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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Char
checkio :: (String,String) -> String
checkio (text, ws) = zip [0..] text >>= trans
span = [(i,w) | w<-words $ map toLower ws,
(i,t)<-zip [0..] (tails $ map toLower text),
isPrefixOf w t]
hit i = (sort.nub) [w | (j,w)<-span, i>=j && i-j<length w]
border a b = guard $ a/=[] && (a `intersect` b)==[]
trans (i,c) = let [h1,h2,h3]=map hit [i-1..i+1]
from = border h2 h1 >> "<span>"
to = border h2 h3 >> "</span>"
in from++[c]++to
assert info args expected = let ans = checkio args in
if ans /= expected then do
putStrLn $ "Failed case: " ++ show info
print ans
else return ()
main = do
assert 1 ("This is only a text example for task example.", "example")
"This is only a text <span>example</span> for task <span>example</span>."
assert 2 ("Python is a widely used high-level programming language.", "pyThoN")
"<span>Python</span> is a widely used high-level programming language."
assert 3 ("It is experiment for control groups with similar distributions.", "is im")
"It <span>is</span> exper<span>im</span>ent for control groups with s<span>im</span>ilar d<span>is</span>tributions."
assert 4 ("The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).", "nasa THE")
"<span>The</span> National Aeronautics and Space Administration (<span>NASA</span>)."
assert 5 ("Did you find anything?", "word space tree")
"Did you find anything?"
assert 6 ("Hello World! Or LOL", "hell world or lo")
"<span>Hello</span> <span>World</span>! <span>Or</span> <span>LO</span>L"
putStrLn "done."
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