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Save chipoglesby/52c034efeb9149574374fc1500541b30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to check the number of ads and keywords in ad groups.
* AdWords Script to check the number of entities in ad groups: reports ad
* groups with no ads, no keywords, too few ads or too many keywords.
* Optionally reports ad groups with no mobile preferred ads, and ad groups
* with broad match keywords but no negative keywords.
* Version: 1.1
* Updated 2017-01-05: changed 'CreativeApprovalStatus' to 'CombinedApprovalStatus'
* Google AdWords Script maintained by
var spreadsheetUrl = "";
// The URL of the Google Doc the results will be put into.
var campaignNameDoesNotContain = [];
// Use this if you want to exclude some campaigns.
// For example ["Display"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' in the name,
// while ["Display","Shopping"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' or
// 'Shopping' in the name.
// Leave as [] to not exclude any campaigns.
var campaignNameContains = [];
// Use this if you only want to look at some campaigns.
// For example ["Brand"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' in the name,
// while ["Brand","Generic"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' or
// 'Generic' in the name.
// Leave as [] to include all campaigns.
var ignorePausedCampaigns = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active campaigns.
// Set to false to also include campaigns that are currently paused.
var ignorePausedKeywords = true;
// If this is true, then ad groups can be reported as empty if they have paused
// keywords.
// Set this to false to make the script count paused keywords when deciding if
// an ad group is not empty. Only ad groups with no keywords (or only removed
// keywords) will be reported as empty.
var ignorePausedAds = true;
// If this is true, then ad groups can be reported as empty if they have paused
// ads.
// Set this to false to make the script count paused ads when deciding if an ad
// group is not empty. Only ad groups with no ads (or only removed or
// disapproved ads) will be reported as empty.
var maximumKeywordsPerAdGroup = 1;
// An ad group will be reported if it has more than this number of keywords.
var minimumAdsPerAdGroup = 2;
// An ad group will be reported if it has fewer than this number of ads.
var findAdGroupsWithoutMobileAds = true;
// Set this to true to get a list of ad groups that do have ads but don't have
// any mobile preferred ads.
// If this is not wanted, set to false.
var findAdGroupsWithNoNegatives = true;
// Set this to true to get a list of ad groups which contain broad match
// keywords but have no negatives.
// If this is not wanted, set to false.
// Functions
function main() {
var spreadsheet = checkSpreadsheet(spreadsheetUrl, "the spreadsheet");
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheets()[0];
var campaignIds = getCampaignIds();
if (typeof maximumKeywordsPerAdGroup != "number") {
throw("Problem with maximumKeywordsPerAdGroup: the given value '" + maximumKeywordsPerAdGroup + "' does not appear to be a number.");
if (typeof minimumAdsPerAdGroup != "number") {
throw("Problem with minimumAdsPerAdGroup: the given value '" + minimumAdsPerAdGroup + "' does not appear to be a number.");
adGroupChecking(campaignIds, sheet);
Logger.log("Finished ad group checks.");
// Check the spreadsheet URL has been entered, and that it works
function checkSpreadsheet(spreadsheetUrl, spreadsheetName) {
if (spreadsheetUrl.replace(/[AEIOU]/g,"X") == "") {
throw("Problem with " + spreadsheetName + " URL: make sure you've replaced the default with a valid spreadsheet URL.");
try {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl);
return spreadsheet;
} catch (e) {
throw("Problem with " + spreadsheetName + " URL: '" + e + "'");
// Get the IDs of campaigns which match the given options
function getCampaignIds() {
var whereStatement = "WHERE ";
var whereStatementsArray = [];
var campaignIds = [];
if (ignorePausedCampaigns) {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";
for (var i=0; i<campaignNameDoesNotContain.length; i++) {
whereStatement += "AND CampaignName DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASE '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain[i].replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + "' ";
if (campaignNameContains.length == 0) {
whereStatementsArray = [whereStatement];
} else {
for (var i=0; i<campaignNameContains.length; i++) {
whereStatementsArray.push(whereStatement + 'AND CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE "' + campaignNameContains[i].replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + '" ');
for (var i=0; i<whereStatementsArray.length; i++) {
var adTextReport =
"SELECT CampaignId " +
whereStatementsArray[i] +
var rows = adTextReport.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (campaignIds.length == 0) {
throw("No campaigns found with the given settings.");
Logger.log(campaignIds.length + " campaigns found");
return campaignIds;
// Prints an array of rows into the spreadsheet
function printRows(sheet, title, headers, rows) {
try {
sheet.getRange("R" + (sheet.getLastRow()+2) + "C1").setValue(title);
sheet.getRange("R" + sheet.getLastRow() + "C1").clearFormat();
sheet.getRange("R" + sheet.getLastRow() + "C1").setFontWeight("bold");
if (rows.length == 0) {
sheet.appendRow(["No issues found"]);
sheet.getRange("R" + sheet.getLastRow() + "C1").clearFormat();
Logger.log("Nothing to output for '" + title + "'");
if (headers.length > 0) {
sheet.getRange("R" + sheet.getLastRow() + "C1:R" + sheet.getLastRow() + "C" + headers.length).clearFormat();
sheet.getRange("R" + sheet.getLastRow() + "C1:R" + sheet.getLastRow() + "C" + headers.length).setFontStyle("italic");
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 1) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+rows.length)
+ "C" + (rows[0].length) ).setValues(rows);
sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 1) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+rows.length)
+ "C" + (rows[0].length) ).clearFormat();
sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 1) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+rows.length)
+ "C" + (rows[0].length) ).setNumberFormat("#,###,##0");
Logger.log("Printed " + rows.length + " rows for '" + title + "'");
} catch (e) {
Logger.log("Printing rows '" + title + "' failed: " + e);
if (e == "Exception: This action would increase the number of cells in the worksheet above the limit of 2000000 cells.") {
try {
sheet.appendRow(["Not enough space to write the data."]);
} catch (e2) {
Logger.log("Error writing 'not enough space' message: " + e2);
// Returns an array mapping the ad group ID to the number of entities found in the ad group.
