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Created April 14, 2020 12:08
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Phil Factor's SQL Table to JSON converter function
@Hierarchy Hierarchy READONLY
the function that takes a Hierarchy table and converts it to a JSON string
Author: Phil Factor
Revision: 1.5
date: 1 May 2014
why: Added a fix to add a name for a list.
Declare @XMLSample XML
Select @XMLSample='
<glossary><title>example glossary</title>
<GlossEntry id="SGML"" SortAs="SGML">
<GlossTerm>Standard Generalized Markup Language</GlossTerm>
<Abbrev>ISO 8879:1986</Abbrev>
<para>A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.</para>
<GlossSeeAlso OtherTerm="GML" />
<GlossSeeAlso OtherTerm="XML" />
<GlossSee OtherTerm="markup" />
DECLARE @MyHierarchy Hierarchy -- to pass the hierarchy table around
insert into @MyHierarchy select * from dbo.ParseXML(@XMLSample)
SELECT dbo.ToJSON(@MyHierarchy)
RETURNS NVARCHAR(MAX)--JSON documents are always unicode.
@Where INT,
@ANumber INT,
@notNumber INT,
@indent INT,
@ii int,
@CrLf CHAR(2)--just a simple utility to save typing!
--firstly get the root token into place
SELECT @CrLf=CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),--just CHAR(10) in UNIX
@JSON = CASE ValueType WHEN 'array' THEN
+COALESCE('{'+@CrLf+' "'+NAME+'" : ','')+'['
+ case when ValueType='array' and NAME is not null then ' ' else '' end
+@CrLf+CASE ValueType WHEN 'array' THEN
case when NAME is null then ']' else ' ]'+@CrLf+'}'+@CrLf end
FROM @Hierarchy
WHERE parent_id IS NULL AND valueType IN ('object','document','array') --get the root element
/* now we simply iterat from the root token growing each branch and leaf in each iteration. This won't be enormously quick, but it is simple to do. All values, or name/value pairs withing a structure can be created in one SQL Statement*/
Select @ii=1000
WHILE @ii>0
SELECT @where= PATINDEX('%[^[a-zA-Z0-9]@Object%',@json)--find NEXT token
if @where=0 BREAK
/* this is slightly painful. we get the indent of the object we've found by looking backwards up the string */
SET @indent=CHARINDEX(char(10)+char(13),Reverse(LEFT(@json,@where))+char(10)+char(13))-1
SET @NotNumber= PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', RIGHT(@json,LEN(@JSON+'|')-@Where-8)+' ')--find NEXT token
SET @NewJSON=NULL --this contains the structure in its JSON form
+case when parent.ValueType='array' then '' else COALESCE('"'+TheRow.NAME+'" : ','') end
+CASE TheRow.valuetype
WHEN 'array' THEN ' ['+@CrLf+SPACE(@indent+2)
WHEN 'object' then ' {'+@CrLf+SPACE(@indent+2)
WHEN 'string' THEN '"'+dbo.JSONEscaped(TheRow.StringValue)+'"'
ELSE TheRow.StringValue
FROM @Hierarchy TheRow
inner join @hierarchy Parent
on parent.element_ID=TheRow.parent_ID
WHERE TheRow.parent_id= SUBSTRING(@JSON,@where+8, @Notnumber-1)
/* basically, we just lookup the structure based on the ID that is appended to the @Object token. Simple eh? */
--now we replace the token with the structure, maybe with more tokens in it.
Select @JSON=STUFF (@JSON, @where+1, 8+@NotNumber-1, @NewJSON),@ii=@ii-1
return @JSON
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leifnel commented Aug 21, 2022

Trying this on an Azure SQL gives this message:
Msg 2715, Level 16, State 3, Procedure ToJSON, Line 3 Column, parameter, or variable #1: Cannot find data type Hierarchy. Parameter or variable '@Hierarchy' has an invalid data type.

Doh. Needs to create it myself:

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