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Last active February 21, 2019 13:32
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Make cute little GraphQL APIs


Make cute little GraphQL APIs

Simple Hello World Query

import { build, query, returns } from 'cute'

const Hello = query('Hello', returns('String', () => 'Hello World'))

export default build(Hello)

Simple Types

const UserType = type('User', {
  id: 'ID'
  username: 'String',
  password: 'String'

function resolveUser(args, { User }) {
  return User.findOne(args)

const UserQuery = query('user', { id: 'ID' }, returns('User', resolveUser))

build(UserType, UserQuery)

// This will output the following SDL

// type User {
//  username: String
//  password: String
// }

// type Query {
//  user(id: ID): User
// }
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