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Copies labels from one sort of entity to another, eg from campaign to ads within that campaign, or from keywords to the ad groups that contain them.
* Copying Labels Between Levels
* This script applies labels from campaigns or ad groups to entities contained
* within them, or takes labels applied to keywords, ads or ad groups and applies
* them to the campaigns or ad groups that contain them.
* Version: 1.0
* Google AdWords Script maintained on
var campaignNameDoesNotContain = [];
// Use this if you want to exclude some campaigns.
// For example ["Display"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' in the name,
// while ["Display","Shopping"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' or
// 'Shopping' in the name.
// Leave as [] to not exclude any campaigns.
var campaignNameContains = [];
// Use this if you only want to look at some campaigns.
// For example ["Brand"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' in the name,
// while ["Brand","Generic"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' or 'Generic'
// in the name.
// Leave as [] to include all campaigns.
var ignorePausedCampaigns = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active campaigns.
// Set to false to also include campaigns that are currently paused.
var ignorePausedAdGroups = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active ad groups.
// Set to false to also include ad groups that are currently paused.
var ignorePausedAdsAndKeywords = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active keywords and ads.
// Set to false to also include keywords and ads that are currently paused.
var labelNames = ["Label 1", "Label 2"];
// This is a list of the labels to copy between levels.
// This is case sensitive!
var copyLabelsFrom = "Campaign";
// Labels from this sort of entity will be used
// This can be one of "Campaign" "AdGroup", "Keyword" or "Ad"
var copyLabelsTo = "Keyword";
// This sort of entity will be given new labels
// This can be one of "Campaign" "AdGroup", "Keyword" or "Ad"
// Note: You cannot have both copyLabelsFrom and copyLabelsTo be the same,
// and they cannot both be 'Keyword' or 'Ad'
var threshold = 0;
// The proportion of lower level entities that must be labelled for the upper
// level entity to be labelled.
// eg if copyLabelsTo is 'Campaign' and copyLabelsFrom is 'Keyword', then 1 means
// the campaign is only labelled if all keywords are labelled.
// 0.9 means the campaign is labelled if at least 90% of keywords are labelled.
// 0 means the campaign is labelled if at least one keyword is labelled.
// If you are copying a label from a higher level entity (eg from campaign to
// keyword), then this is ignored.
function main() {
var campaignIds = getCampaignIds();
var labelIds = getLabelIds(labelNames);
if (labelIds.length == 0) {
throw("No labels found.");
copyLabelsFrom = capitaliseLevelName(copyLabelsFrom);
copyLabelsTo = capitaliseLevelName(copyLabelsTo);
if (copyLabelsFrom == copyLabelsTo) {
throw ("copyLabelsFrom and copyLabelsTo cannot be the same.");
var hierarchyOrder = {"Campaign": 3, "AdGroup": 2, "Keyword": 1, "Ad": 1};
if (hierarchyOrder[copyLabelsFrom] == hierarchyOrder[copyLabelsTo]) {
throw ("Cannot copy labels from " + copyLabelsFrom + "s to " + copyLabelsTo + "s");
if (hierarchyOrder[copyLabelsFrom] > hierarchyOrder[copyLabelsTo]) {
trickleDown(campaignIds, copyLabelsTo, copyLabelsFrom, labelIds, labelNames);
} else {
checkNumber("threshold", threshold, 0, 1);
trickleUp(campaignIds, copyLabelsFrom, copyLabelsTo, labelIds, labelNames);
// Label lower level entities according to labels on the upper level entities
// that contain them
function trickleDown(campaignIds, lowerLevel, upperLevel, labelIds, labelNames) {
// Record the labels and IDs of the labelled upper level entities
var report =
"SELECT Labels, " + upperLevel + "Id " +
"FROM " + getReportType(upperLevel) + " " +
"WHERE CampaignId IN [" + campaignIds.join(",") + "] " +
"AND Labels CONTAINS_ANY [" + labelIds.join(",") + "] " +
getStatusPredicates(upperLevel) +
var labelledUpperLevel = {};
for (var i=0; i<labelNames.length; i++) {
labelledUpperLevel[labelNames[i]] = [];
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var labels = JSON.parse(row["Labels"]);
for (var i=0; i<labels.length; i++) {
var label = labels[i];
if (labelledUpperLevel[label] != undefined) {
labelledUpperLevel[label].push(row[upperLevel + "Id"]);
for (var label in labelledUpperLevel) {
if (labelledUpperLevel[label].length == 0) {
