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Sergey Rubanov chicoxyzzy

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littledan /
Last active August 2, 2023 16:45
Decorators: yet another proposal (very early draft, will change)

Decorators: yet another proposal


Decorators are a proposal for extending JavaScript classes which is widely adopted among developers in transpiler environments, with broad interest in standardization. TC39 has been iterating on decorators proposals for over five years. This document describes a new proposal for decorators based on elements from all past proposals.

Decorators @decorator are functions called on class elements or other JavaScript syntax forms during definition, potentially wrapping or replacing them with a new value returned by the decorator.

A decorated class field is treated as wrapping a getter/setter pair for accessing that storage. Decorated storage is useful for observation/tracking, which has been a pain point for the original legacy/experimental decorators combined with [[Define]] semantics for class fields. These semantics are based on Michel Weststrate's "trapping decorators" proposal.

A collection of tests where Flow and TypeScript might have different behavior
Some tests are borrowed from
Some tests now have the same behavior as the new versions of Flow/TS have fixed the bugs and improved type safety
/* 1. Accessing unknown properties on objects */
MaxGraey /
Last active January 19, 2024 22:26
WebAssembly FAQ для телеграм сообщества WebAssembly_ru


Данный FAQ был специально создан для телеграм сообщества

Он базируется на статье от Andre Weissflog, но так же содержит множество моих дополнений и мыслей, которые могут быть уже не слишком актуальны на момент прочтения. Прошу это учитывать.

0. Какие цели у WebAssembly?

ErikAugust / spectre.c
Last active May 22, 2024 23:07
Spectre example code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h> /* for rdtscp and clflush */
#pragma optimize("gt",on)
#include <x86intrin.h> /* for rdtscp and clflush */
binji /
Last active May 18, 2018 20:38
Bulk Memory Operations

Bulk Memory Operations


Some people have mentioned that memcpy and memmove functions are hot when profiling some WebAssembly benchmarks. Some examples:

I've been looking at perf profiles for wasm unity benchmark a bit recently and see that some

A-gambit /
Last active June 19, 2021 16:57
Proposal for lightning talk at ReactiveConf 2017: How do you make friends with React and FRP? 🤔 Start to develop your application using Focal.

How do you make friends with React and FRP? 🤔 Start to develop your application using Focal.

This is a CFP for the ⚡️Lightning⚡️ talk at awesome ReactiveConf 2017. If you'd like to see this talk, please 🌟 star🌟 this summary and retweet my tweet 🙂 #ReactiveConf


Functional reactive programming (FRP) is very popular nowadays. The JavaScript community provides us with excellent tools like RxJS, Bacon, and Kefir. But, as we know, they have nothing to do with React. So how we can use the power of FRP in our React application? Using the correct state management, we can make friends with FRP and React and make our application truly reactive. In my lightning talk, I will talk about Focal

kripken / hello_world.c
Last active January 17, 2024 12:15
Standalone WebAssembly Example
int doubler(int x) {
return 2 * x;
Rich-Harris /
Last active June 1, 2024 17:52
Top-level `await` is a footgun

Edit — February 2019

This gist had a far larger impact than I imagined it would, and apparently people are still finding it, so a quick update:

  • TC39 is currently moving forward with a slightly different version of TLA, referred to as 'variant B', in which a module with TLA doesn't block sibling execution. This vastly reduces the danger of parallelizable work happening in serial and thereby delaying startup, which was the concern that motivated me to write this gist
  • In the wild, we're seeing (async main(){...}()) as a substitute for TLA. This completely eliminates the blocking problem (yay!) but it's less powerful, and harder to statically analyse (boo). In other words the lack of TLA is causing real problems
  • Therefore, a version of TLA that solves the original issue is a valuable addition to the language, and I'm in full support of the current proposal, which you can read here.

I'll leave the rest of this document unedited, for archaeological

chicoxyzzy / noncoercible.js
Last active March 15, 2021 17:09
Non-coercible objects
function nonCoercible(val) {
if (val == null) {
throw TypeError('nonCoercible shouldn\'t be called with null or undefined');
const res = Object(val);
res[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => {
throw TypeError('Trying to coerce non-coercible object');
return res;
getify / gist:7ae82fdc2e86bf66bcba
Last active March 27, 2022 19:50
List of ES6 books either out or in progress...