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Last active September 7, 2015 13:21
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MMA CTF 2015 Lock Pattern - 20
from functools import lru_cache
from math import sqrt
from itertools import product
from collections import defaultdict, deque
size = 3
def gcd(x, y):
if (y == 0): return x
else: return gcd(y, x%y)
def sqr(x): return x*x
def popcnt(x): return bin(x).count('1')
def pack(x, y): return (1 << x*size+y)
# get points between two point
def getBetween(p1, p2):
if (p1 == p2): return []
res = []
x1, y1 = p1
x2, y2 = p2
# vector between two points
dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
g = gcd(abs(dx), abs(dy))
dx, dy = dx // g, dy // g
# check for points lie between them
x, y = x1 + dx, y1 + dy
while not ((x == x2) and (y == y2)):
res.append((x, y))
x += dx
y += dy
return res
count = 0
dp = defaultdict(int)
q = deque()
# init base cases
for x, y in product(range(size), repeat=2):
dp[(pack(x, y), x, y)] = 1
q.append((pack(x, y), x, y))
enqueued = set()
while (q):
mask, x, y = q.popleft()
# check second condition
if (popcnt(mask) >= 4): count += dp[(mask, x, y)]
for i, j in product(range(size), repeat=2):
if (mask & pack(i, j)): continue
# check third condition
req = 0
for u, v in getBetween((x, y), (i, j)):
req = req | pack(u, v)
if ((req & mask) != req): continue
dp[(mask | pack(i, j), i, j)] += dp[mask, x, y]
if ((mask | pack(i, j), i, j) not in enqueued):
q.append((mask | pack(i, j), i, j))
enqueued.add((mask | pack(i, j), i, j))
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