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Created September 18, 2013 08:34
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Dim ply As MapObjects2.Polygon
Dim rect As MapObjects2.Rectangle
'The DragRect sample implements a locator map that displays the
'current extent of a larger, main map in the same form.
'In addition, when the user clicks in the rectangle of the locator map,
'it can be dragged to a new location, forcing a change to the main map.
Dim g_feedback As DragFeedBack
Sub MapRectToPixels(r As Rectangle, xMin As Integer, yMin As Integer, xMax As Integer, yMax As Integer)
Dim p As New Point
Dim xc As Single, yc As Single
p.x = r.Left
p.y = r.Top
Map2.FromMapPoint p, xc, yc
xMin = Form1.ScaleX(xc, vbTwips, vbPixels) ' convert to pixels
yMin = Form1.ScaleY(yc, vbTwips, vbPixels) ' convert to pixels
p.x = r.Right
p.y = r.Bottom
Map2.FromMapPoint p, xc, yc
xMax = Form1.ScaleX(xc, vbTwips, vbPixels) ' convert to pixels
yMax = Form1.ScaleY(yc, vbTwips, vbPixels) ' convert to pixels
End Sub
Sub PixelsRectToMap(xMin As Integer, yMin As Integer, xMax As Integer, yMax As Integer, r As Rectangle)
Dim xc As Single, yc As Single, p As MapObjects2.Point
xc = Form1.ScaleX(xMin, vbPixels, vbTwips) ' convert to twips
yc = Form1.ScaleY(yMin, vbPixels, vbTwips) ' convert to twips
Set p = Map2.ToMapPoint(xc, yc)
r.Left = p.x
r.Top = p.y
xc = Form1.ScaleX(xMax, vbPixels, vbTwips) ' convert to twips
yc = Form1.ScaleY(yMax, vbPixels, vbTwips) ' convert to twips
Set p = Map2.ToMapPoint(xc, yc)
r.Right = p.x
r.Bottom = p.y
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
With Combo1
For i = 0 To Map1.Layers.Count - 1
If Map1.Layers(i).Name = .List(.ListIndex) Then
Map1.Layers(i).Visible = True
Map1.Layers(i).Visible = False
End If
Next i
'map2 add visible layer
With Map1
For i = 0 To .Layers.Count - 1
If .Layers(i).Visible = True Then
Map2.Layers.Add .Layers(i)
End If
Next i
End With
End With
End Sub
Private Sub exit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'load map
Dim lyr As New MapLayer
Dim dc As New MapObjects2.DataConnection
dc.Database = App.Path & "\data\1988"
If dc.Connect Then
Set lyr.GeoDataset = dc.FindGeoDataset("1988")
Map1.Layers.Add lyr
MsgBox "Connection failed"
End If
Set lyr = New MapLayer
dc.Database = App.Path & "\data\1997"
If dc.Connect Then
Set lyr.GeoDataset = dc.FindGeoDataset("1997")
Map1.Layers.Add lyr
MsgBox "Connection failed"
End If
Set lyr = New MapLayer
dc.Database = App.Path & "\data\2002"
If dc.Connect Then
Set lyr.GeoDataset = dc.FindGeoDataset("2002")
Map1.Layers.Add lyr
MsgBox "Connection failed"
End If
Set lyr = New MapLayer
dc.Database = App.Path & "\data\2005"
If dc.Connect Then
Set lyr.GeoDataset = dc.FindGeoDataset("2005")
Map1.Layers.Add lyr
MsgBox "Connection failed"
End If
Set lyr = New MapLayer
dc.Database = App.Path & "\data\2006"
If dc.Connect Then
Set lyr.GeoDataset = dc.FindGeoDataset("2006")
Map1.Layers.Add lyr
MsgBox "Connection failed"
End If
With Map1
.Layers(0).Visible = False
.Layers(1).Visible = False
.Layers(2).Visible = False
.Layers(3).Visible = False
.Layers(4).Visible = True
End With
'map2 add visible layer
With Map1
For i = 0 To .Layers.Count - 1
If .Layers(i).Visible = True Then
If Map2.Layers.Count = 0 Then
Map2.Layers.Add .Layers(i)
Map2.Layers(0) = .Layers(i)
End If
End If
Next i
End With
' add lyr name to combo1
For i = 0 To Map1.Layers.Count - 1
Combo1.AddItem Map1.Layers(i).Name
Next i
Combo1.ListIndex = Combo1.ListCount - 1
' drawing
Dim myTable As New MapObjects2.Table
myTable.Database = "dBASE IV;DATABASE=" & App.Path & "\data"
