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Created September 2, 2011 13:09
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How to compile libav/x264cli on windows
: << _COMMENT_
How to compile libav/x264 binaries for both 32bit and 64bit on Windows
At first, you should install Git into your Windows.
1. Download Git from
2. Doubleclick Git-1.7.6-preview20110708.exe
3. "Welcome to the Git Setup Wizard" : Next>
4. "Information" (GPLv2 descliption) : Next>
5. "Select Destination Location" : C:\Git and Next>
6. "Select Components" : all checks off and Next>
7. "Select Start Menu Folder" :
check "Don't create a Start Menu folder" and Next>
8. "Adjusting your PATH environment" : check "Use Git Bash only" and Next>
9. "Configuring the line ending conversions" :
check "Checkout as-is,commit as-is" and Next>
At second, you have to get latest MSYS, mingw/mingw-w64 binaries, pkg-config,
subversion, nasm, yasm, and the others.
I recommend you to use XhmikosR's toolchain.
You will be able to get almost all latest dependencies at once.
1. Go to
2. Download MSYS_MinGW_GCC_***_x86-x64_Full.7z
* You should download MSYS_MinGW_GCC_***_x86-x64_'Full'.7z because
some dependencies are not included in MSYS_MinGW_***_x86-x64.7z(e.g. perl.exe).
3. extract it with 7zip, and put it on the place that you want (e.g. C:\MSYS).
4. Doubleclick C:\MSYS\msys.bat
* If you want to use other MinGW, edit /etc/fstab.
At third, if you want to build 64bit avplay.exe, you should install
DirectX SDK into mingw-w64.
1. Go to
2. Download dxsdk_aug2007.exe
3. Extract dxsdk_aug2007.exe with 7zip
4. Copy all *.h in dxsdk_aug2007\Include to C:\MSYS\mingw\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include.
(Overwrite all the overlapping files)
Now, you finished all the preparations to run this script.
Save this script into $HOME as '', and type './' on bash.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo $1; exit 1
# ---------------------------preparation for git-------------------------------
if test -z "$(git --version 2> /dev/null)" ; then
cat > /bin/git << _EOF_
exec /c/Git/bin/git.exe \$*
test "$(git --version 2> /dev/null)" || \
ERR_EXIT 'there is no git.exe in C:\Git\bin'
# ------------------------- autotools instlation -----------------------------
# I recommend you to use mingw-autotools instead of msys-autotools.
if test -z "$(/mingw/bin/autoreconf --version 2> /dev/null)"; then
pushd /mingw
for f in *.lzma; do tar xvf $f --lzma; done
rm -f *.lzma ; cd bin/
for f in auto* aclocal* ifname*; do cp $f `echo $f | sed -e "s/-.*//g"`; done
if test -z "$(/mingw/bin/autoreconf --version 2> /dev/null)"; then
rm -f auto* aclocal* ifname* libtool* libitdl*
cd ../share ; rm -rf aclocal*/ auto*/ libtool/
ERR_EXIT "mingw-autotools instlation failed."
# ----------------------set valuables------------------------
CP32="i686-pc-mingw32"; INST32="/mingw/${CP32}"
CP64="x86_64-w64-mingw32"; INST64="/mingw/${CP64}"
for p in $CP32 $CP64; do
test -x /mingw/bin/${p}-gcc || ERR_EXIT "invalid prefix $p"
cp /bin/pkg-config.exe /bin/${p}-pkg-config.exe
#If your machine isn't capable sse2, remove '-msse2' from the following lines.
CF32="-s -Os -march=i686 -mfpmath=sse -ffast-math -msse2 -fno-strict-aliasing"
CF64="-s -Os -mfpmath=sse -ffast-math -msse2 -fno-strict-aliasing"
cat > corenum.c << _EOF_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
int main(void) {SYSTEM_INFO info;GetSystemInfo(&info);
printf("%lu",info.dwNumberOfProcessors);return 0;}
${CP64}-gcc $CF64 -o corenum corenum.c || ERR_EXIT "invalid CFLAGS $CF64"
${CP32}-gcc $CF32 -o corenum corenum.c || ERR_EXIT "invalid CFLAGS $CF32"
CORENUM=$(corenum.exe 2>&1)
rm -f corenum.c corenum.exe
expr $CORENUM + 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 || ERR_EXIT "your gcc didn't work correctry"
test $CORENUM -gt 4 && CORENUM=4 ; CORENUM="-j${CORENUM}"
echo use $CORENUM to make.
