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port of EasyVFR for VapourSynth
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''port of EasyVFR for VapourSynth'''
__author__ = 'Chikuzen < at gmail dot com>'
__version__ = '0.2.5'
import vapoursynth as vs
def reduce_fraction(a, b):
def get_gcd(x, y):
if y == 0:
return x
return get_gcd(y, x % y)
gcd = get_gcd(a, b)
return a // gcd, b // gcd
def get_timecode_and_chapter(ch_clips, base_num, base_den):
def generate_chapter(ch_number, pts, name):
chapter = ('CHAPTER{num}={hour}:{minute}:{sec}.{msec}\n'
hour, minute = divmod(int(round(pts / 1000)), 3600000000)
minute, sec = divmod(minute, 60000000)
sec, msec = divmod(sec, 1000000)
msec /= 1000
return chapter.format(num='%02i' % ch_number, hour='%02i' % hour,
minute='%02i' % minute, sec='%02i' % sec,
msec='%03i' % msec, name=name)
timestamps = [0.0]
chapters = []
keyframes = []
pts = 0.0 # nano_second
ch_number = 1
fr_number = 0
for cc in ch_clips:
clip = cc.clip
if is not None:
chapters.append(generate_chapter(ch_number, pts,
ch_number += 1
cycle_clip, cycle_base = reduce_fraction(clip.fps_num, base_num)
frame_duration = base_den * 1000000000 / clip.fps_num
for count in range(clip.num_frames):
pts += frame_duration
timestamps.append(round(pts / 1000000, 3))
fr_number += clip.num_frames
# clip end correction
if cycle_clip < cycle_base:
adjust = clip.num_frames % cycle_clip
if adjust != 0:
pts += (base_den * 1000000000 * (adjust + 1) / base_num -
frame_duration * adjust)
timestamps[-1] = round(pts / 1000000, 3)
del timestamps[-1]
return timestamps, chapters, keyframes
class InvalidArgument(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class ChapterClip(object):
'''Class for set chapter point to clip'''
def __init__(self, clip, name=None):
clip: VideoNode(aka clip) instance
name: chapter name
if not isinstance(clip, vs.VideoNode):
raise TypeError('clip is not VideoNode instance')
self.clip = clip = None if name is None else str(name)
class EasyVFR(object):
Class for splice different framerate clips and outputting timecode and
chapter file
def __init__(self, clips, base_num=30000, base_den=1001, base=None):
clips: list of CFR clips.
base_num: framerate numerator used as a base.
base_den: framerate denominator used as a base.
base: clip instance.
if this is set, base_num and base_den are overwritten by
the values of this.
self.std = vs.get_core().std
if isinstance(base, vs.VideoNode):
self.base_num = base.fps_num
self.base_den = base.fps_den
self.base_num = int(base_num)
self.base_den = int(base_den)
if self.base_num < 1 or self.base_den < 1:
raise InvalidArgument(
'base_num and base_den must be higher than zero')
self.ch_clips = []
for i in range(len(clips)):
cc = clips[i]
if not isinstance(cc, ChapterClip):
cc = ChapterClip(clips[i])
raise TypeError('clips[%i] is not a clip.' % i)
if cc.clip.fps_num == 0:
raise InvalidArgument('clips[%i] is not CFR clip.' % i)
n, d = reduce_fraction(cc.clip.fps_num, cc.clip.fps_den)
cc.clip = self.std.AssumeFPS(cc.clip, fpsnum=n, fpsden=d)
if cc.clip.fps_den != self.base_den:
raise InvalidArgument('clips[%i] has invalid fps_den.' % i)
self.timestamps, self.chapters, self.keyframes = \
get_timecode_and_chapter(self.ch_clips, self.base_num,
def splice_clips(self):
'''Return a clip which spliced all clips to one.'''
clips = [cc.clip for cc in self.ch_clips]
ret = self.std.Splice(clips, mismatch=True)
return self.std.AssumeFPS(ret, fpsnum=self.base_num,
def write_timecode(self, filename):
Output a matroska timecode v2 format file.
filename: The name of the file to output.
with open(filename, 'w') as o:
print('# timecode format v2', file=o)
print('\n'.join([str(pts) for pts in self.timestamps]), file=o)
def write_chapter(self, filename):
Output a simple(ogm) format chapter file.
filename: The name of the file to output.
with open(filename, 'wb') as o:
def write_qpfile(self, filename):
Output a x264 format qpfile.
filename: The name of the file to output.
with open(filename, 'w') as o:
print('\n'.join(['%i K' % number for number in self.keyframes]),
def write_tcq(self, filename, ext_tc='tc', ext_ch='ch', ext_qp='qp'):
Output timecode, chapter and qpfile at once.
filename: The name of the files to output.
ext_tc: file extension of timecode.
ext_ch: file extension of chapter.
ext_qp: file extension of qpfile.
self.write_timecode('%s.%s' % (filename, ext_tc))
self.write_chapter('%s.%s' % (filename, ext_ch))
self.write_qpfile('%s.%s' % (filename, ext_qp))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('port of EasyVFR for VapourSynth version %s' % __version__)
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