Logger.log("No " + upperLevel + "s with '" + label + "' found");
Logger.log("Labelling " + lowerLevel + "s in " + labelledUpperLevel[label].length + " " + upperLevel + "s with '" + label + "'");
for (var i=0; i<labelledUpperLevel[label].length; i += 10000) {
var upperLevelIdsBatch = labelledUpperLevel[label].slice(i, i+10000);
labelEntities(label, lowerLevel, upperLevel, upperLevelIdsBatch);
// Label upper level entities (ie campaigns or ad groups) according to the
// labels on lower level entities they contain
function trickleUp(campaignIds, lowerLevel, upperLevel, labelIds, labelNames) {
// First go through the lower level entities to record the IDs of their
// upper level entities, and the number of lower level entities
var report =
"SELECT Labels, " + upperLevel + "Id " +
"FROM " + getReportType(lowerLevel) + " " +
"WHERE CampaignId IN [" + campaignIds.join(",") + "] " +
"AND Labels CONTAINS_ANY [" + labelIds.join(",") + "] " +
getStatusPredicates(lowerLevel) +
var upperLevelIdTotals = {}; // Total numbers of lower level entities
var upperLevelIdLabels = {}; // Numbers of lower level entities with labels
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var upperLevelId = row[upperLevel + "Id"];
if (upperLevelIdLabels[upperLevelId] == undefined) {
upperLevelIdLabels[upperLevelId] = {};
for (var i=0; i<labelNames.length; i++) {
upperLevelIdLabels[upperLevelId][labelNames[i]] = 0;
upperLevelIdTotals[upperLevelId] = 1;
} else {
var labels = JSON.parse(row["Labels"]);
for (var i=0; i<labels.length; i++) {
var label = labels[i];
if (upperLevelIdLabels[upperLevelId][label] != undefined) {
Logger.log(Object.keys(upperLevelIdTotals).length + " " + upperLevel + "s contain at least one labelled " + lowerLevel);
// This object holds the labels and a list of upper level entities
// to apply those labels to
var labelToUpperLevel = {};
for (var i=0; i<labelNames.length; i++) {
labelToUpperLevel[labelNames[i]] = [];
if (threshold == 0) {
// Upper level entities will be labelled if they have any
// labelled lower level entities
for (var upperLevelId in upperLevelIdLabels) {
for (var label in upperLevelIdLabels[upperLevelId]) {
if (upperLevelIdLabels[upperLevelId][label] > 0) {
} else {
// Only upper level entities above the threshold will be labelled
// so we find how many unlabelled lower level entities there are
var upperLevelIds = Object.keys(upperLevelIdTotals);
for (var i=0; i<upperLevelIds.length; i+=10000) {
var idBatch = upperLevelIds.slice(i, i+10000);
var report =
"SELECT Labels, " + upperLevel + "Id " +
"FROM " + getReportType(lowerLevel) + " " +
"WHERE " + upperLevel + "Id IN [" + idBatch.join(",") + "] " +
"AND Labels CONTAINS_NONE [" + labelIds.join(",") + "] " +
getStatusPredicates(lowerLevel) +
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var upperLevelId = row[upperLevel + "Id"];
// Upper level entities are only recorded in the labelToUpperLevel
// object if they pass the threshold
for (var upperLevelId in upperLevelIdLabels) {
for (var label in upperLevelIdLabels[upperLevelId]) {
var entitiesLabelled = upperLevelIdLabels[upperLevelId][label];
var totalEntities = upperLevelIdTotals[upperLevelId];
if (entitiesLabelled / totalEntities >= threshold) {
for (var label in labelToUpperLevel) {
Logger.log(labelToUpperLevel[label].length + " " + upperLevel + "s to label '" + label + "'");
if (labelToUpperLevel[label].length == 0) {
for (var i=0; i<labelToUpperLevel[label].length; i += 10000) {
var upperLevelIdsBatch = labelToUpperLevel[label].slice(i, i+10000);
labelEntities(label, upperLevel, upperLevel, upperLevelIdsBatch);
// Get the name of the report for an entity
function getReportType(levelName) {
switch(levelName) {
case "Campaign":
case "AdGroup":
case "Keyword":
case "Ad":
throw("Type " + levelName + " not recognised");
// Get the predicates for the correct ad group and keyword/ad statuses
// for use in AWQL reports
function getStatusPredicates(levelName) {
if (levelName == "Campaign") {
// Campaign status was already used to get the list of campaign IDs
// so we don't need to filter with it any more
return "";
if (ignorePausedAdGroups) {
var predicates = "AND AdGroupStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
var predicates = "AND AdGroupStatus IN [ENABLED,PAUSED] ";
if (levelName != "AdGroup") {
if (ignorePausedAdsAndKeywords) {
predicates += "AND Status = ENABLED ";
} else {
predicates += "AND Status IN [ENABLED,PAUSED] ";
return predicates;
// Label all of the labelLevel entities, filtered by the filterLevelIds.
