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Last active December 14, 2015 01:29
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Cheatsheet: skeleton for a small backbone exampleapp
class NestedCommentView extends Backbone.View
tagname: "div"
initialize: =>
@model.bind 'change', @render
@model.bind 'destroy', @unrender
#bind this to a dom event
# "click .deletecomment": "deleteComment"
deleteComment: =>
render: =>
$(@el).html "<p>Test #{@model.get 'name'}</p>"
unrender: =>
class TestModel extends Backbone.Model
render: =>
myview = new NestedCommentView model: @
$("body").append myview.render().el
class CommentList extends Backbone.Collection
model: TestModel
initialize: =>
@bind 'add', (item) -> item.render()
$ ->
window.commentCollection = new CommentList
new TestModel name:"alma",
new TestModel name:"korte",
new TestModel name:"birs",
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