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Last active December 16, 2015 10:08
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Save chikamichi/5417680 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A fully-fledged CoffeeScript boilderplate for authoring jQuery plugin. It abides by the guidelines found at
FooBar jQuery Plugin v1.0 - It makes Foo as easy as coding Bar (?).
Release: 19/04/2013
Author: Joe Average <>
Licensed under the WTFPL license:
(($, window, document) ->
# Prepare your internal $this reference.
$this = undefined
# Store your default settings in something "private".
# The simplest way to do so is to abide by the convention that anything
# named with a leading underscore is part of the private API (a well-known
# interface contract in the JavaScript community).
_settings =
default: 'cool!'
# You *may* rely on internal, private objects:
_flag = false
_anotherState = null
# This is your public API (no leading underscore, see?)
# All public methods must return $this so your plugin is chainable.
methods =
init: (options) ->
$this = $(@)
# The settings object is available under its name: _settings. Let's
# expand it with any custom options the user provided.
$.extend _settings, (options or {})
# Do anything that actually inits your plugin, if needed, right now!
# An important thing to keep in mind, is that jQuery plugins should be
# built so that one can apply them to more than one element, like so:
# $('.matching-elements, #another-one').foobar()
# It means the $this object we populated using @ (this) is to be
# considered an array of selectors, and one must always perform
# computations while iterating over them:
# $this.each (index, el) ->
# # do something with el
return $this
doSomething: (what) ->
# Another public method that people can call and rely on to do "what".
return $this
# This method is often overlooked.
destroy: ->
# Do anything to clean it up (nullify references, unbind events…).
return $this
# This is your private API. Most of your plugin code should go there.
# The name "_internals" is by no mean mandatory: pick something you like, don't
# forget the leading underscore so that the code is self-documented.
# Those methods do not need to return $this. You may either have them working
# by side-effects (modifying internal objects, see above) or, in a more
# functionnal style, pass all required arguments and return a new object.
# You can access the …settings, or other private methods using …internals.method,
# as expected.
_internals =
# this toggles our "global" yet internal flag:
toggleFlag: ->
_flag = !_flag
# This one does not alter anything: it requires parameters (to be documented)
# and then it returns something based on those params. Use case (for instance):
# state = _internals.computeSomething(_anotherState || false, _flag)
computeSomething: (state, flag) ->
flag ? state : "No, that's not right."
# Here is another important part of a proper plugin implementation: the clean
# namespacing preventing from cluttering the $.fn namespace. This explains why
# we went the extra miles of providing a pair of public and private APIs.
# This is also the place where you specify the name of your plugin in your code.
$.fn.foobar = (method) ->
if methods[method]
methods[method].apply this,, 1)
else if typeof method is "object" or not method
methods.init.apply this, arguments
$.error "Method " + method + " does not exist on jquery.foobar"
) jQuery, window, document
# Use it:
default: 'even cooler'
custom_foo: 'baz'
# Later on, we need to do something:
$('.element').foobar('doSomething', 'naughty')
# Time to say goodbye...
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