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Created March 29, 2018 07:13
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Laptop Tiling
; Tiling script for a laptop (1366x768)
; Open Windows Spy (right click AHK in tray) to help if you want to adjust it
; Nearly all of it is Ctrl + Alt + Numpad number
; Make sure numlock is turned off
; Modifiers
; # = Windows Key;
; ! = Alt;
; ^ = Control;
; + = Shift;
; & = Used to combine keys (ctrl+alt = ^&!);
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Winmove, A,, W,X,Y,Z
; W = Distance from the left most side of your main monitor.
; X = Distance from the top of your main monitor.
; Y = The total width of the window.
; Z = The total height of the window
; Remember to use Windows Spy to help!
; Left - Ctrl+Alt+Left arrow
WinMove,A,, 20, 19, 687, 706
; Right - Ctrl+Alt+Right arrow
WinMove,A,, 714, 19, 640, 706
; Left Bottom - Ctrl+Alt+1
WinMove,A,, 20, 382, 687, 343
; Top left - Ctrl+Alt+7
WinMove,A,, 20, 19, 687, 351
; Top right - Ctrl+Alt+9
WinMove,A,, 714, 19, 640, 351
; Bottom right - Ctrl+Alt+3
WinMove,A,, 714, 384, 640, 341
; Top - Ctrl+Alt+8
WinMove,A,, 20, 19, 905, 706
; Center - Ctrl+Alt+5
WinMove,A,, 20, 19, 1334, 705
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