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Created December 31, 2015 08:59
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NHibernate NodaTime.OffsetDateTime
using System;
using System.Data;
using NHibernate;
using NHibernate.SqlTypes;
using NHibernate.UserTypes;
using NodaTime;
public class InstantType : IUserType
public SqlType[] SqlTypes
get { return new[] {SqlTypeFactory.DateTime}; }
public Type ReturnedType
get { return typeof (Instant); }
public bool IsMutable
get { return false; }
public new bool Equals (object x, object y)
return object.Equals (x, y);
public int GetHashCode (object x)
return x == null ? 0 : x.GetHashCode ();
public object NullSafeGet (IDataReader rs, string[] names, object owner)
var value = NHibernateUtil.DateTime.NullSafeGet (rs, names);
if (value == null)
return null;
return Instant.FromDateTimeUtc (DateTime.SpecifyKind((DateTime) value, DateTimeKind.Utc));
public void NullSafeSet (IDbCommand cmd, object value, int index)
if (value == null)
NHibernateUtil.DateTime.NullSafeSet (cmd, null, index);
NHibernateUtil.DateTime.NullSafeSet (cmd, ((Instant) value).ToDateTimeUtc (), index);
public object DeepCopy (object value)
return value;
public object Replace (object original, object target, object owner)
return original;
public object Assemble (object cached, object owner)
return cached;
public object Disassemble (object value)
return value;
using NHibernate.Linq.Functions;
// Use configuration.LinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry<LinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry> () to register this
public class LinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry : DefaultLinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry
public LinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry()
this.Merge (new OffsetDateTimeToInstantGenerator ());
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using NHibernate.Hql.Ast;
using NHibernate.Linq;
using NHibernate.Linq.Functions;
using NHibernate.Linq.Visitors;
using NodaTime;
// Converts OffsetDateTime.ToInstant() to use the OffsetDateTimeType's UtcDateTime property
// e.g. items.Where(x => x.Date.ToInstant() > minDate.ToInstant())
// is converted to the HQL; WHERE x.UtcDateTime > @minDate
public class OffsetDateTimeToInstantGenerator : BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod
public OffsetDateTimeToInstantGenerator()
SupportedMethods = new [] {
ReflectionHelper.GetMethodDefinition<OffsetDateTime> (x => x.ToInstant())
public override HqlTreeNode BuildHql(MethodInfo method, Expression targetObject, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> arguments, HqlTreeBuilder treeBuilder, IHqlExpressionVisitor visitor)
var source = visitor.Visit (targetObject).AsExpression ();
var property = treeBuilder.Ident ("UtcDateTime");
return treeBuilder.Dot (source, property);
using System;
using System.Data;
using NHibernate;
using NHibernate.Engine;
using NHibernate.Type;
using NHibernate.UserTypes;
using NodaTime;
public class OffsetDateTimeType : ICompositeUserType
private static readonly IType instantType = NHibernateUtil.Custom (typeof (InstantType));
private static readonly IType offsetType = NHibernateUtil.Custom (typeof (OffsetType));
// UtcDateTime will be available as a property for HQL queries
public string[] PropertyNames
get { return new[] {"UtcDateTime", "Offset"}; }
public IType[] PropertyTypes
get { return new[] {instantType, offsetType}; }
public Type ReturnedClass
get { return typeof (OffsetDateTime); }
public bool IsMutable
get { return false; }
public object GetPropertyValue (object component, int property)
var date = (OffsetDateTime) component;
switch (property) {
case 0: return date.ToInstant ();
case 1: return date.Offset;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("property");
public void SetPropertyValue (object component, int property, object value)
throw new NotSupportedException ("OffsetDateTime is immutable");
public new bool Equals (object x, object y)
if (x == null && y == null) return true;
if (x == null || y == null) return false;
return ((OffsetDateTime) x).ToInstant () == ((OffsetDateTime) y).ToInstant ();
public int GetHashCode (object x)
return x == null ? 0 : ((OffsetDateTime) x).ToInstant ().GetHashCode ();
public object NullSafeGet (IDataReader dr, string[] names, ISessionImplementor session, object owner)
var utc = (Instant?) instantType.NullSafeGet (dr, names [0], session, owner);
var offset = (Offset?) offsetType.NullSafeGet (dr, names [1], session, owner);
if (utc == null)
return null;
return utc.Value.WithOffset (offset ?? Offset.Zero);
public void NullSafeSet (IDbCommand cmd, object value, int index, bool[] settable, ISessionImplementor session)
if (value == null) {
instantType.NullSafeSet (cmd, null, index, session);
offsetType.NullSafeSet (cmd, null, index + 1, session);
} else {
var date = (OffsetDateTime) value;
instantType.NullSafeSet (cmd, date.ToInstant (), index, session);
offsetType.NullSafeSet (cmd, date.Offset, index + 1, session);
public object DeepCopy (object value)
return value;
public object Disassemble (object value, ISessionImplementor session)
return value;
public object Assemble (object cached, ISessionImplementor session, object owner)
return cached;
public object Replace (object original, object target, ISessionImplementor session, object owner)
return original;
using System;
using System.Data;
using NHibernate;
using NHibernate.SqlTypes;
using NHibernate.UserTypes;
using NodaTime;
public class OffsetType : IUserType
public SqlType[] SqlTypes
get { return new[] {SqlTypeFactory.Int16}; }
public Type ReturnedType
get { return typeof (Offset); }
public bool IsMutable
get { return false; }
public new bool Equals (object x, object y)
return object.Equals (x, y);
public int GetHashCode (object x)
return x == null ? 0 : x.GetHashCode ();
public object NullSafeGet (IDataReader rs, string[] names, object owner)
var value = NHibernateUtil.Int16.NullSafeGet (rs, names);
if (value == null)
return null;
return OffsetFromMinutes ((short) value);
public void NullSafeSet (IDbCommand cmd, object value, int index)
if (value == null)
NHibernateUtil.Int16.NullSafeSet (cmd, null, index);
NHibernateUtil.Int16.NullSafeSet (cmd, OffsetToMinutes ((Offset) value), index);
public object DeepCopy (object value)
return value;
public object Replace (object original, object target, object owner)
return original;
public object Assemble (object cached, object owner)
return cached;
public object Disassemble (object value)
return value;
private static Offset OffsetFromMinutes (long value)
return Offset.FromTicks (value * NodaConstants.TicksPerMinute);
private static short OffsetToMinutes (Offset value)
return checked ((short) (value.Ticks / NodaConstants.TicksPerMinute));
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