// reportType and extraWhereStatements are used to specify the type of entity.
// campaignIds specifies which campaigns to look in.
function getNumberOfEntitiesPerAdGroup(reportType, extraWhereStatements, campaignIds) {
var numberOfEntities = {};
var report =
"SELECT AdGroupId " +
"FROM " + reportType + " " +
"WHERE AdGroupStatus = ENABLED " +
extraWhereStatements +
"AND CampaignId IN [" + campaignIds.join(",") + "] " +
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (numberOfEntities[row["AdGroupId"]] == undefined) {
numberOfEntities[row["AdGroupId"]] = 1;
} else {
return numberOfEntities;
// Finds ad groups without the right number of ads or keywords,
// and outputs these to a spreadsheet
function adGroupChecking(campaignIds, sheet) {
// Get the arrays mapping ad group IDs to the number of ads and
// keywords those groups contain
if (ignorePausedAds) {
var adStatus = "AND Status = ENABLED ";
} else {
var adStatus = "AND Status IN [ENABLED,PAUSED] ";
var numberOfAds = getNumberOfEntitiesPerAdGroup("AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT", adStatus + "AND CombinedApprovalStatus != DISAPPROVED ", campaignIds);
Logger.log("Found ad groups with ads.");
if (ignorePausedKeywords) {
var keywordStatus = "AND Status = ENABLED ";
} else {
var keywordStatus = "AND Status IN [ENABLED,PAUSED] ";
var numberOfKeywords = getNumberOfEntitiesPerAdGroup("KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT", keywordStatus + "AND ApprovalStatus != DISAPPROVED AND IsNegative = FALSE ", campaignIds);
Logger.log("Found ad groups with keywords.");
if (findAdGroupsWithoutMobileAds) {
// DevicePreference = 30001 means the ads are mobile preferred
var numberOfMobileAds = getNumberOfEntitiesPerAdGroup("AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT", adStatus + "AND CombinedApprovalStatus != DISAPPROVED AND DevicePreference = 30001 ", campaignIds);
Logger.log("Found ad groups with mobile ads.");
if (findAdGroupsWithNoNegatives) {
// First get the number of broad match keywords in each ad group,
// and the number of ad group level negatives
var numberOfBroadKeywords = getNumberOfEntitiesPerAdGroup("KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT", keywordStatus + "AND ApprovalStatus != DISAPPROVED AND IsNegative = FALSE AND KeywordMatchType = BROAD ", campaignIds);
var numberOfGroupNegatives = getNumberOfEntitiesPerAdGroup("KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT", "AND Status = ENABLED AND IsNegative = TRUE ", campaignIds);
// Get the number of campaign level negatives in each campaign
var numberOfCampaignNegatives = {};
var report =
"SELECT CampaignId " +
"WHERE IsNegative = TRUE " +
"AND CampaignId IN [" + campaignIds.join(",") + "]");
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (numberOfCampaignNegatives[row["CampaignId"]] == undefined) {
numberOfCampaignNegatives[row["CampaignId"]] = 1;
} else {
// Get the number of negatives in each shared set
var numberOfNegativesInSharedSets = {};
var sharedSetReport =
"SELECT Name, MemberCount " +
"AND ReferenceCount != 0 AND MemberCount != 0");
var rows = sharedSetReport.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
numberOfNegativesInSharedSets[row["Name"]] = parseInt(row["MemberCount"],10);
// Add the number of negatives from a shared set to the number recorded
// for each campaign the shared set is used by.