# -----------------download source codes------------------
mkdir -p $MYBUILD/{32bit-bin,64bit-bin}
test -d libav || \
git clone git:// libav
test -d x264_32bit || \
git clone git:// x264_32bit
test -d vo-aacenc || \
git clone git://
test -d vo-amrwbenc || \
git clone git://
test -d lame || \
git clone git:// lame
test -d xvidcore || \
git clone git:// xvidcore
test -d SDL || \
git clone git:// SDL
test -d rtmpdump || \
git clone git://
test -d openjpeg_32bit || \
git clone git:// openjpeg_32bit
test -d ffms2 || \
svn co ffms2
test -d libogg-1.3.0 || \
wget -O - | tar zxf -
test -d libvorbis-1.3.2 || \
wget -O - | tar jxf -
test -d libtheora-1.1.1 || \
wget -O - | tar jxf -
test -d speex-1.2rc1 || \
wget -O - | tar zxf -
test -d opencore-amr-0.1.2 || \
wget -O - | tar zxf -
test -d faac-1.28 || \
wget -O - | tar jxf -
test -d freetype-2.4.6 || \
wget -O - | tar jxf -
test -d polarssl-1.0.0 || \
wget -O - | tar zxf -
test -d libvpx-v0.9.7-p1 || \
wget -O - | tar jxf -
test -d x264_64bit || cp -r x264_32bit x264_64bit
test -d openjpeg_64bit || cp -r openjpeg_32bit openjpeg_64bit
for dir in libav x264_32bit x264_64bit vo-aacenc vo-amrwbenc lame xvidcore SDL rtmpdump openjpeg_32bit openjpeg_64bit ffms2 libogg-1.3.0 libvorbis-1.3.2 libtheora-1.1.1 speex-1.2rc1 opencore-amr-0.1.2 faac-1.28 freetype-2.4.6 polarssl-1.0.0 libvpx-v0.9.7-p1; do
test -d $dir || ERR_EXIT "coudn't find sourcecode ... $dir"
# ----------------compiling external libraries for libav----------------------
# *I don't care about OpenCV/Frei0r/schroedinger.
#Compiling libpolarssl (librtmp requires this)
# note:
# PolarSSL's executable programs are using functions of UNIX-LIMITATION.
# Thus, you can't compile them for windows (except cygwin-gcc?) at now.
# you can only compile libraries.
cd $MYBUILD/polarssl-* && cp -r library 32bit && cp -r library 64bit
make -C 32bit CC=gcc AR=ar OFLAGS="$CF32" || \
ERR_EXIT "32bit PolarSSL compilation failed."
make -C 64bit CC=$CP64-gcc AR=$CP64-ar OFLAGS="$CF64" || \
ERR_EXIT "64bit PolarSSL compilation failed."
cp -r include/polarssl $INST32/include/
cp -r include/polarssl $INST64/include/
cp 32bit/libpolarssl.a $INST32/lib/
cp 64bit/libpolarssl.a $INST64/lib/
#Compiling librtmp
cd $MYBUILD/rtmpdump && git checkout patched && git pull
cp -r librtmp 32bit && cp -r librtmp 64bit
make -C 32bit prefix=$INST32 SYS=mingw CRYPTO=POLARSSL \
XCFLAGS="$CF32" install_base || ERR_EXIT "32bit librtmp compilation failed."
make -C 64bit prefix=$INST64 CROSS_COMPILE=$CP64- SYS=mingw CRYPTO=POLARSSL \
XCFLAGS="$CF64" install_base || ERR_EXIT "64bit librtmp compilation failed."
#Compiling freetype2
cd $MYBUILD/freetype-*; mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install || ERR_EXIT "32bit freetype2 compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure --host="$CP64" --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install || ERR_EXIT "64bit freetype2 compilation failed."
