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Laravel Livewire Turbolinks Blade component to keep session alive
{{-- You do not need to add this component if you are using the permanent option in the head component --}}
if (!window.sessionTimerPermanent && window.Livewire) {
window.livewire.hook('afterDomUpdate', startSessionTimer)
// if you are on livewire > 1.3.1 and want to avoid the default error alert
window.livewire.onError(statusCode => {
if (statusCode === 419) {
@props([ 'permanent' => false, 'expiresIn' => 10 ])
$session = config('session.lifetime');
$message = trans('messages.session_expiration_warning', ['expires' => $expiresIn]); //example: 'Your session will expire in :expires minutes, due to inactivity! Click OK to avoid being logged out.'
let sessionTimer = null
function clearTimer() {
sessionTimer = null
function handleSessionWarning() {
alert('{{ $message }}')
checkAuth() // remove if you want to run this automatically on window.focus after clicking the alert, see end of script.
function startSessionTimer() {
sessionTimer = setTimeout(handleSessionWarning, 1000 * 60 * {{ $session - $expiresIn }})
function checkAuth() {
if (document.hasFocus()) { //remove this if you want to keep the session alive even if the window is out of focus
.then(response => response.text())
.then(auth => {
if (auth !== 'true') {
window.location.href = "{{ route('login') }}"
window.sessionTimerPermanent = true
setInterval(checkAuth, 1000 * 60 * {{ $session - 2 }})
window.sessionTimerPermanent = false
// document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', startSessionTimer) //uncomment if you use turbolinks
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', startSessionTimer) //remove if you use tubolinks
// window.addEventListener('focus', checkAuth) //uncomment this if you remove checkAuth() above, observe that this makes an extra request on each window.focus
Route::get('check-auth', fn () => response(auth()->check() ? 'true' : 'false'))->middleware('auth');
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