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Created December 3, 2019 08:16
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C:\Users\jloss\venv\ITCH50parser\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\jloss\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\PyCharm-P\ch-0\193.5233.109\plugins\python\helpers\pydev\ --mode=client --port=1700
import sys; print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform))
sys.path.extend(['C:\\Users\\jloss\\PyCharmProjects\\NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER', 'C:\\Users\\jloss\\PyCharmProjects\\NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER\\src', 'C:\\Users\\jloss\\PyCharmProjects\\NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER\\data', 'C:/Users/jloss/PyCharmProjects/NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER'])
Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 22:22:05) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.9.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
PyDev console: using IPython 7.9.0
Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 22:22:05) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
In[2]: ###########################################################################
...:# Parsing NASDAQ ITCH-5.0 Trade Data
...:# Created by Joseph Loss on 09/01/2019
...:# MS Financial Engineering
...:# University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
...:# contact:
...:import gzip
...:import shutil
...:from urllib.request import urlretrieve
...:import urllib.parse
...:from clint.textui import progress
...:import pandas as pd
...:import numpy as np
...:import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
...:from struct import unpack
...:from collections import namedtuple, Counter
...:from datetime import datetime as dt
...:from datetime import timedelta, time, datetime
...:from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
...:from math import pi
...:from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file, output_notebook
...:from time import time
...:import seaborn as sns
...:from pathlib import Path
...:from collections import Counter
...:import matplotlib as mpl
...:from scipy.stats import normaltest
...:import os
...:# store data download in a subdirectory and convert the result to hdf format (for faster read/write)
...:data_path = Path('C://Users//jloss//PyCharmProjects//NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER//data')
...:figure_path = Path('C://Users//jloss//PyCharmProjects//NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER//figures')
...:itch_store = data_path / 'itch.h5'
...:order_book_store = data_path / 'order_book.h5'
...:# give FTP address, filename, and the date of the file you want to download:
...:FTP_URL = ''
...:SOURCE_FILE = '10302019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz'
...:# download the data and unzip it
...:def may_be_download(url):
...: """Download & unzip ITCH data if not yet available"""
...: filename = data_path / url.split('/')[-1]
...: if not data_path.exists():
...: print('Creating directory')
...: data_path.mkdir()
...: if not filename.exists():
...: print('Downloading...', url)
...: urlretrieve(url, filename)
...: unzipped = data_path / (filename.stem + '.bin')
...: # if not (data_path / unzipped).exists():
...: if not (unzipped).exists():
...: print('Unzipping to', unzipped)
...: with, 'rb') as f_in:
...: with open(unzipped, 'wb') as f_out:
...: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
...: return unzipped
...:file_name = may_be_download(urllib.parse.urljoin(FTP_URL, SOURCE_FILE))
...:date ='.')[0]
...:# put parser format strings (given in ITCH5.0 pdf) into format dictionaries within class:
...:class format_strings:
...: event_codes = { 'O':'Start of Messages',
...: 'S':'Start of System Hours',
...: 'Q':'Start of Market Hours',
...: 'M':'End of Market Hours',
...: 'E':'End of System Hours',
...: 'C':'End of Messages' }
...: encoding = { 'primary_market_maker':{ 'Y':1, 'N':0 },
...: 'printable': { 'Y':1, 'N':0 },
...: 'buy_sell_indicator': { 'B':1, 'S':-1 },
...: 'cross_type': { 'O':0, 'C':1, 'H':2 },
...: 'imbalance_direction': { 'B':0, 'S':1, 'N':0, 'O':-1 } }
...: formats = {
...: ('integer', 2):'H',
...: ('integer', 4):'I',
...: ('integer', 6):'6s',
...: ('integer', 8):'Q',
...: ('alpha', 1): 's',
...: ('alpha', 2): '2s',
...: ('alpha', 4): '4s',
...: ('alpha', 8): '8s',
...: ('price_4', 4):'I',
