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Last active April 20, 2021 18:23
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Draw ellipse with bezierVertex() in p5.js
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the ellipse
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the ellipse
* @param {Number} r radius of the ellipse
* @param {Number} n segements of the ellipse, defaults to 4
p5.prototype.bezierEllipse(x, y, r, n) {
// caulate length of each controls: r - (4/3)*tan(PI/(2n))
var ctrl = r * (4 / 3) * tan(PI / (2 * n));
// translate to the center of circle: (x, y)
translate(x, y);
vertex(r, 0);
for(var i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
var firstAngle = (PI * 2 / n) * i;
var secondAngle = (PI * 2 / n) * (i + 1);
var firstVtx = {x: cos(firstAngle) * r, y: -sin(firstAngle) * r};
var secondVtx = {x: cos(secondAngle) * r, y: -sin(secondAngle) * r};
var firstCtrl = {x: firstVtx.x - ctrl * sin(firstAngle), y: firstVtx.y - ctrl * cos(firstAngle)};
var secondCtrl = {x: secondVtx.x + ctrl * sin(secondAngle), y: secondVtx.y + ctrl * cos(secondAngle)};
drawBezierV(firstCtrl.x, firstCtrl.y, secondCtrl.x,secondCtrl.y, secondVtx.x, secondVtx.y);
// extends the original bezierVertex(), for visualize and debig purpose
function drawBezierV(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
bezierVertex(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
fill('#4aff2e'); //marks two control point with light green
ellipse(x1, y1, 5, 5);
ellipse(x2, y2, 5, 5);
fill('#ff2e2e'); // red
rectMode(CENTER); //marks anchor point with red
rect(x3, y3, 8, 8);
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