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Created April 28, 2015 18:17
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react-native 0.4.1 changelog

Change Log

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • How to update project to latest React Native version? #1050

  • Merging styles onto children props #1048

  • flex-grow #1045

  • Best practice to integrate existing app with React-Native #995

  • Number.toLocaleString() polyfill #988

  • npm server crashes on each js error #946

  • Flow Type Errors Examples/UIExplorer #938

  • Bundles #925

  • rotation animation doesn't work #479

  • Query Device attributes, etc? #74

Merged pull requests:

v0.4.1 (2015-04-28)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • API to detect Swipe actions / common gestures? #1035

  • Nested <Text> clicks #1030

  • react-native bundle command not recognized #1027

  • Question: Best practice for CommandCenter -> ReactJS view comms? #1026

  • How to do base64 encoding #1023

  • Loading Styles dynamically slows down the page transitions considerably #1020

  • Testing email notification #1017

  • Equivalent dangerouslySetInnerHTML? #1016

  • Is there a guarantee react native app will not be rejected in the future in the app store? #1015

  • Can navigator pop gesture be disabled? #1014

  • TextInput doesn't work with placeholderTextColor and conflict to transparent #1011

  • Rotation handling doesn't work within UIExplorer demo #1001

  • -[RCTBridge setUp] adding notification observer twice #999

  • react-native init Fail #994

  • Integration with existing App, how to use <ListView> #983

  • <Image /> defaultSource not working #980

  • Text layout bug on update with non-left textAlign #979

  • Red borders around images #978

  • Tab Bar is broken when In-Call Status Bar is active #972

  • require('fs') #971

  • why do you focus on Objective-C instead of Swift #968

  • Cannot get 'this' in <ListView> renderRow function #967

  • setState doesn't work #965

  • Remove unused RCTBridge category #964

  • Session or temporary cache / persistence? #959

  • Proper way to modify ScrollView top or contentInset #957

  • ListView - Data structure for renderSectionHeader #955

  • PushNotificationIOS Cannot read property 'requestPermissions' of undefined #954

  • How to get ref's style or width? #953

  • renderScene is called with every route in the routeStack after navigator.push #952

  • Full width image using flexbox? #950

  • "Your code is broken! Do not iterate over arrays with" <-- NO. your code is broken! :) #949

  • Replace ListViewDataSource raises error #948

  • Error: No compatible version found: chalk@'^1.0.0' #945

  • TabBarIOS fails with "Invariant Violation: onlyChild must be passed a children with exactly one child." #942

  • Is there something wrong with TouchableOpacity? #941

  • How do I navigate/slide left or right with React Native? #939

  • Question: Is it possible to make a view 100% height? #936

  • Rename TextInput to TextInputIOS #933

  • getInitialState not calling after webpack + babel #931

  • cocoa pod version too old #926

  • JS has only made partial progress to catch up to UIKit #886

  • I use require in Image tag,but it does not work。 #882

  • how listen applicationDidBecomeActive event #880

  • XmlHttpRequest.XmlHttpRequest() and XmlHttpRequest.getResponseHeader() return empty string even if XmlHttpRequest.responseHeaders returns an object #872

  • View shifts down and breaks when StatusBar changes size (not compensating for enlarged StatusBar) #871

  • deepDiffer causing lots of Array iteration logspew #868

  • Documentation for TabBarIOS icons #849

  • Push latest tag to CocoaPods #817

  • Rotating list view causes text to disappear and sometimes causes app to STB #813

  • Jpg embeds not supported #646

  • WebView: Add an option to load local resource from the app bundle #505

  • [Error: Watcher took too long to load] #490

  • demo error #461

  • SocketRocket: app store rejection #459

  • Animation problem with 64 bits architecture #448

  • First example on README is broken #445

  • SliderIOS: minimumValue, maximumValue props ignored? #442

  • Packager doesn't pick up created entry file #379

  • react-packager: Use Bluebird (or others) instead of Q as Promises library #361

  • TextInput multiline support #279

  • Port already in use fails silently causing red screen of death #257

  • TouchableHighlight underlayColor should be a style? #153

  • Widget suggestion : Carousel #132

Merged pull requests:

v0.4.0 (2015-04-20)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Navigator and Custom navigationBar #924