...: ('price_8', 8):'Q',
...: }
...:# the message_types.xlxs contains type specifications as laid out by ITCH documentation:
...:message_data = (pd.read_excel('C://Users//jloss//PyCharmProjects//NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER//src//message_types.xlsx',
...: sheet_name = 'messages',
...: encoding = 'latin1').sort_values('id').drop('id', axis = 1))
...:# basic string cleaning:
...:def clean_message_types(df):
...: df.columns = [col.lower().strip() for col in df.columns]
...: df.value = df.value.str.strip()
...: = (
...: .str.strip() # remove whitespace
...: .str.lower()
...: .str.replace(' ', '_')
...: .str.replace('-', '_')
...: .str.replace('/', '_'))
...: df.notes = df.notes.str.strip()
...: df['message_type'] = df.loc[ == 'message_type', 'value']
...: return df
...:# read message types from xlsx and run string cleaning function
...:message_types = clean_message_types(message_data)
...:# extract message type codes/names to make results more readable
...:message_labels = (message_types.loc[:, ['message_type', 'notes']]
...: .dropna()
...: .rename(columns = { 'notes':'name' })) = (
...: .str.lower()
...: .str.replace('message', '')
...: .str.replace('.', '')
...: .str.strip().str.replace(' ', '_'))
...:print("\nMessage Types and Description:\n", message_labels.head(), "\n")
...:# finalize msg specs: offset, length, and value type to be used by struct
...:message_types.message_type = message_types.message_type.ffill()
...:message_types = message_types[ != 'message_type']
...:message_types.value = (message_types.value
...: .str.lower()
...: .str.replace(' ', '_')
...: .str.replace('(', '')
...: .str.replace(')', ''))
...:# print('\n')
...:# print(
...:print("\nMessage Types Header: \n", message_types.head(3), "\n")
...:# csv_path = Path('C://Users//jloss//PyCharmProjects//NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER//')
...:# auto-persist from file:
...:message_types.to_csv('message_types.csv', index = False)
...:message_types = pd.read_csv('message_types.csv')
...:# parser translates the message specs into format strings and tuples that capture msg content
...:# so we create formatting tuples from ITCH specifications:
...:message_types.loc[:, 'formats'] = (message_types[['value', 'length']].apply(tuple, axis = 1).map(format_strings.formats))
...:# and extract formatting details for alphanumeric fields
...:alpha_fields = message_types[message_types.value == 'alpha'].set_index('name')
...:alpha_msgs = alpha_fields.groupby('message_type')
...:alpha_formats = { k:v.to_dict() for k, v in alpha_msgs.formats } # use formats dictionary for fields marked "alpha"
...:alpha_length = { k:v.add(5).to_dict() for k, v in alpha_msgs.length }
...:# generate msg classes as named tuples and format strings
...:message_fields, fstring = { }, { }
...:for t, message in message_types.groupby('message_type'):
...: message_fields[t] = namedtuple(typename = t, field_names =
...: fstring[t] = '>' + ''.join(message.formats.tolist())
...:# post-processing for alphanumeric fields
...:def format_alphanumeric(mtype, data):
...: for col in alpha_formats.get(mtype).keys():
...: if mtype != 'R' and col == 'stock': # save memory, we already have stock locator so we can delete the stock ticker name
...: data = data.drop(col, axis = 1)
...: continue
...: data.loc[:, col] = data.loc[:, col].str.decode("utf-8").str.strip()
...: if format_strings.encoding.get(col):
...: data.loc[:, col] = data.loc[:, col].map(format_strings.encoding.get(col))
...: return data
...:def store_messages(m):
...: """Handle occasional storing of all messages"""
...: with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
...: for mtype, data in m.items():
...: data = pd.DataFrame(data) # convert to DataFrame
...: data.timestamp = data.timestamp.apply(int.from_bytes, byteorder = 'big')
...: data.timestamp = pd.to_timedelta(data.timestamp)
...: if mtype in alpha_formats.keys(): # apply alpha formatting
...: data = format_alphanumeric(mtype, data)
...: s = alpha_length.get(mtype)
...: if s:
...: s = { c:s.get(c) for c in data.columns }
...: dc = ['stock_locate']
...: if m == 'R':
...: dc.append('stock')
...: store.append(mtype, data,
...: format = 't',
...: min_itemsize = s,
...: data_columns = dc)
Unzipping to C:\Users\jloss\PyCharmProjects\NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER\data\10302019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.bin
Message Types and Description:
message_type name
0 S system_event
5 R stock_directory
23 H stock_trading_action
31 Y reg_sho_short_sale_price_test_restricted_indic...
37 L market_participant_position
C:\Users\jloss\venv\ITCH50parser\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
See the caveats in the documentation:
self[name] = value
Message Types Header:
name offset ... notes message_type
1 stock_locate 1 ... Always 0 S
2 tracking_number 3 ... Nasdaq internal tracking number S
3 timestamp 5 ... Nanoseconds since midnight S
[3 rows x 6 columns]
...:messages = { }
...:message_count = 0
...:message_type_counter = Counter()
...:# simplified version to process the bin file and produce the parsed orders by msg type:
...:# if itch_store.exists()
...:start = time()
...:print("\n===== INITALIZING PARSER ===== ")
...:with'rb') as data:
...: while True:
...: # determine msg size in bytes
...: message_size = int.from_bytes(, byteorder = 'big', signed = False)
...: # get msg type by reading first byte
...: message_type ='ascii')
...: # create data structure to capture result
...: if not messages.get(message_type):
...: messages[message_type] = []
...: message_type_counter.update([message_type])
...: # read & store msg
...: record = - 1)
...: message = message_fields[message_type]._make(unpack(fstring[message_type], record))
...: messages[message_type].append(message)
...: # system event handler:
...: if message_type == 'S':
...: timestamp = int.from_bytes(message.timestamp, byteorder = 'big')
...: print(format_strings.event_codes.get(message.event_code.decode('ascii'), 'Error'))
...: print('\t{0}\t{1:,.0f}'.format(timedelta(seconds = timestamp * 1e-9), message_count))
...: if message.event_code.decode('ascii') == 'C':
...: store_messages(messages)
...: break
...: message_count += 1
...: if message_count % 2.5e7 == 0:
...: timestamp = int.from_bytes(message.timestamp, byteorder = 'big')
...: print('\t{0}\t{1:,.0f}\t{2}'.format(timedelta(seconds = timestamp * 1e-9),
...: message_count,
...: timedelta(seconds = time() - start)))
...: store_messages(messages)
...: messages = { }
...:print("PARSE FINISHED IN: ", timedelta(seconds = time() - start))
Start of Messages
3:02:31.647283 0
Start of System Hours
4:00:00.000203 241,258
Start of Market Hours
9:30:00.000070 9,559,279
9:44:09.234742 25,000,000 0:01:21.695234
10:07:45.145293 50,000,000 0:04:47.039161
10:39:56.236836 75,000,000 0:07:51.579376
11:18:09.635432 100,000,000 0:10:59.959686
11:58:35.348562 125,000,000 0:14:07.851465
12:44:20.614655 150,000,000 0:17:37.421978
13:41:03.747497 175,000,000 0:21:46.086413
14:18:44.524342 200,000,000 0:26:16.709852
14:49:19.384369 225,000,000 0:30:42.701890
15:19:40.719266 250,000,000 0:35:11.552232
15:50:23.011120 275,000,000 0:39:31.721726
End of Market Hours
16:00:00.000087 290,920,164
End of System Hours
20:00:00.000021 293,944,863
End of Messages
20:05:00.000062 293,989,078
PARSE FINISHED IN: 0:44:59.213565
...:## build
...:# order book flow for the given day
...:stock = 'GE'
...:order_dict = { -1:'sell', 1:'buy' }
...:print("===== RECONSTRUCTING ORDER FLOW =====\nDATE: ", date, "\nTICKER: ", stock)
...:# get all messages for the chosen stock
...:def get_messages(date, stock = stock):
...: with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
...: stock_locate ='R', where = 'stock = stock').stock_locate.iloc[0]
...: target = 'stock_locate = stock_locate'
...: data = { }
...: trading_msgs = ['A', 'F', 'E', 'C', 'X', 'D', 'U', 'P', 'Q']
...: for msg in trading_msgs:
...: data[msg] =, where = target).drop('stock_locate', axis = 1).assign(type = msg)
...: # public key records in each type of message (order_ref_number, stock locate code, etc)
...: order_cols = ['order_reference_number', 'buy_sell_indicator', 'shares', 'price']
...: # 'A' and 'F' message types are for Add Orders (with and without unattributed orders/quotes)
...: orders = pd.concat([data['A'], data['F']], sort = False, ignore_index = True).loc[:, order_cols]
...: for msg in trading_msgs[2: -3]:
...: data[msg] = data[msg].merge(orders, how = 'left')
...: # Msg for whenever an order on the book has been cancel-replaced