var campaignSharedSetReport =
"SELECT CampaignId, SharedSetName " +
"AND CampaignId IN [" + campaignIds.join(",") + "]");
var rows = campaignSharedSetReport.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (numberOfNegativesInSharedSets[row["SharedSetName"]] != undefined && numberOfNegativesInSharedSets[row["SharedSetName"]] > 0) {
if (numberOfCampaignNegatives[row["CampaignId"]] == undefined) {
numberOfCampaignNegatives[row["CampaignId"]] = numberOfNegativesInSharedSets[row["SharedSetName"]];
} else {
numberOfCampaignNegatives[row["CampaignId"]] += numberOfNegativesInSharedSets[row["SharedSetName"]];
Logger.log("Found ad groups and campaigns with negatives.");
// These record the rows to be written to the spreadsheet.
var adGroupsWithoutKeywords = [];
var adGroupsWithTooManyKeywords = [];
var adGroupsWithoutAds = [];
var adGroupsWithTooFewAds = [];
var adGroupsWithoutMobileAds = [];
var adGroupsWithoutNegatives = [];
// Go through each ad group, and check the number of entities
// If the number of entities is undefined, then there are 0 of those
// entities within the ad group.
var adGroupReport =
"SELECT AdGroupId, CampaignId, CampaignName, AdGroupName " +
"WHERE AdGroupStatus = ENABLED " +
"AND CampaignId IN [" + campaignIds.join(",") + "] " +
var rows = adGroupReport.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (numberOfKeywords[row["AdGroupId"]] == undefined) {
} else if (numberOfKeywords[row["AdGroupId"]] > maximumKeywordsPerAdGroup) {
adGroupsWithTooManyKeywords.push([row["CampaignName"],row["AdGroupName"], numberOfKeywords[row["AdGroupId"]]]);
if (numberOfAds[row["AdGroupId"]] == undefined) {
} else if (numberOfAds[row["AdGroupId"]] < minimumAdsPerAdGroup) {
adGroupsWithTooFewAds.push([row["CampaignName"],row["AdGroupName"], numberOfAds[row["AdGroupId"]]]);
if (findAdGroupsWithoutMobileAds && numberOfAds[row["AdGroupId"]] != undefined && numberOfMobileAds[row["AdGroupId"]] == undefined) {
if (findAdGroupsWithNoNegatives &&
numberOfBroadKeywords[row["AdGroupId"]] != undefined &&
numberOfGroupNegatives[row["AdGroupId"]] == undefined &&
numberOfCampaignNegatives[row["CampaignId"]] == undefined
) {
// Create a summary, with the number of ad groups found.
var summary = [];
summary.push(["Ad Groups With No Keywords", adGroupsWithoutKeywords.length]);
summary.push(["Ad Groups With No Ads", adGroupsWithoutAds.length]);
summary.push(["Ad Groups With More Than " + maximumKeywordsPerAdGroup + " Keywords",adGroupsWithTooManyKeywords.length]);
summary.push(["Ad Groups With Fewer Than " + minimumAdsPerAdGroup + " Ads", adGroupsWithTooFewAds.length]);
if (findAdGroupsWithoutMobileAds) {
summary.push(["Ad Groups With No Mobile Preferred Ads", adGroupsWithoutMobileAds.length]);
if (findAdGroupsWithNoNegatives) {
summary.push(["Ad Groups With Broad Keywords But No Negatives", adGroupsWithoutNegatives.length]);
printRows(sheet, "Summary", [], summary);
// Output the ad group names
var headers = ["Campaign", "Ad Group"];
printRows(sheet, "Ad Groups With No Keywords", headers, adGroupsWithoutKeywords);
printRows(sheet, "Ad Groups With No Ads", headers, adGroupsWithoutAds);
var headers = ["Campaign", "Ad Group", "Number of Keywords"];
printRows(sheet, "Ad Groups With More Than " + maximumKeywordsPerAdGroup + " Keywords", headers, adGroupsWithTooManyKeywords);
var headers = ["Campaign", "Ad Group", "Number of Ads"];
printRows(sheet, "Ad Groups With Fewer Than " + minimumAdsPerAdGroup + " Ads", headers, adGroupsWithTooFewAds);
if (findAdGroupsWithoutMobileAds) {
var headers = ["Campaign", "Ad Group"];
printRows(sheet, "Ad Groups With No Mobile Preferred Ads", headers, adGroupsWithoutMobileAds);
if (findAdGroupsWithNoNegatives) {
var headers = ["Campaign", "Ad Group", "Number of Broad Keywords"];
printRows(sheet, "Ad Groups With Broad Keywords But No Negatives", headers, adGroupsWithoutNegatives);
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