// labelLevel and filterLevel can be the same (eg to filter campaigns
// by campaign ID)
function labelEntities(label, labelLevel, filterLevel, filterLevelIds) {
switch(labelLevel) {
case "Campaign":
var iterator = AdWordsApp.campaigns();
case "AdGroup":
var iterator = AdWordsApp.adGroups();
case "Keyword":
var iterator = AdWordsApp.keywords();
case "Ad":
var iterator =;
throw("Type " + labelLevel + " not recognised");
var iterator = iterator
.withCondition(filterLevel + "Id IN [" + filterLevelIds.join(",") + "]")
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE ['" + label + "']");
if (labelLevel != "Campaign") {
if (ignorePausedAdGroups) {
iterator.withCondition("AdGroupStatus = ENABLED");
} else {
iterator.withCondition("AdGroupStatus IN [ENABLED,PAUSED]");
if (labelLevel != "Campaign" && labelLevel != "AdGroup") {
if (ignorePausedAdsAndKeywords) {
iterator.withCondition("Status = ENABLED");
} else {
iterator.withCondition("Status IN [ENABLED,PAUSED]");
iterator = iterator.get();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
var entity =;
// Make entity level names the right capitalisation
function capitaliseLevelName(levelName) {
var lowerCaseName = levelName.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"");
if (lowerCaseName.substr(-1) == "s") {
lowerCaseName = lowerCaseName.slice(0,-1);
var correctCapitalisation = {};
correctCapitalisation["campaign"] = "Campaign";
correctCapitalisation["adgroup"] = "AdGroup";
correctCapitalisation["keyword"] = "Keyword";
correctCapitalisation["ad"] = "Ad";
if (correctCapitalisation[lowerCaseName] == undefined) {
throw ("Level name '" + levelName + "' not recognised.");
return correctCapitalisation[lowerCaseName];
// Check that a number is valid
function checkNumber(name, number, lowerBound, upperBound) {
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw(name + " must be a number, '" + number + "' is not.");
if (number < lowerBound) {
throw(name + " must be " + lowerBound + " or greater, '" + number + "' is not.");
if (number > upperBound) {
throw(name + " must be " + upperBound + " or lower, '" + number + "' is not.");
// Get the IDs of campaigns which match the given options
function getCampaignIds() {
var whereStatement = "WHERE ";
var whereStatementsArray = [];
var campaignIds = [];
if (ignorePausedCampaigns) {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";
if (campaignNameDoesNotContain != "" && typeof campaignNameDoesNotContain == "string") {
campaignNameDoesNotContain = [campaignNameDoesNotContain];
for (var i=0; i<campaignNameDoesNotContain.length; i++) {
whereStatement += "AND CampaignName DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASE '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain[i].replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + "' ";
if (campaignNameContains != "" && typeof campaignNameContains == "string") {
campaignNameContains = [campaignNameContains];
if (campaignNameContains.length == 0) {
whereStatementsArray = [whereStatement];
} else {
for (var i=0; i<campaignNameContains.length; i++) {
whereStatementsArray.push(whereStatement + 'AND CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE "' + campaignNameContains[i].replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + '" ');
for (var i=0; i<whereStatementsArray.length; i++) {
var campaignReport =
"SELECT CampaignId " +
whereStatementsArray[i] +
var rows = campaignReport.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (campaignIds.length == 0) {
throw("No campaigns found with the given settings.");
Logger.log(campaignIds.length + " campaigns found");
return campaignIds;
// Get the IDs of labels, based on a list of names
function getLabelIds(labelNames) {
if (labelNames == "" || labelNames.length == 0) {
throw("No labels given in labelNames");
if (typeof labelNames == "string") {
labelNames = [labelNames];
var iterator = AdWordsApp.labels()
.withCondition("Name IN ['" + labelNames.join("','") + "']")
var existingLabelNames = {};
var labelIds = [];
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
var label =;
existingLabelNames[label.getName()] = true;
for (var i=0; i<labelNames.length; i++) {
if (existingLabelNames[labelNames[i]] == undefined) {
Logger.log("Warning: could not find the label '" + labelNames[i] + "'. Please check it is spelt and capitalised correctly.");
labelNames.splice(i, 1);
return labelIds;
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