...: data['U'] = data['U'].merge(orders, how = 'left',
...: right_on = 'order_reference_number',
...: left_on = 'original_order_reference_number',
...: suffixes = ['', '_replaced'])
...: # Cross Trade messages:
...: data['Q'].rename(columns = { 'cross_price':'price' }, inplace = True)
...: # Order Cancel Messages:
...: data['X']['shares'] = data['X']['cancelled_shares']
...: data['X'] = data['X'].dropna(subset = ['price'])
...: data = pd.concat([data[msg] for msg in trading_msgs], ignore_index = True, sort = False)
...: data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(date, format = '%m%d%Y')
...: data.timestamp = data['date'].add(data.timestamp)
...: data = data[data.printable != 0]
...: drop_cols = ['tracking_number', 'order_reference_number', 'original_order_reference_number',
...: 'cross_type', 'new_order_reference_number', 'attribution', 'match_number',
...: 'printable', 'date', 'cancelled_shares']
...: return data.drop(drop_cols, axis = 1).sort_values('timestamp').reset_index(drop = True)
...:# combine trade orders (reconstruct successful trades, ie orders that are executed)
...:def get_trades(msg):
...: """Combine C, E, P and Q messages into trading records"""
...: trade_dict = { 'executed_shares':'shares', 'execution_price':'price' }
...: cols = ['timestamp', 'executed_shares']
...: trades = pd.concat([msg.loc[msg.type == 'E', cols + ['price']].rename(columns = trade_dict),
...: msg.loc[msg.type == 'C', cols + ['execution_price']].rename(columns = trade_dict),
...: msg.loc[msg.type == 'P', ['timestamp', 'price', 'shares']],
...: msg.loc[msg.type == 'Q', ['timestamp', 'price', 'shares']].assign(cross = 1),
...: ], sort = False).dropna(subset = ['price']).fillna(0)
...: return trades.set_index('timestamp').sort_index().astype(int)
...:# create orders - accumulate sell orders in ascending and buy orders in desc. order for given timestamps
...:def add_orders(orders, buysell, nlevels):
...: new_order = []
...: items = sorted(orders.copy().items())
...: if buysell == 1:
...: items = reversed(items)
...: for i, (p, s) in enumerate(items, 1):
...: new_order.append((p, s))
...: if i == nlevels:
...: break
...: return orders, new_order
...:# save orders
...:def save_orders(orders, append = False):
...: cols = ['price', 'shares']
...: for buysell, book in orders.items():
...: df = (pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data = data, columns = cols).assign(timestamp = t)
...: for t, data in book.items()]))
...: key = '{}/{}'.format(stock, order_dict[buysell])
...: df.loc[:, ['price', 'shares']] = df.loc[:, ['price', 'shares']].astype(int)
...: with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
...: if append:
...: store.append(key, df.set_index('timestamp'), format = 't')
...: else:
...: store.put(key, df.set_index('timestamp'))
...:## iterate over all ITCH msgs to process orders/replacement orders as specified:
...:# if os.path.exists(order_book_store):
...:# pass
...:# else:
...:# print msg info
...:messages = get_messages(date = date)
...:print("\n ===== ORDER MESSAGES SUMMARY: =====\n") = True)
...:with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
...: key = '{}/trading_msgs'.format(stock)
...: store.put(key, messages)
...: print("\n ===== ORDERBOOK STORAGE FORMAT: =====\n ",, "\n")
...:trades = get_trades(messages)
...:# print(
...:with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
...: store.put('{}/trades'.format(stock), trades)
...:order_book = { -1:{ }, 1:{ } }
...:current_orders = { -1:Counter(), 1:Counter() }
...:message_counter = Counter()
...:nlevels = 100
...:start = time()
...:for msg in messages.itertuples():
...: i = msg[0]
...: if i % 1e5 == 0 and i > 0:
...: print('{:,.0f}\t\t{}'.format(i, timedelta(seconds = time() - start)))
...: save_orders(order_book, append = True)
...: order_book = { -1:{ }, 1:{ } }
...: start = time()
...: if np.isnan(msg.buy_sell_indicator):
...: continue
...: message_counter.update(msg.type)
...: buysell = msg.buy_sell_indicator
...: price, shares = None, None
...: if msg.type in ['A', 'F', 'U']:
...: price = int(msg.price)
...: shares = int(msg.shares)
