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Created February 8, 2019 21:35
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#include <math.h>
typedef struct {
float mean;
float std;
} MeanStd_f;
float compute_mean_f(
const float *a,
const int *x_dim,
const int *y_dim
float acc = 0.0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < *x_dim; i++)
for(size_t j = 0; j < *y_dim; j++)
acc += a[i * *x_dim + j];
return acc / (*x_dim * *y_dim);
void compute_mean_std_f(
const float *a,
const int *x_dim,
const int *y_dim,
MeanStd_f *mean_std
// Get the mean
mean_std->mean = compute_mean_f(a, x_dim, y_dim);
// Compute the absolute square differences
float val = 0.0;
float acc = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < *x_dim; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < *y_dim; j++)
val = fabsf(a[i * *x_dim + j] - mean_std->mean);
acc += val * val;
mean_std->std = sqrtf(acc / (*x_dim * *y_dim));
void zscore_normalize_f(
const float *a,
const int *x_dim,
const int *y_dim,
float *result
MeanStd_f mean_std;
compute_mean_std_f(a, x_dim, y_dim, &mean_std);
for (int i = 0; i < *x_dim; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < *y_dim; j++)
result[i * *x_dim + j] = (a[i * *x_dim + j] - mean_std.mean) / mean_std.std;
float elementwise_sum_f(
const float *a,
const int *x_dim,
const int *y_dim
float acc = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < *x_dim; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < *y_dim; j++)
acc += a[i * *x_dim + j];
return acc;
void elementwise_multiply_f(
const float *a,
const float *b,
const int *x_dim,
const int *y_dim,
float *result
for (int i = 0; i < *x_dim; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < *y_dim; j++)
result[i * *x_dim + j] = a[i * *x_dim + j] * b[i * *x_dim + j];
void zero_norm_cross_correlations_f(
const float *image,
const int *image_x_dim,
const int *image_y_dim,
const float *templ,
const int *templ_x_dim,
const int *templ_y_dim,
float *result
// Dimensions
int o_dim = *image_x_dim - *templ_y_dim + 1;
int i_dim = *image_y_dim - *templ_y_dim + 1;
int image_len = *image_x_dim * *image_y_dim;
int templ_len = *templ_x_dim * *templ_y_dim;
int o_upper_bound = 0;
int i_upper_bound = 0;
// Local slices and z-score containers
float *image_slice, *templ_z, *image_z, *to_sum;
image_slice = (float*) malloc(templ_len * sizeof(float));
templ_z = (float*) malloc(templ_len * sizeof(float));
image_z = (float*) malloc(templ_len * sizeof(float));
to_sum = (float*) malloc(templ_len * sizeof(float));
// Z-score normalize template
zscore_normalize_f(templ, templ_x_dim, templ_y_dim, templ_z);
for (int o = 0; o < o_dim; o++)
for (int i = 0; i < i_dim; i++)
// Build the image slice
for (int is = 0; is < *templ_x_dim; is++)
for (int js = 0; js < *templ_y_dim; js++)
image_slice[is * *templ_x_dim + js] = image[(o + is) * *templ_x_dim + (i + js)];
// Z-score normalize image_slice
zscore_normalize_f(image_slice, templ_x_dim, templ_y_dim, image_z);
// Compute the ZNCC
elementwise_multiply_f(image_z, templ_z, templ_x_dim, templ_y_dim, to_sum);
result[o * o_dim + i] = elementwise_sum_f(to_sum, templ_x_dim, templ_y_dim) / templ_len;
// Free that memory
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