#Compiling SDL (avplay requires this as renderer)
cd $MYBUILD/SDL; mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" CXXFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32
make $CORENUM install || ERR_EXIT "SDL-32bit compilation failed."
cp $INST32/bin/SDL.dll $MYBUILD/32bit-bin/
#Did you install DirectX SDK into the correct place?
if test -f $INST64/include/audiodefs.h; then
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" CXXFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure --host="$CP64" --prefix=$INST64
make $CORENUM install || ERR_EXIT "SDL-64bit compilation failed."
cp $INST64/bin/SDL.dll $MYBUILD/64bit-bin/
echo DirectX SDK is not installed. Skip
#Compiling xvidcore
cd $MYBUILD/xvidcore/build/generic
CFLAGS="$CF32" ./configure --prefix=$INST32
make $CORENUM BUILD_DIR=32bit ; make BUILD_DIR=32bit install || \
ERR_EXIT "32bit xvidcore compilation failed."
make distclean
CFLAGS="$CF64" ./configure --host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64
make $CORENUM BUILD_DIR=64bit ; make BUILD_DIR=64bit install || \
ERR_EXIT "64bit xvidcore compilation failed."
mv $INST32/lib/libxvidcore.dll $INST32/bin/
mv $INST64/lib/libxvidcore.dll $INST64/bin/
#if you want to use xvidcore as shared library, enable the following two lines.
#cp 32bit/libxvidcore.dll.a $INST32/lib/
#cp 64bit/libxvidcore.dll.a $INST64/lib/
#Compiling libmp3lame
cd $MYBUILD/lame && mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure \
--prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared --disable-frontend --enable-nasm
make -j1 install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit lame compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure \
--host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared \
--disable-frontend --enable-nasm CFLAGS="$CF64"
make -j1 install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit lame compilation failed."
#Compiling faac
# note:
# faac binary is incompatible with GPL/LGPL.
cd $MYBUILD/faac-* && mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared --without-mp4v2
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit faac compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure \
--host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared --without-mp4v2
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit faac compilation failed."
#Compiling opencore-amr
# note:
# opencore-amr's license(Apache 2.0) is compatible with GPLv3 or later.
cd $MYBUILD/opencore-* && mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit opencore-amr compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure --host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit opencore-amr compilation failed."
#Compiling vo-aacenc
# note:
# vo-aacenc's license(Apache 2.0) is compatible with GPLv3 or later.
cd $MYBUILD/vo-aacenc && mkdir 32bit 64bit
autoreconf -fiv || ERR_EXIT "vo-aacenc ..generate configure."
cd 32bit
../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared CFLAGS="$CF32"
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit vo-aacenc compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
../configure --host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared CFLAGS="$CF64"
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit vo-aacenc compilation failed."
#Compiling vo-amrwbenc
# note:
# vo-amrwbenc's license(Apache 2.0) is compatible with GPLv3 or later.
cd $MYBUILD/vo-amrwbenc
autoreconf -fiv || ERR_EXIT "vo-amrwbenc configure generation failed."
mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit vo-amrwbenc compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure --host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit vo-amrwbenc compilation failed."
#Compiling libogg (libtheora/libvorbis/speex requires this)
cd $MYBUILD/libogg-* && mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit libogg compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure --host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit libogg compilation failed."
#Compiling libtheora
cd $MYBUILD/libtheora-* && mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit libtheora compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure --host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit libtheora compilation failed."
#Compiling libvorbis
cd $MYBUILD/libvorbis-* && mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit libvorbis compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure --host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit libvorbis compilation failed."
#Compiling speex
cd $MYBUILD/speex-* && mkdir 32bit 64bit
cd 32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ../configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared --enable-sse
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit speex compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ../configure \
--host=$CP64 --prefix=$INST64 --disable-shared --enable-sse
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit speex compilation failed."
#Compiling openjpeg
cd $MYBUILD/openjpeg_32bit
CFLAGS="$CF32" ./configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-shared
make -j1 install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit openjpeg compilation failed."
cd $MYBUILD/openjpeg_64bit
CFLAGS="$CF64" ./configure --prefix=$INST64 --host=$CP64 --disable-shared
make -j1 install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit openjpeg compilation failed."
#Compiling libx264
cd $MYBUILD/x264_32bit
./configure --prefix=$INST32 --disable-cli --enable-static --disable-gpac \
--disable-swscale --enable-win32thread --enable-strip
make $CORENUM install || ERR_EXIT "32bit libx264 compilation failed."
cd $MYBUILD/x264_64bit
./configure --prefix=$INST64 --host=$CP64 --cross-prefix=$CP64- \
--disable-cli --enable-static --disable-gpac --disable-swscale \
--enable-win32thread --enable-strip
make $CORENUM install || ERR_EXIT "64bit libx264 compilation failed."
