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Created August 29, 2016 02:35
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using NamedArrays
function compute_betas{T <: AbstractFloat}(factors::AbstractArray{T,2}, returns::AbstractArray{T,2})
# make sure the dimension labels match
if typeof(factors) <: NamedArrays.NamedArray && typeof(returns) <: NamedArrays.NamedArray
@assert NamedArrays.names(factors,1) == NamedArrays.names(returns,1)
@assert factors.dimnames[1] == returns.dimnames[1]
println("DEBUG: factors $factors")
println("DEBUG: returns $returns")
ff = factors' * factors
fr = factors' * returns
println("DEBUG: ff $ff")
println("DEBUG: fr $fr")
# return ff \ fr
#TODO revert me after fixed!
result = ff \ fr
println("DEBUG: result $result")
return result
nTimes = 1000
nSecurities = 100
nFactors = 5
r = rand(nTimes,nSecurities)
returns = NamedArray(r, (map(x->"Time$x",1:nTimes), map(x->"Sec$x",1:nSecurities)), ("Time","Security"))
f = rand(nTimes,nFactors)
factors = NamedArray(f, (names(returns,1), map(x->"Factor$x",1:nFactors)), (returns.dimnames[1],"Factor") )
betas = compute_betas(factors,returns)
# The labels get messed up during the calculations. The labels should be:
# dim1: Factor -> Factor1, Factor2, ... Factor5
# dim2: Security -> Sec1, Sec2, ... Sec100
println("DEBUG: betas $betas")
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