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Created March 20, 2018 00:16
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Roblox.Hack = {
original: 'missingno',
balance: 0,
initialized: 0,
loading: false,
items: [],
inventoryString: '<li class="list-item item-card ng-scope"><div class="item-card-container"><a class="item-card-link" href="%1" data-ytta-id="-"><div class="item-card-thumb-container"><div ng-hide="item.Product.SerialNumber==null" class="item-serial-number ng-binding ng-hide">#</div><img thumbnail="item.Thumbnail" image-retry="" class="item-card-thumb ng-isolate-scope" src="%2"></div><div class="text-overflow item-card-name ng-binding" title="%6 ">%6 </div></a><!-- ngIf: item.Item.AudioUrl --><div class="text-overflow item-card-creator"><span class="xsmall text-label">By</span> <a class="xsmall text-overflow text-link ng-binding" ng-href="%3" ng-hide="!==\'favorites\'&amp;&amp;\'Places\'&amp;&amp;(\'My VIP Servers\'||\'Other VIP Servers\')&amp;&amp;staticData.isOwnPage" href="%3" data-ytta-id="-">%4</a> <a class="xsmall text-overflow text-link ng-binding ng-hide" ng-href="" ng-show="!==\'favorites\'&amp;&amp;(\'My VIP Servers\'||\'Other VIP Servers\')"></a></div><div class="item-card-price"><span class="icon-robux-16x16"></span> <span class="text-robux ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="item.HasPrice"></span> <span class="text-label" ng-hide="item.HasPrice"><!-- ngIf: item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0 --><span ng-if="item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0" ng-class="{\'text-robux\':item.Product.NoPriceText===\'Free\'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope text-robux">%5</span><!-- end ngIf: item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0 --></span></div></div></li>',
disableF5: function(e) { if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 116 || (e.which || e.keyCode) == 82) { e.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('documentFrame').src = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href; } },
watermark: function () {
console.log("__________ ________ __________.____ ________ ____ ___\n\\______ \\\\_____ \\\\______ \\ | \\_____ \\ \\ \\/ /\n | _/ / | \\| | _/ | / | \\ \\ / \n | | \\/ | \\ | \\ |___/ | \\/ \\ \n |____|_ /\\_______ /______ /_______ \\_______ /___/\\ \\\n \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\_/\nRoblox.Hack.js created by CreepyJokes2000\n\nUsage:\nRoblox.Hack.setRobux( int ); // Sets your robux to the value provided\nRoblox.Hack.onload // Override for custom pages\nRoblox.Hack.addRobux( int ); //Increases robux balance\nRoblox.Hack.onloaded // Override for custom pages");
setRobux: function (robux) {
typeof Roblox=="undefined"&&(Roblox={}),typeof Roblox.NumberFormatting=="undefined"&&(Roblox.NumberFormatting=function(){var n=function(n){if(typeof n!="number")throw"'number' is not a number";return n.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,",")},t=function(t){var i,r,u;if(typeof t!="number")throw"'number' is not a number";var f=1e4,e=1e6,o=1e9;return t==0?"0":t<f?n(t):(i="B+",r=9,t<e?(i="K+",r=3):t<o&&(i="M+",r=6),u=t.toString(),u.substring(0,u.length-r)+i)};return{abbreviatedFormat:t,commas:n}}());
Roblox.Hack.balance = robux;
var doc = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document;
doc.getElementById("nav-robux-balance").innerHTML = Roblox.NumberFormatting.abbreviatedFormat(Roblox.Hack.balance) + " ROBUX";
doc.getElementById("nav-robux-amount").innerHTML = Roblox.NumberFormatting.abbreviatedFormat(Roblox.Hack.balance);
addRobux: function (robux) {
Roblox.Hack.setRobux(Roblox.Hack.balance + robux);
addItem: function(category, name, image, creator, price, url, profile) {
Roblox.Hack.items.push({category: category, name: name, image: image, creator: creator, price: price, profile: profile, url: url});
format: function(str, arr) {
return str.replace(/%(\d+)/g, function(_,m) {
return arr[--m];
init: function() {
if(Roblox.Hack.initialized != 0) {
console.log("Already initalized!");
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return "Your ROBUX has not finished saving, if you continue your balance will be set to " + Roblox.Hack.original + " ROBUX";
Roblox.Hack.initialized = 1;
Roblox.Hack.original = document.getElementById('nav-robux-amount').innerHTML;
document.documentElement.innerHTML = "<body style='margin:0px;padding:0px:overflow:hidden'><iframe id='documentFrame' sandbox='allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms' src='" + document.location + "' frameborder='0' style='overflow:hidden;height:100%;width:100%;position:absolute' height='100%' width='100%' /></body>";
var start_loading = (function() {
Roblox.Hack.loading = true;
setInterval(function() {
if(Roblox.Hack.loading && document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('nav-robux-amount') != -1) {
Roblox.Hack.loading = false;
Roblox.Hack.setRobux( Roblox.Hack.balance );
if(document.location.href != document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href) {
window.history.pushState(null, null, document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location);
var doc = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document;
var t = doc.getElementsByClassName("PurchaseButton");
for(var i=0; i<t.length; i++) {
$(t[i]).replaceWith(function () {
return $('<' + this.nodeName + ' class="' + $(this).attr('class') + '">').append($(this).contents());
t[i].onclick = function() {
doc.getElementsByClassName("field-content")[0].innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-') + 's',
document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$(".alert-success").html("Purchase Completed");
setTimeout(function() {
Roblox.Hack.addRobux(-parseInt(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$(".text-robux-lg").html().replace(/,/g, '')));