myTable.Name = "tdlegend"
Dim recs As New MapObjects2.Recordset
Set recs = myTable.Records
Dim typeCount As Integer
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeCount = typeCount + 1
Dim myRender As New MapObjects2.ValueMapRenderer
myRender.ValueCount = typeCount
myRender.Field = "myid"
i = 0
Do While Not recs.EOF
i = i + 1
If i < 44 Then
myRender.Value(i) = recs("myid").ValueAsString
myRender.Symbol(i).Color = recs("color").Value
myRender.Symbol(i).Outline = False
End If
For i = 0 To Map1.Layers.Count - 1
Set lyr = Map1.Layers(i)
lyr.AddRelate "myid", myTable, "myid"
Set lyr.Renderer = myRender
Next i
Dim typeName As String
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeName = recs("type").ValueAsString
bmpfilename = recs("image").ValueAsString
ImageList2.ListImages.Add , typeName, LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data\legendbmp\" & bmpfilename & ".bmp")
Set TreeView1.ImageList = ImageList2
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeName = recs("type").ValueAsString
TreeView1.Nodes.Add , , typeName, typeName, typeName
End Sub
Private Sub Map1_AfterTrackingLayerDraw(ByVal hdc As Stdole.OLE_HANDLE)
If Not ply Is Nothing Then
Dim sym As New MapObjects2.Symbol
sym.Size = 2
sym.OutlineColor = moRed
sym.Style = moTransparentFill
Map1.DrawShape ply, sym
End If
If Not rect Is Nothing Then
sym.Size = 2
sym.OutlineColor = moRed
sym.Style = moTransparentFill
Map1.DrawShape rect, sym
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Map1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim r As MapObjects2.Rectangle
If Toolbar1.Buttons("zoomin").Value = tbrPressed Then
Map1.Extent = Map1.TrackRectangle
ElseIf Toolbar1.Buttons("zoomout").Value = tbrPressed Then
Set r = Map1.Extent
r.ScaleRectangle (1.5)
Set Map1.Extent = r
ElseIf Toolbar1.Buttons("move").Value = tbrPressed Then
ElseIf Toolbar1.Buttons("find").Value = tbrPressed Then
Dim lyr As MapLayer
Dim recs As MapObjects2.Recordset
Dim GeoPt As MapObjects2.Point
Dim selectedPoly As MapObjects2.Polygon
Set GeoPt = Map1.ToMapPoint(x, y)
Debug.Print x, y
With Map1
For i = 0 To .Layers.Count - 1
If .Layers(i).Name = Combo1.List(Combo1.ListIndex) Then
layerIndex = i
End If
Next i
End With
Set lyr = Map1.Layers(layerIndex)
Set recs = lyr.SearchByDistance(GeoPt, 1, "")
If recs.Count >= 1 Then
Set selectedPoly = recs("shape").Value
Map1.FlashShape selectedPoly, 3
StatusBar1.Panels(1) = "类型:" & recs("type").ValueAsString
StatusBar1.Panels(2) = "面积:" & recs("shape").Value.Area
End If
ElseIf Toolbar1.Buttons("stat").Value = tbrPressed Then
Set ply = Map1.TrackPolygon
With Map1
For i = 0 To .Layers.Count - 1
If .Layers(i).Name = Combo1.List(Combo1.ListIndex) Then
layerIndex = i
End If
Next i
End With
Set lyr = Map1.Layers(layerIndex)
Set recs = lyr.SearchShape(ply, moAreaIntersect, "")
Debug.Print recs.Count
Dim areaArray() As Double
Dim typeStrings As New MapObjects2.Strings
typeStrings.Unique = True
If recs.Count >= 1 Then
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeStrings.Add recs("type").ValueAsString
ReDim areaArray(typeStrings.Count)
Dim typeIndex As Integer
Dim intersectPly As MapObjects2.Polygon
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeIndex = typeStrings.Find(recs("type").ValueAsString)
Set intersectPly = ply.Intersect(recs("shape").Value)
If intersectPly Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "you draw a wrong polygon, please draw a right one(eg: triangle)"
For i = 1 To Toolbar1.Buttons.Count
Toolbar1.Buttons(i).Value = tbrUnpressed
Next i
GoTo redraw
End If
intersectArea = intersectPly.Area
