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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Using some grooscript tools, groovy templates and traits
trait Colorable {
static COLOR_CLASSES = [
'navy','blue','aqua','teal','olive','green','lime','yellow', 'orange',
import org.grooscript.builder.HtmlBuilder
import org.grooscript.jquery.GQuery
import org.grooscript.jquery.GQueryImpl
trait Visible {
String selector
Closure html
GQuery gquery = new GQueryImpl()
void draw() {
if (selector) {
class Counter implements Visible, Colorable {
def value
String randomColor() {
COLOR_CLASSES[new Random().nextInt(COLOR_CLASSES.size())]
Counter(String where, numberValue) {
value = numberValue
html = {
div(class: "widget bg-${randomColor()}") {
p 'Number of books'
em numberValue
a(href:"#", class:"button small secondary", onclick: 'bookPresenter.showBooks()') {
yield 'Show'
selector = where
def setValue(newValue) {
value = newValue'#counter em').text value
class Book {
BigInteger id
String title
String author
int year
trait Chart {
def pieChart(selector, data) {/*
new Chartist.Pie(selector, gs.toJavascript(data));
class BookPresenter implements Chart {
List<Book> books
String urlBooks
String booksListSelector
Counter counter
GQuery gQuery = new GQueryImpl()
def initBooks() {
gQuery.doRemoteCall(urlBooks, 'GET', null, { listBooks ->
books = listBooks
counter.value = books.size()
}, { msg ->
println 'Error initBooks:'+msg
def showBooks() {
if (books) {
def data = [listBooks: books, searchString: '']
gQuery(booksListSelector).html Templates.applyTemplate('bookList.gtpl', data)
gQuery.onChange('marking', this.&changeSearch)
def changeSearch(searchText) {
def data = [listBooks: books, searchString: searchText]
gQuery('.tableSearch').html Templates.applyTemplate('bookTable.gtpl', data)
def close() {
gQuery(booksListSelector).html ''
private drawPie() {
def groups = books.
sort(false) { it.year }.
groupBy { it.year }
def data = [
labels: groups.collect { it.key }.reverse(),
series: groups.collect { it.value.size() }.reverse()
pieChart('.ct-chart', data);
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