...: current_orders[buysell].update({ price:shares })
...: current_orders[buysell], new_order = add_orders(current_orders[buysell], buysell, nlevels)
...: order_book[buysell][msg.timestamp] = new_order
...: if msg.type in ['E', 'C', 'X', 'D', 'U']:
...: if msg.type == 'U':
...: if not np.isnan(msg.shares_replaced):
...: price = int(msg.price_replaced)
...: shares = -int(msg.shares_replaced)
...: else:
...: if not np.isnan(msg.price):
...: price = int(msg.price)
...: shares = -int(msg.shares)
...: if price is not None:
...: current_orders[buysell].update({ price:shares })
...: if current_orders[buysell][price] <= 0:
...: current_orders[buysell].pop(price)
...: current_orders[buysell], new_order = add_orders(current_orders[buysell], buysell, nlevels)
...: order_book[buysell][msg.timestamp] = new_order
...:# print count of msgs
...:message_counter = pd.Series(message_counter)
...:print("\nCount per Message Type: \n", message_counter)
...:with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
...: print("\nOrderBook Storage Format (.h5 file): \n",
...:## order book depth
...:with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
...: buy = store['{}/buy'.format(stock)].reset_index().drop_duplicates()
...: sell = store['{}/sell'.format(stock)].reset_index().drop_duplicates()
...:# convert price to decimals
...:buy.price = buy.price.mul(1e-4)
...:sell.price = sell.price.mul(1e-4)
...:# remove outliers from book data
...:percentiles = [.01, .02, .1, .25, .75, .9, .98, .99]
...:pd.concat([buy.price.describe(percentiles = percentiles).to_frame('buy'),
...: sell.price.describe(percentiles = percentiles).to_frame('sell')], axis = 1)
...:buy = buy[buy.price > buy.price.quantile(.01)]
...:sell = sell[sell.price < sell.price.quantile(.99)]
...:market_open = '0930'
...:market_close = '1600'
...:fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (7, 5))
...:hist_kws = { 'linewidth':1, 'alpha':.5 }
...:sns.distplot(buy.set_index('timestamp').between_time(market_open, market_close).price, ax = ax, label = 'Buy', kde = False,
...: hist_kws = hist_kws)
...:sns.distplot(sell.set_index('timestamp').between_time(market_open, market_close).price, ax = ax, label = 'Sell', kde = False,
...: hist_kws = hist_kws)
...:# formatting
...:plt.legend(fontsize = 10)
...:plt.title('Limit Order Price Distribution', fontsize = 14)
...:ax.set_yticklabels(['{:,}'.format(int(y / 1000)) for y in ax.get_yticks().tolist()])
...:ax.set_xticklabels(['${:,}'.format(int(x)) for x in ax.get_xticks().tolist()])
...:plt.xlabel('Price', fontsize = 12)
...:plt.ylabel('Shares (\'000)', fontsize = 12)
...:plt.savefig(figure_path / 'price_distribution.png', dpi = 300)
...:# utc_offset = timedelta(hours=4)
...:depth = 50
...:buy_per_min = (buy.groupby([pd.Grouper(key = 'timestamp', freq = 'Min'), 'price'])
...: .shares
...: .sum()
...: .apply(np.log)
...: .to_frame('shares')
...: .reset_index('price')
...: .between_time(market_open, market_close)
...: .groupby(level = 'timestamp', as_index = False, group_keys = False)
...: .apply(lambda x:x.nlargest(columns = 'price', n = depth))
...: .reset_index())
...:buy_per_min.timestamp = buy_per_min.timestamp.values.astype(int)
...:# buy_per_min.timestamp = buy_per_min.timestamp.add(utc_offset).values.astype(int)
...:sell_per_min = (sell.groupby([pd.Grouper(key = 'timestamp', freq = 'Min'), 'price'])
...: .shares
...: .sum()
...: .apply(np.log)
...: .to_frame('shares')
...: .reset_index('price')
...: .between_time(market_open, market_close)
...: .groupby(level = 'timestamp', as_index = False, group_keys = False)
...: .apply(lambda x:x.nsmallest(columns = 'price', n = depth))
...: .reset_index())
...:# sell_per_min.timestamp = sell_per_min.timestamp.values.astype(int)
...:with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
...: trades = store['{}/trades'.format(stock)]
...:trades.price = trades.price.mul(1e-4)
...:trades = trades[trades.cross == 0].between_time(market_open, market_close)
...:trades_per_min = (trades.resample('Min').agg({ 'price':'mean', 'shares':'sum' }))
...:# trades_per_min.index = trades_per_min.index.to_series().add(utc_offset).values.astype(int)
...:pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x:'%.2f' % x)'fivethirtyeight')
...:title = '{} | {}'.format(stock, pd.to_datetime(date, format = '%m%d%Y').date())
...:# load system event data
...:with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
...: sys_events = store['S'].set_index('event_code').drop_duplicates()
...: sys_events.timestamp = sys_events.timestamp.add(pd.to_datetime(date, format = '%m%d%Y')).dt.time
...: market_open = sys_events.loc['Q', 'timestamp']
...: market_close = sys_events.loc['M', 'timestamp']
...:# GE Trade Summary
...:with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
...: trades = store['{}/trades'.format(stock)]
...:trades.price = trades.price.mul(1e-4)
...:trades = trades[trades.cross == 0]
...:trades = trades.between_time(market_open, market_close).drop('cross', axis = 1)
...:# Trade data is in nanosecs, the noise causes price oscillations between bid-ask prices
...:tick_bars = trades.copy()
...:tick_bars.index = tick_bars.index.time
...:tick_bars.price.plot(figsize = (10, 5))
...:plt.suptitle('GE Tick Bars')
...:plt.savefig(figure_path / 'tick_bars.png', dpi = 300)
...:# TODO: fix this shit
...:# fig, axes = plt.plot(nrows = 2, sharex = True, figsize = (15, 8))
...:# axes[0].plot(df.index, df[price])
...:# axes[1].bar(df.index, df[vol], width = 1 / (len(df.index)), color = 'r')
...:# # formatting
...:# xfmt = mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')
...:# axes[1].xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.dates.HourLocator(interval = 3))
...:# axes[1].xaxis.set_major_formatter(xfmt)
...:# axes[1].get_xaxis().set_tick_params(which = 'major', pad = 25)
...:# axes[0].set_title('Price Chart', fontsize = 14, loc = 'left')
...:# axes[1].set_title('Volume Chart', fontsize = 14, loc = 'left')
...:# fig.autofmt_xdate()
...:# fig.suptitle(suptitle)
...:# plt.subplots_adjust(top = 0.9)
...:# Normality Test for tick returns
...:print("\n\nNormality Test for Tick Returns:\n ", normaltest(tick_bars.price.pct_change().dropna()))
...:# regularize tick data by using price-volume relation comparison
...:def price_volume(df, price = 'vwap', vol = 'vol', suptitle = stock):
...: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = 2, sharex = True, figsize = (15, 8))
...: axes[0].plot(df.index, df[price])
...: axes[1].bar(df.index, df[vol], width = 1 / (len(df.index)), color = 'r')
...: # formatting
...: xfmt = mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')
...: axes[1].xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.dates.HourLocator(interval = 3))
...: axes[1].xaxis.set_major_formatter(xfmt)
...: axes[1].get_xaxis().set_tick_params(which = 'major', pad = 25)
...: axes[0].set_title('Price Chart', fontsize = 14, loc = 'left')
...: axes[1].set_title('Volume Chart', fontsize = 14, loc = 'left')
...: fig.autofmt_xdate()
...: fig.suptitle(suptitle)
...: plt.subplots_adjust(top = 0.9)
...:# resample data to create time bars and compare normality tests with tick data
...:def get_bar_stats(agg_trades):
...: vwap = agg_trades.apply(lambda x:np.average(x.price, weights = x.shares)).to_frame('vwap')
...: ohlc = agg_trades.price.ohlc()
...: vol = agg_trades.shares.sum().to_frame('vol')
...: txn = agg_trades.shares.size().to_frame('txn')
...: return pd.concat([ohlc, vwap, vol, txn], axis = 1)
...:# create 1 min time bars
...:resampled = trades.resample('1Min')
...:time_bars = get_bar_stats(resampled)
...:# norrmality test for tick price rets
...:print("\n\nNormality Test for % Change in Price (1-min):\n ", normaltest(time_bars.vwap.pct_change().dropna()))
...:# compare to min rets
...:price_volume(time_bars, suptitle = 'GE Time Bars (1-Min)')
...:plt.savefig(figure_path / 'GE_timebars.png', dpi = 300)
...:# time bars don't always account for fragmentation of orders. Volume bars offer an alternative perspective
...:with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
...: trades = store['{}/trades'.format(stock)]
...:trades.price = trades.price.mul(1e-4)
...:trades = trades[trades.cross == 0]
