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Created October 14, 2014 23:19
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AnsibleFest notes
- enable windows powershell remoting modules in PowerShell
- can push raw powershell scripts
- rather than force an agent or an install;
- usign the technology that MS has by default
- run_once
- simplifies tasks
- expanded inventory support
- Azure, VMware
- new provisioning modules for VMware too
- fact caching
- uses Redis (memcached also available)
- store playbook variables/facts between executions
- no_log
- suppresses playbook output as well as suppressing syslog logging
- ansible-galaxy cli upgrades
- be able to install from multple-repos not just galaxy
- git, hg, tarballs, galaxy
- docker images
- base images for faster ansible playbook builds using Docker
- Ubuntu and CentOS
- refactorings (ongoing)
- reorganize after years of contributions
- focus on hybrid-OO/functional architecture
- enable features like blocks, try/except, future language
- enable line numbering reporting for errors
Telescope presentation
- who is telescope?
- they provide all the "voting" tech for reality shows like american idol, etc
- why did we move from bare metal to AWS?
- outgrew their data center
- only had two sysadmins for 60 servers
- responsible for network, arch, IT support, developer access, etc
- why did we choose ansible?
- has tight AWS integration
- EC2 modules are handy
Big Panda Presentation
- when did I know I needed ansible
- super bowl giveaway 2009 (previous gig)
- commercial pointed to a website
- millions of people went there to get a free ticket
- everything broke
- what is big panda
- use data science to automate and scale incident management
- using nagios, new relic, pingdom, ansible
- why ansible?
- no matter the complexity, everything boils down to running ansible module
- makes playbooks easy to write and review (version control)
- simplicity
- agentless
- idempotence
- enables ansible to be declarative and reliable
- can rum multiple times without changing the result beyond initial executtion
- reusable
- every script we write is used two times
- once, when deploying a new version
- again when provisioning a new server
- usings tags we run or skip tasks or plays as needed
- playbook.yml -i hosts --tags infra
- extensible
- can be extended with JSON
- correlating monitoring alerts with application deployments
- all the things
- no one ever touches servers; everything is through ansible
- server provisioning too
- steps to using ansible
- ansible workshop
- peer review, agile-in-ops
- went through ansible training
- documented at
- idea was to make sure that everyone had the same idea as to what ansible *is*
- playbook playbooks
- wrote a wrapper around playbooks to help reduce human error
- make the scariest part the the build, the easiest
- when pushing stuff live
- `deploy bigpanda`
- goes through playbook wrapper (ansible-exec)
- has all the right commands
- repeatable
- beanbot
- bot in hipchat
- `beanbot deploy bigpanda`
- beanbot goes and deploys it (pulls from github, etc)
- based on hubot
- infrastructure confidence
- are able to redeploy all the things
- deleted everything they set up manually, and redeployed through ansible
- zero downtime
- now they know that everything is exactly the same and how it was deployed
Hacking Ansible (make it do more)
- what is ansible?
- config management? automation platform? orchestration? release management?
- any and all of these
- does one thing very well: runs a task on a host
- internal objects (for every invocation)
- inventory: define targets
- runner: actually does all the work
- connection: how to get to my targets
- playbook: all the plays in the current invocation
- host: where to do it
- task: what to do
- callback: show me what was done
- even when run at the cli, there is a "playbook"
- it has a) host and b) task
- plugin system
- sum of the parts is less than the whole
- lib/ansible/utils/
- includes PluginLoader class
- overrides directory for custom vars
- Library: host tasks/actions/modules
- Action: master side tasks/actions/modules
- Cache: fact caching
- lib/ansible/cache/
- creates a dictionary inside an object that can be read and written to
- exists in memory
- Callback: play output
- Connection: host connections
- Shell: what shell to use to execute tasks
- powershell added
- Lookup: master side info lookup
- you use these anytime you use: with_<lookup>
- executes on the maters
- a way to access external files and/or data
- normally returns a list
- Vars: variable imports
- Inventory: aside from inventory scripts
- Filter: jinja2 filters for data modification
- filters are a nice way to abstract features
- chainable pipes
- "not a programming language" but can bring programming concepts
- Doc Fragment: shared docs for library
- tests:
- assert: the test module
- destructive, non-destructive, integration
- `make tests` runs unit tests
- before you submit
- update documentation (it is also in the repo)
- create tests, assert
- prepare a clear usage/example to post in the PR
- it's a dialog be ready to make your use case
- patience...
- not everything belongs in core
Ansible and Google Cloud Platform
- What is google cloud platform?
- Compute
- app engine
- compute engine
- Storage
- cloud storage
- cloud sql
- cloud datastore (nosql)
- app services
- BigQuery
- Cloud Enpoints
- Cloud DNS
- What is google compute engine?
- virtual machines
- linux/win/custom
- very small <-> very large
- persistent disks
- ssd and "standard"
- up to 10TB per VM
- shared r/o across many VMs
- global snapshots
- advanced networking
- global private network (across geo sites)
- load-balancing (L3 and L7)
- custom routes / firewall rules
- (Enough with the sales pitch, dude...)
- ansible demo
- ansible playbook that defines:
- 4 compute engine instances (2 per zone)
- create a firewall rule and load balancer
- set up a dns record for the LB IP
- deploy "app" and manage software (in a non-typical way)
- `anslible-playbook gce-demo.yml`
- uses credentials from a var file
- sets up networking, allowing http traffic from specifically tagged GCE VMs
- sets up load balancer, healthcheck, and adds members
- create dns record for the IP
- continuous deployment
- PTC ("push to configure") Agent deployed via metadata during instance create
- "App" development with git hosted in google cloud repositories
- ansible configures the VM and "app" locally
- listens for code push events and instance tag change events
- on event, a 'start' script in top-level kicks off
- (internet flaked, no demo)
- $500 credit
- use promo code ansible-con
Ansible and Docker
- Images
- made of layers
- base images basically OS installs
- immutable
- customize by creating a new layer on top
- What can you do with Docker?
- lightweight cloud
- lower runtime overhead
- layered filesystem
- very quick startup time
- tool for encapsulating applications
- low overhead
- run application on startup
- similar to init
- What can we do with Ansible and Docker?
- building an image (dockerfile)
- dockerfile is very shell-like
- instead of using just a dockerfile, have it reference a playbook
- what makes this better?
- power and consistency
- use the same methods to configure images as your hosts
- templates (jinja) and conditionals (i.e. ubuntu and centos)
- try out new things via Galaxy roles
Ansible Roles
- Getting started with roles
- creating the initial role layout
- `ansible-galaxy init roles/myrole`
- creates ALL the directory structure for you
- role dependencies
- specify it in the metad/main.yml file
- tags and conditionals
- Cross-platform roles tips and tricks
include: redhat.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
include: centos.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'CentOS'
- alternative method for variables
- with_first_found
- iterates through a list, and returns the first match.
- galaxy best practices
- create accurate metadata (meta/main.yml)
- 90% of the issues are from typos in the metadata
- adding role to github
- `ansible-galaxy init foo`
Ansible Tower 2.0
- New in Tower 2
- web based interface
- added more auto-refreshing info, rather than having buttons
- provides things that the cli tool can't provide
- added new inventory types
- Azure
- Google compute engine
- VMware vCenter
- shows real time jobs as well as a history of every job run, logging failures
- good for groups (multiple people using ansible)
- can synchronize with ldap
- job templates
- can allow a dev to run a job but not have to know or use ansible
- rest api
- anything you can do with point-and-click, you can do with the api
- most use it to integrate with jenkins (to launch playbooks)
- there is now a cli wrapper for continuous integration
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