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Created November 6, 2019 20:22
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// Learning styles
const learningStyles = [
social: [
'Learn by being told—through lessons, lectures, presentations.',
'Learn by asking someone what you want to know.',
'Learn by working cooperatively with others as a team.',
'Learn by teaching someone else.',
'Learn by working or studying with a mentor.',
'Learn by competing with others.',
'Learn by playing spontaneously or in games.',
'Learn by seeking feedback from others about your performance.',
'Learn by immersing yourself in an environment / community',
'Unlearn by therapy',
'Learn by playing a video game or a board-game',
'Learn by organizing a study group',
reflexive: [
'Learn by observing intensely.',
'Learn by mentally rehearsing.',
'Learn by teaching yourself.',
'Learn by picturing—by seeing and recalling things that are.',
'Learn by visualizing—by imagining things that might be.',
'Learn from failure how not to fail; from success, how to succeed.',
'Learn from observing yourself: your thoughts, emotions, and actions.',
'Learn by thinking for yourself—forming opinions, reaching conclusions.',
'Learn intuitively: discover what you know instinctively.',
'Learn from reflection and contemplation in solitude.',
'Learn by keeping a working journal of ideas, plans, and reflections.',
'Learn from a model of outstanding performance.',
'Learn by writing an essay or a blog post',
'Unlearn by questioning your mental models',
'Learn by monitoring your behaviour and reflecting',
'Learn by creating symbols (jewels, clothes, words, images)',
'Learn by encoding info / behaviours into acronyms, design of space, rituals',
'Learn by reading fiction or watching a movie',
theoretical: [
'Learn by being shown—from examples, demonstrations, and models.',
'Learn from an online or distance education course.',
'Learn by studying books or other print resources.',
'Learn by searching the Internet.',
'Learn by studying media: videos, CDs, tapes, and DVDs.',
'Learn by grouping, categorizing, and clarifying.',
'Learn by forming concepts based on evidence and reason.',
'Learn by creating conceptual maps of relationships among items or ideas.',
'Learn by thinking metaphorically: link the known to the unknown.',
'Learn about ideas by connecting them to what you already know.',
'Learn by taking notes and organizing them',
'Learn by attending conferences and events',
'Learn by drawing an info-graphic',
'Learn by creating a 3D construction (Lego / clay / origami / etc)',
'Learn by using a mobile app',
'Learn by visiting a museum, science center, exposition',
'Learn by creating digital media (photo, video, illustration, animation, etc)',
practical: [
'Learn by imitating a skilled performance.',
'Learn by practicing repeatedly, especially coached practice.',
'Learn by seeking direct experiences.',
'Learn by conducting an experiment.',
'Learn by taking action in the field, by doing it.',
'Learn by preparing a public presentation.',
'Learn by trial and error.',
'Learn by dramatization, by acting it out.',
'Learn from simulations.',
'Learn by taking a job that requires the performance you seek.',
'Learn by striving to achieve an ambitious goal.',
'Learn from travel—new places, new people, new activities.',
'Learn by doing what has moral value (for example, helping others).',
'Learn by developing effective processes for getting things done.',
'Learn by challenging yourself to reach a new level of performance.',
'Learn by faking it until you make it',
'Learn by pursuing a badge',
'Learn by making a youtube video of your performance',
'Learn by creating a portfolio',
'Learn by designing specific practice targeted at a micro-skill',
'Learn by recording (video/audio) your performance',
'Learn by expressing in movement and dance',
'Learn by going through a shocking experience (firewalking, skydiving, etc.)',
'Unlearn by using feedback devices / sensors',
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