  • Getting a "TransformError: Unexpected token ," from a Flow type #923

  • debugger.html - window.require("BatchedBridge")["processBatch"] is undefined #917

  • Phone number or email doesn't open native app #916

  • Errors when trying to create a new project #912

  • Watchman errors on app start after upgrading to 0.4.0 #910

  • Using ListView in 0.4.0 logs "Your code is broken!" warning #907

  • RCTEventDispatcher is calling missing JS module #906

  • Background color visible through the border of a border radius #904

  • AnimationExperimental positionX/Y #903

  • Text overflow in ListView with flexDirection: 'row' #901

  • Warn when borderRadius is used without borderWidth #900

  • Any way to adjust the height of TabBar iOS? #895

  • support SceneConfigs for navigator replace. #887

  • deepDiffer code triggers "Your code is broken" warnings about Array iteration #870

  • Navigator does not pop view until animation has stopped #864

  • superagent fails with "Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin" #863

  • Are you planning a non-ios system support? #862

  • What's the diffrence between NavigatorIOS and Navigator #860

  • What is the keyboard in the simulator when I use TextInput? #856

  • es6 transforms bug(Rest Params) #853

  • "Network request failed" only when using network shared from iPhone 4G/LTE hotspot #844

  • about react-native init AwesomeProject? #841

  • support borderStyle: dotted on view/text etc #840

  • npm start error #839

  • Can't find variable: document #838

  • fetch failing in 0.3.11 #832

  • How to embed a react view into a uiview? #823

  • Auto binding doesn't work with ES6-style components #814

  • List view still has performance issues #812

  • Custom navigation bar's titleview #798

  • Argument list too long: #797

  • Native Module Docs need to be updated for RCT_EXPORT_MODULE #793

  • what cause the NSRangeException crash #791

  • Exception on reaload js in iOS Simulator #788

  • How to set border-top-left-radius #787

  • Image nested views inherit backgroundColor style from Image #763

  • NavigatorIOS component not visible when used within TabBarIOS #759

  • how to put line through text ? #753

  • How to pop a new view? #718

  • Navigator fails invariant when tapping during a transition #716

  • Xcode doesn't recognize linked libraries #712

  • Modal segue support for data entry views #704

  • Weird RTCUIManager behaviour #640

  • fontWeight should support the wording as in Xcode #618

  • Navigator: Change transition color #563

  • packager confused with RxJS which requires Node's EventEmitter #447

  • undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.props.navigator.push') #416

  • superagent recommendation does not actually work #370

  • <WebView> Make renderError and renderLoading optional #349

  • Compliance with Apple policy #320

  • Possibility to show pins on MapView (MKPointAnnotation) #276

  • Android platform checks and possible irrelevant code paths still exist in this repo #269

  • RCTAnimationManager not linked by default #226

  • Will support webrtc? #222

  • Upload a picture to a server #201

  • Issues with react-packager running on Windows #133

  • Image component onLoadingStart/onLoadingFinish/onLoadingError props #98

  • How do I use superagent from react-native? #10

Merged pull requests:

v0.3.11 (2015-04-10)

Full Changelog

v0.3.8 (2015-04-10)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Image label load remote Failed #769

  • NSRange Exception with onPress on Text #756

  • Unable to use local tmp file path for Image.source #751

  • Geolocations say: Unable to retrieve location PERMISSION DENIED #750

  • Can't update Text via setState #749

  • Errors in UIExplorer example #748

  • AsyncStorage.getItem returns 'undefined' #747

  • How can I let through a touch to the underlying scroll view? #744

  • Error using simple lodash _.defer #741

  • Error: cannot find find variable: window #740

  • Cannot find module './local-cli/cli.js' #738

  • Reconsider restrictions in patents file #402

  • Dark NavigatorIOS #387

Merged pull requests:

  • Updates from Fri 10 Apr #792 (amasad)

  • [ReactNative] Fix push notifications on iOS7 | Tadeu Zagallo #776 (vjeux)

