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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Save childnode/0f6c874ad79788a86332 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
What is the cause for empty variables in batch files if set is used in conditon? see for discussion
@echo off
Set delayed=%1
If "%delayed%"=="" (
Set delayed=false
If %delayed%==true (
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo "=============================="
echo "Test with errorlevel condition"
echo "=============================="
if errorlevel 0 (
set CamelCase=Foo.Bar
echo "TestInCondition: %CamelCase% <--------- EMPTY"
IF "%CamelCase%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS it's CamelCase"
) else (
echo "FAIL it's CamelCase"
IF "!CamelCase!" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS #2 it's CamelCase <----- SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion enabled and ^!VARNAME^! used"
) else (
echo "FAIL #2 it's CamelCase <--------- STILL EMPTY IN SAME RUN even with, use SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion (use true as #1 parameter for this script)"
echo "===================="
set nocamelcase=Foo.Bar
echo "TestInCondition small %nocamelcase% <--------- EMPTY"
IF "%nocamelcase%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS small caps works fine"
) else (
echo "FAIL small caps"
echo "=========="
echo "TestInCondition CAPS %NOCAMELCASE% <--------- EMPTY"
IF "%NOCAMELCASE%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS caps lock works fine"
) else (
echo "FAIL caps lock"
echo "=============================="
echo "Test with another condition"
echo "=============================="
if 1 EQU 1 (
set SimpleCamelCase=Foo.Bar
echo "TestInSimpleCondition %SimpleCamelCase% <--------- EMPTY"
IF "%SimpleCamelCase%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS it's SimpleCamelCase"
) else (
echo "FAIL it's SimpleCamelCase"
echo "===================="
set nosimplecamelcase=Foo.Bar
echo "TestInSimpleCondition small %nosimplecamelcase% <--------- EMPTY"
IF "%nosimplecamelcase%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS small caps works fine"
) else (
echo "FAIL small caps"
echo "=========="
echo "TestInSimpleCondition CAPS %NOSIMPLECAMELCASE% <--------- EMPTY"
echo "SUCCESS caps lock works fine"
) else (
echo "FAIL caps lock"
echo "=============================="
echo "Test without condition"
echo "=============================="
set WocCamelCase=Foo.Bar
echo "TestWithoutCondition %WocCamelCase%"
IF "%WocCamelCase%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS it's WocCamelCase"
) else (
echo "FAIL it's WocCamelCase"
echo "===================="
set nowoccamelcase=Foo.Bar
echo "TestWithOutCondition small %nowoccamelcase%"
IF "%nowoccamelcase%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS small caps works fine in outer"
) else (
echo "FAIL small caps outer"
echo "=========="
echo "TestWithOutCondition CAPS %NOWOCCAMELCASE%"
IF "%NOWOCCAMELCASE%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS caps lock works fine in outer"
) else (
echo "FAIL caps lock outer"
echo "=============================="
echo "Test with following condition"
echo "=============================="
set BeforeCamelCase=Foo.Bar
echo "TestBeforeCondition %BeforeCamelCase%"
if errorlevel 0 (
echo "TestInCondition %BeforeCamelCase%"
IF "%BeforeCamelCase%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS it's BeforeCamelCase"
) else (
echo "FAIL it's BeforeCamelCase"
echo "===================="
set nocamelcasebefore=Foo.Bar
echo "TestBeforeCondition small %nocamelcasebefore%"
IF "%nocamelcasebefore%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS small caps works fine before condition"
) else (
echo "FAIL small caps before condition"
echo "=========="
echo "TestBeforeCondition CAPS %NOCAMELCASEBEFORE%"
echo "SUCCESS caps lock works fine before condition"
) else (
echo "FAIL caps lock before condition"
if errorlevel 0 (
echo "TestInCondition small %nocamelcasebefore%"
IF "%nocamelcasebefore%" == "Foo.Bar" (
echo "SUCCESS small caps works fine if defined before condition"
) else (
echo "FAIL small caps if defined before condition"
echo "=========="
echo "SUCCESS caps lock works fine if defined before condition"
) else (
echo "FAIL caps lock if defined before condition"
"Test with errorlevel condition"
"TestInCondition: <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's CamelCase"
"FAIL #2 it's CamelCase <--------- STILL EMPTY IN SAME RUN even with, use SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion"
"TestInCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test with another condition"
"TestInSimpleCondition <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's SimpleCamelCase"
"TestInSimpleCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInSimpleCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test without condition"
"TestWithoutCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's WocCamelCase"
"TestWithOutCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine in outer"
"TestWithOutCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine in outer"
"Test with following condition"
"TestBeforeCondition Foo.Bar"
"TestInCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's BeforeCamelCase"
"TestBeforeCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine before condition"
"TestBeforeCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine before condition"
"TestInCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine if defined before condition"
"TestInCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine if defined before condition"
"Test with errorlevel condition"
"TestInCondition: <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's CamelCase"
"SUCCESS #2 it's CamelCase <----- SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion enabled and !VARNAME! used"
"TestInCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test with another condition"
"TestInSimpleCondition <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's SimpleCamelCase"
"TestInSimpleCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInSimpleCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test without condition"
"TestWithoutCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's WocCamelCase"
"TestWithOutCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine in outer"
"TestWithOutCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine in outer"
"Test with following condition"
"TestBeforeCondition Foo.Bar"
"TestInCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's BeforeCamelCase"
"TestBeforeCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine before condition"
"TestBeforeCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine before condition"
"TestInCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine if defined before condition"
"TestInCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine if defined before condition"
"Test with errorlevel condition"
"TestInCondition: <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's CamelCase"
"FAIL #2 it's CamelCase <--------- STILL EMPTY IN SAME RUN even with, use SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion"
"TestInCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test with another condition"
"TestInSimpleCondition <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's SimpleCamelCase"
"TestInSimpleCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInSimpleCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test without condition"
"TestWithoutCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's WocCamelCase"
"TestWithOutCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine in outer"
"TestWithOutCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine in outer"
"Test with following condition"
"TestBeforeCondition Foo.Bar"
"TestInCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's BeforeCamelCase"
"TestBeforeCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine before condition"
"TestBeforeCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine before condition"
"TestInCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine if defined before condition"
"TestInCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine if defined before condition"
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
"Test with errorlevel condition"
"TestInCondition: Foo.Bar <--------- EMPTY"
"SUCCESS it's CamelCase"
"FAIL #2 it's CamelCase <--------- STILL EMPTY IN SAME RUN even with, use SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion"
"TestInCondition small Foo.Bar <--------- EMPTY"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine"
"TestInCondition CAPS Foo.Bar <--------- EMPTY"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine"
"Test with another condition"
"TestInSimpleCondition Foo.Bar <--------- EMPTY"
"SUCCESS it's SimpleCamelCase"
"TestInSimpleCondition small Foo.Bar <--------- EMPTY"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine"
"TestInSimpleCondition CAPS Foo.Bar <--------- EMPTY"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine"
"Test without condition"
"TestWithoutCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's WocCamelCase"
"TestWithOutCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine in outer"
"TestWithOutCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine in outer"
"Test with following condition"
"TestBeforeCondition Foo.Bar"
"TestInCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's BeforeCamelCase"
"TestBeforeCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine before condition"
"TestBeforeCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine before condition"
"TestInCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine if defined before condition"
"TestInCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine if defined before condition"
"Test with errorlevel condition"
"TestInCondition: <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's CamelCase"
"SUCCESS #2 it's CamelCase <----- SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion enabled and !VARNAME! used"
"TestInCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test with another condition"
"TestInSimpleCondition <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's SimpleCamelCase"
"TestInSimpleCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInSimpleCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test without condition"
"TestWithoutCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's WocCamelCase"
"TestWithOutCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine in outer"
"TestWithOutCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine in outer"
"Test with following condition"
"TestBeforeCondition Foo.Bar"
"TestInCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's BeforeCamelCase"
"TestBeforeCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine before condition"
"TestBeforeCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine before condition"
"TestInCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine if defined before condition"
"TestInCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine if defined before condition"
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
"Test with errorlevel condition"
"TestInCondition: <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's CamelCase"
"SUCCESS #2 it's CamelCase <----- SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion enabled and !VARNAME! used"
"TestInCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test with another condition"
"TestInSimpleCondition <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL it's SimpleCamelCase"
"TestInSimpleCondition small <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL small caps"
"TestInSimpleCondition CAPS <--------- EMPTY"
"FAIL caps lock"
"Test without condition"
"TestWithoutCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's WocCamelCase"
"TestWithOutCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine in outer"
"TestWithOutCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine in outer"
"Test with following condition"
"TestBeforeCondition Foo.Bar"
"TestInCondition Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS it's BeforeCamelCase"
"TestBeforeCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine before condition"
"TestBeforeCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine before condition"
"TestInCondition small Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS small caps works fine if defined before condition"
"TestInCondition CAPS Foo.Bar"
"SUCCESS caps lock works fine if defined before condition"
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