#Compiling libvpx
# note:
# only 32bit
cd $MYBUILD/libvpx-* && mkdir 32bit && cd 32bit
../configure --target=x86-win32-gcc --cpu=i686 --disable-examples \
make $CORNUM || ERR_EXIT "libvpx compilation failed."
cp libvpx.a $INST32/lib/
mkdir -p $INST32/include/vpx && cp ../vpx/*.h $INST32/include/vpx/
# ------------compiling libav binaries ----------------
# note:
# If you want to redistribute your libav binaries,
# delete '--enable-nonfree' and '--enable-libfaac' from following configures.
cd $MYBUILD/libav
mkdir 32bit 64bit ; cd 32bit
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$INST32/lib/pkgconfig ../configure \
--prefix=$INST32 \
--disable-doc \
--enable-runtime-cpudetect \
--cpu=i686 \
--disable-dxva2 \
--enable-w32threads \
--enable-avisynth \
--enable-libfreetype \
--enable-libmp3lame \
--enable-libopenjpeg \
--enable-libspeex \
--enable-libtheora \
--enable-libvorbis --disable-encoder=vorbis \
--enable-libvpx --disable-decoder=libvpx \
--enable-nonfree --enable-libfaac \
--enable-gpl \
--enable-libx264 \
--enable-libxvid \
--enable-librtmp --extra-libs="-lpolarssl -lws2_32 -lwinmm -lgdi32" \
--enable-version3 \
--enable-libopencore-amrnb --disable-decoder=amrnb \
--enable-libopencore-amrwb --disable-decoder=amrwb \
--enable-libvo-aacenc \
--enable-libvo-amrwbenc \
--disable-debug --extra-cflags="-s -fno-strict-aliasing"
make $CORENUM install || ERR_EXIT "32bit libav compilation failed."
cp *.exe $MYBUILD/32bit-bin/
cd $MYBUILD/libav/32bit
cd ../64bit
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$INST64/lib/pkgconfig ../configure \
--prefix=$INST64 \
--cross-prefix=$CP64- --target-os=mingw32 --arch=x86_64 \
--enable-cross-compile \
--disable-doc \
--enable-w32threads \
--enable-runtime-cpudetect \
--cpu=x86_64 \
--disable-dxva2 \
--enable-avisynth \
--enable-libfreetype \
--enable-libmp3lame \
--enable-libopenjpeg \
--enable-libspeex \
--enable-libtheora \
--enable-libvorbis --disable-encoder=vorbis \
--enable-nonfree --enable-libfaac \
--enable-gpl \
--enable-libx264 \
--enable-libxvid \
--enable-librtmp --extra-libs="-lpolarssl -lws2_32 -lwinmm -lgdi32" \
--enable-version3 \
--enable-libopencore-amrnb --disable-decoder=amrnb \
--enable-libopencore-amrwb --disable-decoder=amrwb \
--enable-libvo-aacenc \
--enable-libvo-amrwbenc \
--disable-debug --extra-cflags="-s -fno-strict-aliasing"
make $CORENUM install || ERR_EXIT "64bit libav compilation failed."
cp *.exe $MYBUILD/64bit-bin/
# ------------compiling 32bit and 64bit x264cli with lavf/ffms input---------
#Compiling ffms2
cd $MYBUILD/ffms2
mkdir 32bit 64bit ; cd 32bit
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$INST32/lib/pkgconfig CFLAGS="$CF32" CXXFLAGS="$CF32" \
../configure --prefix=$INST32
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "32bit ffms2 compilation failed."
cd ../64bit
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$INST64/lib/pkgconfig CFLAGS="$CF64" CXXFLAGS="$CF64" \
../configure --prefix=$INST64 --host=$CP64
make $CORENUM install-strip || ERR_EXIT "64bit ffms2 compilation failed."
#Compiling x264cli with lavf/ffms input
cd $MYBUILD/x264_32bit && make distclean
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$INST32/lib/pkgconfig ./configure \
--prefix=$INST32 --system-libx264 --enable-strip
make $CORENUM || ERR_EXIT "32bit x264cli compilation failed."
cp x264.exe $MYBUILD/32bit-bin/
cd $MYBUILD/x264_64bit && make distclean
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$INST64/lib/pkgconfig ./configure \
--prefix=$INST64 --host=$CP64 --cross-prefix=$CP64- \
--system-libx264 --enable-strip
make $CORENUM || ERR_EXIT "64bit x264cli compilation failed."
cp x264.exe $MYBUILD/64bit-bin/
echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
echo " F I N I S H"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
# Now, you got your own av* and x264 in /home/user/{32bit-bin, 64bit-bin}
# Enjoy!
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