  • Updates from Thu 9 Apr #775 (vjeux)

  • Force curl to use IPv4 #758 (nicinabox)

  • Warn when installing globally react-native instead of react-native-cli #754 (vjeux)

  • Fix packager script breakage when running npm start #743 (vinniegarcia)

v0.3.5 (2015-04-08)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Documentation Error: Animation API #709

  • Why isn't POPAnimation available in the OSS fork? #708

  • Problem with running npm start - listening to default 8081 port #705

  • react-native-cli is not in the npm registry ??? #701

  • Why doesn't support zIndex? #698

  • Some props for RCTView subclasses not updating after initially being set #690

  • Building WatchKit apps with React Native #685

  • Xcode build failed because of missing library (RCTGeolocation) #682

  • Text with numberOfLines doesn't work in ListView #678

  • CoreLocation API? #671

  • #670

  • UIExplorer error #643

  • Support "selected" state icons in TabBarIOS.Item #635

  • Can not see the images on the web page #632

  • Xcode Project changes? #631

  • Changing layer.zPosition prevent touches on sticky header #615

  • How to replace text string with text component? #614

  • How to get a component in React Native #612

  • Cmd+Shift+Z for dev menu in Sample App is not correct #597

  • Image can not display, image url domain should be #589

  • node module locked / not locked ? #588

  • Custom FBSDKLoginButton component #587

  • page error: pushnotificationios #574

  • Error running default application #500

  • Include ListViewDataSource docs somewhere #410

  • Documentation missing instructions for running on device via static bundle #240

  • TextInput inside View doesn't work #99

Merged pull requests:

v0.3.4 (2015-04-02)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Can I use react-native for Android now if I don't use the native UI stuff ? #608

  • Documentation: Dead link yields a reference error #602

  • autoGenerateWrapperClass is null #600

  • autoGenerateWrapperClass is null #599

  • Receiver type 'RCTEventDispatcher' for instance message is a forward declaration #595

  • How do you get the city from GeoLocation API? #594

  • Add how to embed database with react-native app example. #582

  • Bundle update without App update? #571

  • RCTActionSheet.xcodeproj is missing. #338

Merged pull requests:

v0.3.3 (2015-04-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • npm installing a new package causes packager to error #580

v0.3.2 (2015-04-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Writing iOS utilities using bridge: is RCTViewManager the right vector for extension? #578

  • How to layer Views using Flexbox? (z-index) #559

  • WebView Example Crash #547

  • git clone from github not working #545

  • can not run Examples #541

  • No manager class found for view with module name "RCTText" #537

  • Documentation on creating a release #532

  • Any reference about the static bundle? #528

  • Cannot require node's util module #526

  • Bug and/or best practice question around usage of CocoaPod #519

  • Way to retrieve TextInput value programmatically via property access or method call? #511

  • Warn when using old Ruby version #507

  • NavigatorIOS doesn't work with TabBarIOS #504

  • launchPackager.command error #503

  • Has <ListView> infinite scroll and pull to refresh? #502

  • concatenation of views before returning #495

  • Debug in chrome, and got a error message:"Status: Waiting for simulator" #488

  • How to add ReactNative to an existing iOs app #483

  • image-type require isn't working for linked react-native #481

  • How to present model view controller? #473

  • How to avoid content overlapping status bar/navigation bar? (in iOS) #470

  • Letter spacing CSS property #457

  • how to pack the app for production #453

  • Can't enable debugging for the movies app #446

  • Live reload eats CPU #444

  • How does .bundle?dev=true work? #437

  • Trying to return null from a render, but no null placeholder component was injected #436

  • Declarative Animation example? (RCTAnimationManager Scope issue?) #432

  • Mention Live Reload on the docs #429

  • Document Debugging Setup #417

  • boxShadow #414

  • iOS simulator scrolling is broken #413

  • es6 class constructor is not invoked #409

  • Some NPM packages don't work #406

  • React-Native-CLI not up to date? #404

  • Link to PanGesture in docs is a 404 #403

  • MapView is not visible when I build to device #401

  • Make MapView fill entire view #400

  • TextInput: add ability to set/clear the text #399

  • Requiring Node modules that support AMD causes them to try to expose themselves as AMD #398

