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Created February 8, 2023 18:08
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Solution to alphametics (aka cryptarithm) problem - Needs performance improvements
#lang racket
(provide solve)
(define (solve puzzle)
(define words (regexp-split #rx"==|[+]" (string-replace puzzle " " "")))
(define number-set (range 10))
(define individual-letters
(for/fold ([acc '()]
#:result acc)
([x (string->list (string-join words ""))])
[(member x acc) (values acc)]
[else (values (append acc (list x)))])))
(when (> (length individual-letters) (length number-set))
(define (translate p)
(for/hash ([i individual-letters]
[j p])
(values i j)))
(define (word->sum word o)
(for/fold ([acc '()]
#:result (string->number (string-join acc "")))
([c (string->list word)])
(let* ([n (hash-ref o c 0)]
[s (number->string n)])
(values (append acc (list s))))))
(define (make-equation o)
(for/fold ([acc '()]
#:result acc)
([word words])
[(member word acc) (values acc)]
[else (values (append acc (list (word->sum word o))))])))
(define (is-first-letter-of-word-zero? p)
(let* ([h (construct-answer p)])
(let ([om (ormap (lambda (word)
(let* ([s (substring word 0 1)]
[v (hash-ref h s #f)])
(= 0 v))) words)])
(define (lhs-sum te)
(for/sum ([i (take te (sub1 (length te)))]) i))
(define (generate-permutations items size)
(if (zero? size)
(for/list ([t (in-list (generate-permutations items (- size 1)))]
#:when #t
[i (in-list items)]
#:unless (member i t))
(cons i t))))
(define (construct-answer p)
(for/hash ([i individual-letters]
[j p])
(values (string i) j)))
(define (solution-found? p)
(let ([e (make-equation (translate p))])
(= (last e) (lhs-sum e))))
(define first-solution
(for/first ([p (generate-permutations number-set (length individual-letters))]
#:when (and
(not (is-first-letter-of-word-zero? p))
(solution-found? p)))
(let ([h (construct-answer p)])
(if h
(for/list ([letter (map string individual-letters)])
(cons letter (hash-ref h letter)))
(let ([solution first-solution])
(if solution solution '())))
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