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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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(ns checkio.words-finder
(:use [clojure.string :only [split]]
[clojure.set :only [intersection]]))
(defn- checkio [text, words]
(let [lt (.toLowerCase text)
r (-> text .length range)
index (fn [w]
(filter #(.. lt (substring (first %)) (startsWith w))
(map vector r (iterate inc (.length w)))))
span (mapcat index (.. words toLowerCase (split "\\s+")))
spans (-> (fn [i] (set (filter #(some #{i} (apply range %)) span)))
(map r) vec)
border #(and (not (empty? %1)) (empty? (intersection %1 %2)))
tag #(if (border (get spans %1) (get spans (+ %1 %2))) %3)
trans (fn [i,c] (str (tag i -1 "<span>") c (tag i +1 "</span>")))]
(apply str (map #(apply trans %) (map vector r text)))))
(defn- my-assert [info args expected]
(let [ans (apply checkio args)]
(if (not (= ans expected))
(println (str "Failed case: " info))
(println ans)))))
(defn -main []
(my-assert 1 ["This is only a text example for task example." "example"]
"This is only a text <span>example</span> for task <span>example</span>.")
(my-assert 2 ["Python is a widely used high-level programming language.", "pyThoN"]
"<span>Python</span> is a widely used high-level programming language.")
(my-assert 3 ["It is experiment for control groups with similar distributions.", "is im"]
(str "It <span>is</span> exper<span>im</span>ent"
" for control groups with s<span>im</span>ilar d<span>is</span>tributions."))
(my-assert 4 ["The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).", "nasa THE"]
"<span>The</span> National Aeronautics and Space Administration (<span>NASA</span>).")
(my-assert 5 ["Did you find anything?", "word space tree"]
"Did you find anything?")
(my-assert 6 ["Hello World! Or LOL", "hell world or lo"]
"<span>Hello</span> <span>World</span>! <span>Or</span> <span>LO</span>L")
(println "done.")))
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