  • How to upgrade react-native-cli? #392

  • Support for short form hex colors for StyleSheets #376

  • Compiling with xcodebuild? #369

  • React native Discussions #366

  • Library RCTActionSheet not found #358

  • How can I find the scripts' root path in code? #356

  • How to get the current script's dirname? #354

  • Examples license #331

  • Require function whitespace problem. #316

  • Typo on TouchableHighlight page #315

  • Cmd-R not refreshing? #306

  • Documentation for style properties #302

  • Can't debug with Chrome devtool #297

  • Android coming soon? #287

  • Add prebuilt library to react-native NPM package (for webpack / browserify) #278

  • when is Android support coming? #255

  • WebView example doesn't work: automaticallyAdjustContentInsets error #251

  • Example movies not working giving error #232

  • Custom animations for RKNavigator or View (Slide up/down/right/left) #130

  • Guide on extending React for iOS #114

  • RCTImageDownloader doesn't seem to be threadsafe #111

  • Q: Is there a way to add an "ownee" to an "owner" and have partial refresh? #91

  • Question about sharing repo within our company #90

  • React.js + React Native: Abstracting platform differences away #54

  • What components are coming? #53

  • What's the idea behind the file names inside Components? #52

  • react-native CLI? #40

  • How does calling from JS to Obj-C work? #34

  • border top/left/bottom/right width not working #29

  • Running on device should be possible #12

  • Auto-refresh simulator #5

Merged pull requests:

v0.3.1 (2015-03-28)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • requiring npm modules fails #375

  • require('image!name') assets should use virtual/Image Set name instead of filesystem file names #365

  • React Pacakger server - getBoolOptionFromQuery error #218

Merged pull requests:

v0.3.0 (2015-03-27)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • [Question] margin auto functionality with Flexbox? #350

  • Q: Any autocompletion plugins for CSS in JS notation? #345

  • Default elements are not accessible to VoiceOver #336

  • How to write custom native views(eg. WKWebView)? #333

  • How to use Chrome Developer Tools to debug? #329

  • How to vertical center and horizontal center <Text>xxx/<Text> ? #325

  • where android open source? #309

  • iPad renders in 16:9 instead of 4:3 when in Portrait orientation #305

  • Invariant violation: "display" is not a valid style property. #298

  • Can I write extension in Swift instead of Objective-C? #284

  • Question: How is css-layout pulled into the project? #272

  • assetRoots is not being set properly #252

  • Examples not open source #241

  • Enabling Geolocation #197

  • Every error on the component reject the "fetch API" promises #188

  • Bundler doesn't import index.js if require is on a Directory #72

  • Provide more descriptive error message when source file is not found #9

Merged pull requests:

v0.2.1 (2015-03-27)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • 'Requring invalid module "image!my-icon"' error when trying to include static image #282

Merged pull requests:

  • [react-packager] Fix assetRoots when starting in node_modules, #286 (amasad)

v0.2.0 (2015-03-27)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • red screen right after clicking play ( + code signing issues with xcode) #270

  • 'dev' of null at getBoolOptionFromQuery #254

  • No compatible version found: react-timer-mixin@'^0.13.1' #236

  • App name in react-native init app\_name can only contain valid characters for js variables #234

  • Use Chrome for debugging #228

  • Info.plist not included by react-native init #227

  • Error at init AwesomeProject #225

  • cli tutorial yields broken project #221

  • If you name your app with hyphens react-native will create a broken project by default #213

  • Typo in "reuse anything you{"'"}ve already" #211

  • Rename the framework/static library to React #191

  • Can't run npm start in website - module not in specified search paths #155

  • Open source JS navigator #93

Merged pull requests:

  • Use only one package for dependencies, for now. Fixes #225 #283 (amasad)

  • Add links to node and npm in Requirements #268 (rmi22186)

  • Fix a couple typos #258 (lqd)

  • Website improvements #223 (zpao)

