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Created January 14, 2016 03:59
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Elm - reworking the FIFO implementation from
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Text
type Fifo a
= Empty | Node a (List a)
empty : Fifo a
empty =
insert : a -> Fifo a -> Fifo a
insert a fifo =
case fifo of
Empty ->
Node a []
Node front back ->
Node front (a :: back)
remove : Fifo a -> ( Maybe a, Fifo a )
remove fifo =
case fifo of
Empty ->
( Nothing, empty )
Node front [] ->
( Just front, empty )
Node front (next :: rest) ->
( Just front, Node next rest )
fromList : List a -> Fifo a
fromList list =
case list of
(first :: rest) ->
Node first rest
[] ->
toList : Fifo a -> List a
toList fifo =
case fifo of
Empty ->
Node front back ->
[front] ++ List.reverse back
main =
|> insert 9
|> insert 8
|> remove |> snd
|> insert 7
|> remove |> fst
|> show
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