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Last active January 18, 2024 17:46
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On October 11th, 2022, @ajtowns publicly disclosed a zero-day consensus fault in btcd in a github issue. The issue was posted on a public repo viewable by anyone.

According to logs, the github issue remained up for at least 10 hours before being deleted. The original github issue resided at

The issue and comment can be found and reconstructed from the following JSON dumps:

Reconstruction of the issue and comment by @ajtowns

maxWitnessItemsPerInput wrong?

I think this entry is wrong? If you're limited to bip141 or bip342 tapscript, then the number of witness entries is constrained by the stack size limit (1000 entries, plus 3 for the tapscript itself, control block and annex); but if you're not using tapscript, or the tapscript has an OP_SUCCESS opcode, that doesn't apply, and you could have almost 4M 0-byte witness entries (encoded as 5-byte varint counting the witnesses, 3.9M 0 bytes to say each witness has length zero, then the script, then the control block).

Such a transaction would be non-standard in two ways though: 500k entries is more than 400k witness bytes, and 100kvb=400kb is the standardness limit; and using an OP_SUCCESS or non-tapscript script in a taproot output would also be non-standard anyway. So violating this assumption would require a miner's cooperation.

Here's a signet blockchain that demonstrates the bug; signetchallenge=00143098516d466b4bd3166ad5259bc8ca8f7682b8a2, should be able to use zcat DEMO-btcd-34.gz | while read a; do echo \"$a\" | bitcoin-cli -signet -stdin submitblock; done and a connected btcd will then error with [ERR] PEER: Can't read message from X.X.X.X:XXXXX (outbound): MsgTx.BtcDecode: too many witness items to fit into max message size [count 1000005, max 500000].


Relevant tweets:

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"body": "\r\n\r\nI think this entry is wrong? If you're limited to bip141 or bip342 tapscript, then the number of witness entries is constrained by the stack size limit (1000 entries, plus 3 for the tapscript itself, control block and annex); but if you're not using tapscript, or the tapscript has an OP_SUCCESS opcode, that doesn't apply, and you could have almost 4M 0-byte witness entries (encoded as 5-byte varint counting the witnesses, 3.9M 0 bytes to say each witness has length zero, then the script, then the control block).\r\n\r\nSuch a transaction would be non-standard in two ways though: 500k entries is more than 400k witness bytes, and 100kvb=400kb is the standardness limit; and using an OP_SUCCESS or non-tapscript script in a taproot output would also be non-standard anyway. So violating this assumption would require a miner's cooperation.",
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"body": "Here's a signet blockchain that demonstrates the bug; `signetchallenge=00143098516d466b4bd3166ad5259bc8ca8f7682b8a2`, should be able to use `zcat DEMO-btcd-34.gz | while read a; do echo \"$a\" | bitcoin-cli -signet -stdin submitblock; done` and a connected btcd will then error with `[ERR] PEER: Can't read message from X.X.X.X:XXXXX (outbound): MsgTx.BtcDecode: too many witness items to fit into max message size [count 1000005, max 500000]`.\r\n\r\n[DEMO-btcd-34.gz](",
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"body": "\r\n\r\nI think this entry is wrong? If you're limited to bip141 or bip342 tapscript, then the number of witness entries is constrained by the stack size limit (1000 entries, plus 3 for the tapscript itself, control block and annex); but if you're not using tapscript, or the tapscript has an OP_SUCCESS opcode, that doesn't apply, and you could have almost 4M 0-byte witness entries (encoded as 5-byte varint counting the witnesses, 3.9M 0 bytes to say each witness has length zero, then the script, then the control block).\r\n\r\nSuch a transaction would be non-standard in two ways though: 500k entries is more than 400k witness bytes, and 100kvb=400kb is the standardness limit; and using an OP_SUCCESS or non-tapscript script in a taproot output would also be non-standard anyway. So violating this assumption would require a miner's cooperation.",
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"created_at": "2022-10-11T03:28:38Z"
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