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Last active May 22, 2018 14:55
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Sierpinski Triangle

How to run:

ghc fractal.hs


  • x y to row col
----- constants
sizev = 44
sizeh = 51
r = sin(pi / 3)
----- primitive shape constructors
type Shape = Float -> Float -> Bool
rect :: Shape
rect = \ x y -> x > 0
&& y > 0
&& x < sizev
&& y < sizeh
triangle :: Shape
triangle = \x y -> rect x y
&& r >= x / (2 * y)
&& r >= x / (2 * (sizeh - y))
----- operations on primitives
scale :: Float -> Shape -> Shape
scale by shape = \x y -> shape (x / by) (y / by)
move :: Float -> Float -> Shape -> Shape
move dx dy shape = \x y -> shape (x - dx) (y - dy)
(|+|) :: Shape -> Shape -> Shape
(|+|) s1 s2 = \x y -> s1 x y || s2 x y
----- shape transformers
triple :: Shape -> Shape
triple shape = scale 0.5 $
|+| move 0 sizeh shape
|+| move (sizeh * r) (sizeh / 2) shape
shape = triple $ triple $ triple triangle
----- rendering
putPixel shape row col = putStr $ if (shape row col) then "█ " else ". "
putRow row = putChar '\n' >> mapM_ (putPixel shape row) [1..sizeh]
main = mapM_ putRow [1..sizev]
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