...:trades = trades.between_time(market_open, market_close).drop('cross', axis = 1)
...:trades_per_min = trades.shares.sum() / (60 * 7.5) # min per trading day
...:trades['cumul_vol'] = trades.shares.cumsum()
...:df = trades.reset_index()
...:by_vol = df.groupby(df.cumul_vol.div(trades_per_min).round().astype(int))
...:vol_bars = pd.concat([by_vol.timestamp.last().to_frame('timestamp'), get_bar_stats(by_vol)], axis = 1)
...:print("\nGROUPBY CUMUL. VOLUME TRADES/MIN: \n", vol_bars.head())
...:price_volume(vol_bars.set_index('timestamp'), suptitle = 'GE Aggr.Trades by Volume')
...:plt.savefig(figure_path / 'GE_volbars.png', dpi = 300)
...:print("\n\nNormality Test for Aggregated Trades According to Volume:\n ", normaltest(time_bars.vwap.pct_change().dropna()))
...:normaltest(vol_bars.vwap.dropna()) # normality test
DATE: 10302019
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 660998 entries, 0 to 660997
Data columns (total 9 columns):
timestamp 660998 non-null datetime64[ns]
buy_sell_indicator 627120 non-null float64
shares 634961 non-null float64
price 634961 non-null float64
type 660998 non-null object
executed_shares 32252 non-null float64
execution_price 1258 non-null float64
shares_replaced 25118 non-null float64
price_replaced 25118 non-null float64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(7), object(1)
memory usage: 45.4+ MB
<class ''>
File path: C:\Users\jloss\PyCharmProjects\NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER\data\order_book.h5
/GE/trading_msgs frame (shape->[660998,9])
100,000 0:00:17.898000
200,000 0:00:10.426043
300,000 0:00:10.524115
400,000 0:00:11.262737
500,000 0:00:12.428444
600,000 0:00:11.937682
Count per Message Type:
A 300755
D 254758
E 25895
X 4370
P 14722
U 25118
F 375
C 1127
dtype: int64
OrderBook Storage Format (.h5 file):
<class ''>
File path: C:\Users\jloss\PyCharmProjects\NASDAQ-ITCH-5.0-VWAP-PARSER\data\order_book.h5
/GE/buy frame_table (typ->appendable,nrows->26555553,ncols->2,indexers->[index],dc->[])
/GE/sell frame_table (typ->appendable,nrows->27060942,ncols->2,indexers->[index],dc->[])
/GE/trades frame (shape->[41877,3])
/GE/trading_msgs frame (shape->[660998,9])
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 16150 entries, 0 to 16149
Data columns (total 3 columns):
timestamp 16150 non-null int32
price 16150 non-null float64
shares 16150 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2), int32(1)
memory usage: 315.6 KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 16150 entries, 0 to 16149
Data columns (total 3 columns):
timestamp 16150 non-null datetime64[ns]
price 16150 non-null float64
shares 16150 non-null float64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(2)
memory usage: 378.6 KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 390 entries, 2019-10-30 09:30:00 to 2019-10-30 15:59:00
Freq: T
Data columns (total 2 columns):
price 390 non-null float64
shares 390 non-null int32
dtypes: float64(1), int32(1)
memory usage: 17.6 KB
Normality Test for Tick Returns:
NormaltestResult(statistic=8196.929781884955, pvalue=0.0)
Normality Test for % Change in Price (1-min):
NormaltestResult(statistic=48.44611334056492, pvalue=3.0203700368893266e-11)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 35544 entries, 2019-10-30 09:30:00.004986259 to 2019-10-30 15:59:58.026050348
Data columns (total 2 columns):
shares 35544 non-null int32
price 35544 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), int32(1)
memory usage: 694.2 KB
timestamp open high ... vwap vol txn
cumul_vol ...
0 2019-10-30 09:30:19.278125824 9.78 9.79 ... 9.77 11449 59
1 2019-10-30 09:30:19.975008073 9.75 9.85 ... 9.80 53122 105
2 2019-10-30 09:30:31.240346784 9.85 9.85 ... 9.79 40266 120
3 2019-10-30 09:30:36.081301941 9.80 9.80 ... 9.79 41921 52
4 2019-10-30 09:30:48.788765688 9.78 9.80 ... 9.78 46309 97
[5 rows x 8 columns]
Normality Test for Aggregated Trades According to Volume:
NormaltestResult(statistic=48.44611334056492, pvalue=3.0203700368893266e-11)
Out[4]: NormaltestResult(statistic=21.575297878533654, pvalue=2.0653021301348604e-05)
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