  • Lint code - change double quotes to single in website/jsdocs #220 (stevelacy)

  • corrected typo in readme #219 (roryquinlan)

  • remove extraneous word #217 (bsudekum)

  • Lint code - change double to single quotes to keep code style #216 (stevelacy)

  • Update #215 (willpiers)

  • Changed typo expended to extended in #209 (Pathsofdesign)

  • Include running npm start in your AwesomeProject folder #208 (krashidov)

  • [Navigator] Fix Navigator examples in the UIExplorer #200 (ide)

  • [Exports] Expose more modules for authors of custom components #196 (ide)

  • [Assets] Allow scripts to override assetRoots #189 (ide)

  • [AppStateIOS] Fix and simplify AppStateIOS's event subscriptions #187 (ide)

  • Adds bridging header helper to facilitate importing to swift #115 (boopathi)

  • [TextInput] returnKeyType, enablesReturnKeyAutomatically, more keyboardTypes #109 (ide)

  • [ScrollView] Add "bounces" property to ScrollView propTypes #106 (ide)

  • Fix issue where it breaks when projectRoots is directly passed from command line #85 (boopathi)

  • [Text] Ensure that the text background is transparent by default #82 (ide)

  • [Nav] Add support for bar button icons and left buttons #81 (ide)

  • [Headers] Add an umbrella header for the library #76 (ide)

v0.1.0 (2015-03-26)

Closed issues:

  • How-to: make a square view #184

  • TouchableHighlight does not return to its backgroundColor after press #156

  • Phantom instance of views being instantiated #151

  • React Native only supports JSX #144

  • Shouldn't 'ListView' be 'TableView' #143

  • ListView Paging header stays on "Section 0" #141

  • *View component roadmap #140

  • UIExplorer : Critical exception upon boot: #138

  • UIExplorerList.js has a typo in "GeolocationExample" require #136

  • TouchableHighlight vs TouchableWithoutFeedback #134

  • Possibility for Z-Indexing (layers)? #131

  • UIExplorer :: PointerEvents throws exceptions #128

  • ListView component easily displays performance issues #127

  • Query for child components [JS -> ObjC binding] #126

  • CMD + D in iOS coupled with CMD + R in safari debugger causes critical exception: #125

  • Not able to start the 'website' #122

  • CMD + R no longer reloads view #120

  • Multiple Class prefixes: RCT, RK #119

  • Examples fail on linking step in linking with Pods-RCTNetworkImage #118

  • Teach react native to consume source maps #116

  • Add onPressIn/Out and onLongPress props to TouchableHighlight/Opacity #101

  • Like-named Files/Modules collide #92

  • When using Parse SDK, packager reports cannot find package main file for xmlhttprequest #84

  • Cannot run examples #80

  • RCTTouchHandler assertion crash when rapidly tapping UIExplorer with multiple fingers #78

  • Parent < -- > Child relationships #71

  • Flex layout -- missing stretch. #70

  • Maintaining project outside react-native repo #63

  • npm start -> Cannot call method 'forEach' of undefined #57

  • Could not connect to development server. #56

  • What does RCT stand for? #55

  • Watcher took too long to load error message #51

  • Support for Camera Roll #48

  • React packager failing - SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input #47

  • Are flexbox animations from JS possible? #46

  • Using Native Popovers/Modals #45

  • Padding at the top of a list view #44

  • Native Wrapping - Geolocation API Spike #43

  • Pattern for interacting with the main thread #42

  • :active pseudo-class #39

  • ScrollView onScroll only fires once #38

  • Carousel component #36

  • Support require.resolve #35

  • Open-sourcing #33

  • npm start fails with FSEventStreamStart: register\_with\_server: ERROR: f2d\_register\_rpc\(\) =\> \(null\) \(-21\) #32

  • Does even bubbling exist, or how to enable cancelsTouchesInView ? #30

  • unrecognized selector setReactTag #28

  • Can NavigatorIOS notify that a "back" happened? #26

  • React.Image doesn't support animated GIFs on iOS #24

  • How do I run the packager for a new project? #23

  • Guidance for talking publically #22

  • npm start fails with "Watcher took too long to load" #20

  • WatchKit? #17

  • Improve error when forgetting to npm install #16

  • Add response headers to XMLHttpRequest #14

  • Support webpack-dev-server #8

  • What are the guidelines for exposing native APIs? #7

  • pthread.h not found #2

Merged pull requests:

  • Better debugger photo. #206 (sahrens)

  • update landing page + add extensibility. #204 (sahrens)

  • Docs #202 (sahrens)

  • Increase base font-weight #199 (zpao)

  • Second Update from Tue 24 Mar #194 (vjeux)

  • Updates from Tue 24 Mar #190 (vjeux)

  • Second Updates from Mon 23 Mar #185 (vjeux)

  • Copy editing #181 (appsforartists)

  • Updates from Mon 23 Mar #180 (vjeux)

  • Allow react-native init <project-or-dir-name> #178 (frantic)

  • Add Native Modules (iOS) guide #176 (frantic)

  • Updates from Fri 20 Mar #175 (vjeux)

  • Manually start packager and print logs when tests fail #173 (frantic)

  • Updates from Thu 19 Mar #171 (vjeux)

  • Add logic to show style props in docs #170 (fkling)

  • Return the appropriate status code from XHR #169 (andrewimm)

  • Updates from Wed 18 Mar #166 (vjeux)

  • Add IntegrationTests to travis CI. #162 (sahrens)

  • Updates from Tue 17 Mar #158 (vjeux)

  • Updates from Mon 16 Mar #157 (vjeux)

  • Updates from Sun 15 Mar #152 (vjeux)

  • [Tests] Fix FileWatcher #150 (vjeux)

  • Updates from Sat 14 Mar #149 (vjeux)

  • Updates from Fri 13 Mar #148 (vjeux)

  • Updates from Thu Mar 12 #145 (vjeux)

  • [website] the react npm package doesn't capitalize the r #142 (ryanrhee)

  • Updates from Wed Mar 11 #139 (frantic)

  • Fix reference to GeoLocationExample #135 (JoeStanton)

  • Small improvement on the website #123 (kennydee)

  • Updated copyright year to include 2015 #59 (galenandrew)

  • Landing page tweaks + extensibility #203 (sahrens)

  • Add snapshot tests. #183 (sahrens)

  • Copy editing #177 (appsforartists)

  • Adding tests - testing CI #168 (sahrens)

  • Use test matrix for ios 7.1/8.1 #165 (sahrens)

  • Make sure first Xcode test failure will trigger Travis failure. #164 (sahrens)

  • [ReactNative] Sort React Native exports into two groups, Components and ... #161 (vjeux)

  • [ReactNative] Small docs cleanup in ActivityIndicatorIOS and DatePickerIOS #160 (vjeux)

  • [ReactNative] Clean up Touchable PropTypes #159 (vjeux)

  • NavigatorIOS - Enable barTintColor and titleTextColor props #147 (JoeStanton)

  • Test TravisCI integration - please ignore #137 (frantic)

  • [TouchableHighlight] Preserve underlay style when restoring inactive props #129 (ide)

  • Fix property name in ExpandingText.js #124 (fkling)

  • [Children] Expose React.Children like web React #104 (ide)

  • [Touch] Suite of touchable events on TouchableHighlight/Opacity #102 (ide)

  • [ListView] Make LVDS.getSectionLengths() be indexed by section ID #100 (ide)

  • [Text] Account for font leading so descenders are not clipped #96 (ide)

  • [Image] Really improve the quality of mis-sized images w/trilinear filtering #95 (ide)

  • docs(readme): ensure warning is visible #87 (gdi2290)

  • [Images] Bail out when GIF data is in unexpected format instead of crashing #77 (ide)

  • Fix projectRoot reference causing forEach exception #58 (shayne)

  • Fixed formatting of README #50 (ColinEberhardt)

  • Fixes reference to ReactPackager middleware #49 (tylersmalley)

  • Add .DS_Store to gitignore #18 (amccloud)

  • docs(README): fix quickstart instruction #3 (chantastic)

  • nil #1 (robz)

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator

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