areaArray(typeIndex) = areaArray(typeIndex) + intersectArea
' add data to form2.mschart1
idx = typeStrings.Count - 1
ReDim chartArray(idx)
With Form2.MSChart1
Debug.Print "form2.mschart1.columncount:" & typeStrings.Count
.RowLabel = "所选区域统计图"
.ColumnCount = typeStrings.Count
For typeIndex = 0 To typeStrings.Count - 1
.Plot.SeriesCollection(typeIndex + 1).LegendText = "类型 " & i + 1 & ":" & typeStrings(typeIndex) & " " & "面积:" & areaArray(typeIndex) & "平方米"
chartArray(typeIndex) = areaArray(typeIndex)
Next typeIndex
.RowCount = 1
Debug.Print "Count" & .ColumnCount
For i = 1 To .ColumnCount
With .Plot.SeriesCollection(i).DataPoints(-1).DataPointLabel
.LocationType = VtChLabelLocationTypeOutside
.Component = VtChLabelComponentPercent
.PercentFormat = "0%"
.VtFont.Size = 10
End With
Next i
Form2.MSChart1.ChartData = chartArray
End With
End If
ElseIf Toolbar1.Buttons("stat2").Value = tbrPressed Then
Set rect = Map1.TrackRectangle
If rect.Width < 200 Then
MsgBox "please draw a rectangle include multi regions, if you want to find a region, please click 查询 icon"
For i = 1 To Toolbar1.Buttons.Count
Toolbar1.Buttons(i).Value = tbrUnpressed
Next i
GoTo redraw
End If
With Map1
For i = 0 To .Layers.Count - 1
If .Layers(i).Name = Combo1.List(Combo1.ListIndex) Then
layerIndex = i
End If
Next i
End With
Set lyr = Map1.Layers(layerIndex)
Set recs = lyr.SearchShape(rect, moAreaIntersect, "")
Debug.Print recs.Count
typeStrings.Unique = True
If recs.Count >= 1 Then
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeStrings.Add recs("type").ValueAsString
ReDim areaArray(typeStrings.Count)
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeIndex = typeStrings.Find(recs("type").ValueAsString)
Set intersectPly = rect.Intersect(recs("shape").Value)
intersectArea = intersectPly.Area
areaArray(typeIndex) = areaArray(typeIndex) + intersectArea
' add data to form2.mschart1
idx = typeStrings.Count - 1
ReDim chartArray(idx)
With Form2.MSChart1
Debug.Print "form2.mschart1.columncount:" & typeStrings.Count
.RowLabel = "所选区域统计图"
.ColumnCount = typeStrings.Count
For typeIndex = 0 To typeStrings.Count - 1
.Plot.SeriesCollection(typeIndex + 1).LegendText = "类型 " & i + 1 & ":" & typeStrings(typeIndex) & " " & "面积:" & areaArray(typeIndex) & "平方米"
chartArray(typeIndex) = areaArray(typeIndex)
Next typeIndex
.RowCount = 1
Debug.Print "Count" & .ColumnCount
For i = 1 To .ColumnCount
With .Plot.SeriesCollection(i).DataPoints(-1).DataPointLabel
.LocationType = VtChLabelLocationTypeOutside
.Component = VtChLabelComponentPercent
.PercentFormat = "0%"
.VtFont.Size = 10
End With
Next i
Form2.MSChart1.ChartData = chartArray
End With
End If
ElseIf Toolbar1.Buttons("stat3").Value = tbrPressed Then
Dim myTable As New MapObjects2.Table
' make a typeNames for unit form3.mschart1 legend color
myTable.Database = "dBASE IV;DATABASE=" & App.Path & "\data"
myTable.Name = "tdlegend"
Set recs = myTable.Records
Dim typeNames()
typeCount = 0
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeCount = typeCount + 1
ReDim typeNames(typeCount - 1)
typeNamesIndex = 0
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeNames(typeNamesIndex) = recs("type").ValueAsString
Debug.Print "type:" & recs("type").ValueAsString
typeNamesIndex = typeNamesIndex + 1
'make a form3.mschart legend
With Form3.MSChart1
.ColumnCount = UBound(typeNames)
For i = 0 To UBound(typeNames) - 1
.Plot.SeriesCollection(i + 1).LegendText = "类型 " & i + 1 & ":" & typeNames(i)
.Plot.SeriesCollection(i + 1).DataPoints(-1).Brush.FillColor.Set (Rnd * i * 250) Mod 255, (Rnd * i * 250) Mod 255, (Rnd * i * 250) Mod 255
Next i
End With