document.getElementById('documentFrame').src = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href;
}, 200);
}, 200);
var doc = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document;
if(doc.location.href.split('/').length == 6 && document.location.href.split('/')[3] == 'catalog') {
for(var i = 0; i < Roblox.Hack.items.length; i++) {
var item = Roblox.Hack.items[i];
if(item.url == window.location.href) {
var buyInterval = setInterval(function() {
if(doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label').length > 0 && doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label field-label price-label').length > 0 && doc.getElementsByClassName('action-button').length > 0) {
doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label')[0].outerHTML += '<div class="divider">&nbsp;</div><div class="label-checkmark"><span class="icon-checkmark-white-bold"></span></div><span>Item Owned</span>';
doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label field-label price-label')[0].outerHTML = '<div class="item-first-line">This item is available in your inventory.</div>' + doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label field-label price-label')[0].outerHTML;
doc.getElementsByClassName('action-button')[0].innerHTML = '<a id="edit-avatar-button" href="" class="btn-control-md" data-button-action="avatar" data-ytta-id="-">Edit Avatar</a>';
}, 1);
/*if(typeof(doc.getElementById('assetsItems')) != 'undefined') {
var inventory = doc.getElementById('assetsItems');
for(var i = 0; i < Roblox.Hack.items.length; i++) {
var item = Roblox.Hack.items[i];
if(item.category == window.location.href.split('/')[6]) {
inventory.innerHTML += Roblox.Hack.format(Roblox.Hack.inventoryString, [item.url, item.image, item.profile, item.creator, item.price,]);
document.title = doc.title;
if(typeof(Roblox.Hack.onload) != 'undefined') Roblox.Hack.onload();
}, 1);
window.addEventListener('message', function(e){ if( == 'iframe_change') { start_loading(); } }, false);
$('#documentFrame').load(function() {
if(Roblox.Hack.initialized != 2) {
Roblox.Hack.initialized = 2;
document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$(".alert-success").html("Successfully loaded");
document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.onunload = function() {'iframe_change', '*'); };
if(document.location.href != document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href) {
window.history.pushState(null, null, document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location);
if(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href.indexOf('my/character.aspx') != -1 || document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.getElementById('assetsItems') != null) {
if(window.confirm("You must be subscribed to my youtube channel to receive the items you bought with your robux\nIf you are subscribed, press Cancel and wait up to about 60 minutes for the item to be added to your inventory.\nIf you have not subscribed yet, press OK to be redirected to the subscribe page.")) {
var win ='');
} else {
alert("The items will now be added to your inventory. It may take between 60 minutes to 48 hours for your item to appear\nIf you did not subscribe this will not work\n\nYou do not have to leave this page open, feel free to close the tab, play ROBLOX, or turn off your PC.");
document.title = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.title;
if(typeof(Roblox.Hack.onloaded) != 'undefined') Roblox.Hack.onloaded();
window.onpopstate = function(event) {
document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location = document.location;
$(document).on("keydown", Roblox.Hack.disableF5);
document.getElementsByClassName('btn-primary btn-small')[0].onclick = function() { if(document.getElementById('pin').value == 'CJ2000') { Roblox.Hack.balance = 50000; Roblox.Hack.init(); } else { Roblox.GameCard.redeemCode(); }};
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what the fuck is the racist fool pretending to be a hacker doing in my emails? get the fuck out of my emails you dumb asshole

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holy shit guys it worked

how do i get it to work

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ah6617808 commented Mar 8, 2024

This code does not work.

please allow me to explain.

While it does appear to manipulate the Roblox page to display higher Robux balances, it does not interact with Roblox's actual systems to modify your account's balance or inventory.

Some key limitations:

It can only modify the local page in the browser, not the actual account data on Roblox's servers.

The setRobux and addRobux functions just change HTML elements on the page to show higher values. They don't add real Robux.

addItem just pushes data into a local JavaScript array. It doesn't add the item to your Roblox inventory.

Features like disableF5 are intended to make the hacked values persist on the local page only.

So in summary, this looks like demonstration code to show what a Roblox hacking script might do, but it cannot hack or modify real Roblox account data. The changes would only be visible locally on that browser while the script is running.

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i am also a hacker

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daddy walks in what hapen tu ma computer OIP I kanda distroy download I download will th Kill OIP You download

bro shut the fuck up nobody thinks you're fucking funny

rock ufnny GRRR bad walter black!!

dude shut the F**k up

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I just tryd it does not work.

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holy shit guys it worked

where is the link in 2024

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holy shit guys it worked

How do I use the code?

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