[6] = {timing[0], timing[1],timing[2],timing[0], timing[1],timing[2]};// Green (A), Orange (A), Red (both), Green (B), Orange (B), Red (both)
volatile int sequence = 0; // Sequence number. Will go from 0 to 5, then back to 0.
void setup() {
//Pins setup
for(int a=0; a < 3; a++){
pinMode(roadA[a], OUTPUT);
pinMode(roadB[a], OUTPUT);
// Light on/off (to check if they work)
digitalWrite(roadA[a], HIGH);
digitalWrite(roadB[a], HIGH);
digitalWrite(roadA[a], LOW);
digitalWrite(roadB[a], LOW);
void loop() {
// Use sequence configuration
// Some sleep, to let the light shine
// Update the sequence (for next loop)
// Will set the good light on, according to the current sequence number
void setLights(int i) {
// Loop through the 3 colors
for(int a=0; a < 3; a++){
// If current sequence for A corresponds to the current color
digitalWrite(roadA[a], HIGH); // We turn this light on
digitalWrite(roadA[a], LOW); // Otherway, we turn it off
// The same logic applies to B...
digitalWrite(roadB[a], HIGH);
digitalWrite(roadB[a], LOW);
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