Set ply = Map1.TrackPolygon
' add data to form3.mschart1
Dim stat3Arr()
ReDim stat3Arr(Map1.Layers.Count - 1, 45)
For layerIndex = 0 To Map1.Layers.Count - 1
Set lyr = Map1.Layers(layerIndex)
Set recs = lyr.SearchShape(ply, moAreaIntersect, "")
If recs.Count >= 1 Then
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeStrings.Add recs("type").ValueAsString
ReDim areaArray(typeStrings.Count)
Do While Not recs.EOF
c = c + 1
Debug.Print "count is:" & c
typeIndex = typeStrings.Find(recs("type").ValueAsString)
Debug.Print "shape type:" & recs("shape").Name
Set intersectPly = ply.Intersect(recs("shape").Value)
If intersectPly Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "you must draw a rectangle, not a point, please drag mouse, but not click it"
For i = 1 To Toolbar1.Buttons.Count
Toolbar1.Buttons(i).Value = tbrUnpressed
Next i
GoTo redraw
End If
intersectArea = intersectPly.Area
Debug.Print "intersectarea:" & intersectPly.Area
areaArray(typeIndex) = areaArray(typeIndex) + intersectArea
typeStrings.Unique = True
Do While Not recs.EOF
typeStrings.Add recs("type").ValueAsString
stat3Arr(layerIndex, 0) = "年份:" & Map1.Layers(layerIndex).Name
For typeIndex = 0 To typeStrings.Count - 1
For i = 0 To UBound(typeNames) - 1
Debug.Print "typename:" & typeNames(i)
If typeNames(i) = typeStrings(typeIndex) Then
Debug.Print "typename:" & typeNames(i)
stat3Arr(layerIndex, i + 1) = areaArray(typeIndex)
End If
Next i
Next typeIndex
End If
Next layerIndex
Form3.MSChart1.ChartData = stat3Arr
ElseIf Toolbar1.Buttons("full_extent").Value = tbrPressed Then
Map1.Extent = Map1.FullExtent
End If
End Sub
'Public Function make_chart(rect, layerIndex, chartArray)
' Set lyr = Map1.Layers(layerIndex)
' Set recs = lyr.SearchShape(rect, moAreaIntersect, "")
' Debug.Print recs.Count
' Map1.Refresh
' Dim typeStrings As New MapObjects2.Strings
' typeStrings.Unique = True
' If recs.Count >= 1 Then
' recs.MoveFirst
' Do While Not recs.EOF
' typeStrings.Add recs("type").ValueAsString
' recs.MoveNext
' Loop
' ReDim areaArray(typeStrings.Count)
' recs.MoveFirst
' Do While Not recs.EOF
' typeIndex = typeStrings.Find(recs("type").ValueAsString)
' Set intersectPly = rect.Intersect(recs("shape").Value)
' intersectArea = intersectPly.Area
' areaArray(typeIndex) = areaArray(typeIndex) + intersectArea
' recs.MoveNext
' Loop
' ' add data to form2.mschart1
' idx = typeStrings.Count - 1
' For typeIndex = 0 To typeStrings.Count - 1
' chartArray(typeIndex, 0) = typeStrings(typeIndex)
' chartArray(typeIndex, layerIndex + 1) = areaArray(typeIndex)
' Next typeIndex
' End If
'End Function
Private Sub Map2_AfterTrackingLayerDraw(ByVal hdc As Stdole.OLE_HANDLE)
' draw a rectangle indicating the current extent of Map1
Dim sym As New Symbol
sym.OutlineColor = moRed
sym.Style = moTransparentFill
Map2.DrawShape Map1.Extent, sym
End Sub
Private Sub Map2_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
' convert to map point
Dim p As Point
Set p = Map2.ToMapPoint(x, y)
' if the click happened inside the indicator, then start dragging
If Map1.Extent.IsPointIn(p) Then
Set g_feedback = New DragFeedBack
g_feedback.DragStart Map1.Extent, Map2, x, y
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Map2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Not g_feedback Is Nothing Then
g_feedback.DragMove x, y
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Map2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Not g_feedback Is Nothing Then
Map1.Extent = g_feedback.DragFinish(x, y)
Set g_feedback = Nothing
End If
End Sub
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